Large earthquakes are among the most destructive and costly catastrophes. Recently, the Izmit region in western Turkey experienced a large seismic events that induced severe damage and 35 billions Euro of losses. Several regions of the Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey) are located along the Dead Sea fault (well known for its large historical seismic events) and are threatened by large seismic events. These regions have a rich cultural heritage and a large number of ancient cities, citadels, fortresses and well-known archaeological sites. In this proposal, we intend to make an inventory of all sites and study their vulnerability to the seismic hazard. Combined historical, archaeological and earthquake hazard studies will define the level of seismic risk. The ancient time and modern social organizations against catastrophes will be compared.
Ámbito científico
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Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador