The aim of the project is to verify a new liquid bio fuel chain for heat production. The pyrolysis process is able to produce high yields of liquid products which can be shipped, stored and utilised more economically than solid fuels in the small to medium size class. However, up to date there have been no long-term experiences with pyrolysis oil (PO) in this size class due to lack of sufficient quantities of suitable quality fuel. In this project, large quantities PO are produced, long-term use is carried out, fuel specifications for PO will be determined, PO quality will be improved, and the whole concept from biomass to PO use will be verified from market perspective. It is envisaged that to be able to enter into heating fuel markets, the new liquid bio fuel chain has :
1) To be competitive economically with chips, pellets, and light fuel oil (LFO) in heat production, and
2) To fulfil specifications required by users.
Ámbito científico
Not validated
Not validated
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
06101 PORVOO