Recommendations for guidelines to the oil industry regarding the use of the newly developed water and gas tracer technology.
While during the development of the previous generation of tracers their environmental impact was not given sufficient attention, the environmental inertness becomes now on a prerequisite for the selection of the new generation of water and gas tracers.
There exist today a limited number of non-radioactive substances that are qualified as gas or water tracers for well-to-well tracer studies in oil reservoirs. The current use of several of these compounds however, is restricted due to their properties, which can pose a potential threat to environment. The environmental control authorities in several countries, following the Kyoto Protocol and OSPAR, exert pressure on the oil industry to reduce or even ban the use of some of these chemicals.
The objective of this recommendations is to introduce the enlarged, as resulted from ENVITRACER, portfolio of environmentally acceptable gas and water tracers for reservoir applications. In this manner, the satisfaction is attained of both the requirements concerning the chemical compoundsof being stable in the reservoir over a long time period and at the same time being degradable to avoid bio-accumulation or irreversible accumulation in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the costs of using these compounds in the field should be low in order to make their use economically feasible and attractive.