The REVAMP database contains data on Sea Surface Reflectance, concentrations of Chlorophyll-a, suspended matter and CDOM and the following optical properties: Phytoplankton absorption, particle absorption and particle backscattering and CDOM absorption. The data were collected in various parts of the North Sea, the Celtic Sea and the English Channel.
There are three batches of data:
- Historic data (also from other programmes such as COASTLOOC, COLORS and MULTICOLOR) have been collected in a common format
- REVAMP data from institute-managed campaigns collected in 2002 and
- REVAMP data collected in 2003.
All data in the database are in principle in the MERIS band passes and all data was inputted and quality controlled using predefined standards. The database is quite large (for historical data in total for 15 single parameters 30.000 values were compiled;
In total 15 single parameters were catalogued, of which 30.000 measurement values were compiled. The database now contains, for 11 types of spectra, a total of 3.300 measured spectra. These data, primarily intended for algorithm selection and validation, now represents a valuable resource for increasing data mining.
Current status:
The REVAMP database is basically a relational database system. Some additions are specifically made for REVAMP as a subset of tables and a special user interface allowing data-retrieval in different formats. It is accessible via Internet by means of standard browsers with a java implementation. The address is:
Dissemination and use potential:
The documentation is open to the public. For data retrieval, a user-ID/password combination has been provided to projects-partners.
Already a number of publications have used the information in the database and there are still some major publications in preparation or already submitted.
Two years after the closing date of the project this database will open up for the public, until then it is only accessible for REVAMP researchers in order to protect IP-rights.
After opening up for public access the database will provide a wealth of information to case-2 water researchers in Europe and worldwide.
Key innovative features:
The database is unique in the world since it contains data from almost 10 years of research in coastal waters, with parameters that are difficult to measure because of the techniques and logistics involved.
Expected benefits:
Commercial exploitation of the database is not expected. Scientific exploitation possibilities are large.