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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-21

Reliability based structural design of fpso systems (REBASDO)


Objectives and problems to be solved:
The overall project objective is to develop risk based methods for the design and safety assessment of the primary structure of Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) units, as well as their mooring and riser systems. The methods are based on modern reliability approaches, which quantify in a probabilistic way the uncertainties in the different parameters that govern the structural design and combine them consistently in order to derive the safety factors to be included in each of the design checks required in the design procedure. The project will have a major impact on future risk-based Rules and Codes for structural design and consequently on the design procedures adopted by designers and shipyards.
Description of work:
The probabilistic environmental description to be developed will include both short-term and long-term models. Within the short-term description, spectral models and probabilistic distributions of the environmental parameters will be provided. Particular attention will be given to directional effects and the prediction of wave crest characteristics. Emphasis will be also given to the interaction between waves and currents and to their effect on the floater and mooring system. The reliability-based methods will be applied in the structural design of the primary structure of the floating platform considering both the failures under extreme loading and fatigue. These methods will also be adopted for the design of the mooring and riser systems. Partial safety factors will be derived and will be calibrated to existing industrial practice so as to produce recommendations to be used in Guidelines, Rules of Classification Societies and ISO standards.
Expected results and exploitation plans:
The project will provide reliability-based methods for the design of the structure and the mooring and riser systems of FPSO's, based on a more refined description of the environmental loads, including the directionality aspects. Improved environmental and hydrodynamic models will be delivered to predict the extreme environmental loads that can lead to structural damage and to severe economic consequences due to the interruption of production. Guidelines for the specification of the environmental loads will be produced contributing to the standardization of the design process, both at ISO level and nationally. Studies of reliability based calibration of safety factors will provide an output that can be incorporated in the Rules and Guidelines of Classification Societies for the design of the structure and mooring system, contributing also to standardization in this field.

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Volmerlaan 8

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