Technical assessment of the enzyme treated wool samples (raw, pre-felted, felted) by W-CIE, colour, density, permeability, absorbency, microscopy; Analytical assessment on fiber level by SEM, AFM, SDS-PAGE, MALDI-ToF, XPS.
SEM-pictures were taken from all samples to analyse the morphology. Differences between single fabrication steps and different treatments were documented. The alkali solubility was tested and compared to a reference standard cloth (IWTO 4-60). The results show an increase after carbonisation not obligatory being a result of the carbonisation process. Alkali solubility increases also by heating, light exposure or acid, oxidative or reductive influences. For felted samples from Abel a determination of water absorption (DIN 53923) and suction effect (DIN 53924) was done.
Differences between the single fabrication steps were noticeable. Sets of piano hammer heads with different densities were tested for their tendency of tension release. Cuttings were set along the most stressed area of hammer heads and tension release was watched closely. The hammer heads show no significant differences in their behaviour of tension release. The amino acid pattern of several samples were determined and compared with mean values of a reference. Significant differences were only seen for cysteic acid, which can be the result of an oxidative process.