Construction of an active whisker system, which closely corresponds to the external parts of the whisker system in rodents. The artificial whisker sensor developed by Partner 2 is based on a capacitor microphone sensor. It has the advantage of being a simple, robust, and low-cost transducer with a good signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, it allows different type of artificial or natural fibres to be used as whisker shaft. The miniature size is also ideally suited for combining a number of sensors into active multiple-whisker arrays.
The design of the single whisker system of Partner 5 coarsely replicates the design of the follicle sheath of rodents and other mammals. This general design is copied in all our technical whisker systems. Our whiskers comprise two pairs of sensors and can therefore measure deflection in two orthogonal directions. This is a valuable property for the recognition of slanted surfaces. On the other hand, developed a simple, robust, and low-cost technical solution, which could be replicated multiple times in a whisker array with reasonable effort.
The magnetic whisker design is best suitable for shape recognition since it is measuring the static deflection signal (tonic response in biological terms), whereas our whisker using piezo sensors responds only to changes (phasic response) and therefore has its preferred application in texture recognition. Magnetic whiskers can of course also provide texture-related signals, and we also applied piezo sensors to shape recognition tasks (by measurement of deflection speed).