Descripción del proyecto
Alimentos de gran calidad optimizados mediante inteligencia artificial
Los fabricantes de alimentos buscan siempre recetas innovadoras que presenten una gran calidad, seguridad y sabor, y que a su vez sean saludables y respetuosas con el medio ambiente. La creación de un nuevo producto alimenticio que cumpla todos los requisitos de los consumidores y los distribuidores, además de las regulaciones, puede llevar hasta dos años y cientos de ensayos. Por ello, se necesita una herramienta que ayude a optimizar la calidad, la seguridad, los impactos medioambientales y los valores nutritivos de los alimentos. El proyecto OptiSignFood, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará un método holístico e integrado para predecir y optimizar la calidad de los alimentos, así como su aspecto y seguridad. Al reunir un consorcio transnacional de conocimientos especializados en nutrición, tecnología de los alimentos y medioambientales de los ámbitos de la investigación y la industria, el proyecto se propone desarrollar la primera solución de este tipo en el mercado.
New food product development is still an inefficient, time-intensive and manual process based on an iterative laboratory approach. In the food design process, a multitude of parameter, e.g. consumer’s wishes, food safety, health requirements and environmental related needs, must be considered. It takes up to 24 months and 150 tests to create a new food product.
We will overcome this challenge with a disruptive digital food design solution based on data science and AI. The OptiSignFood software will provide a holistic and integrated approach to predict and optimise food’s quality, appearance and safety based on reliable scientific data. OptiSignFood will be the first solution on the market able taking in consideration all aspects of food design. The AI based approach allows 85% more accurate predictions than competitors simple calculations. It saves manufacturers 90% of time in the food product design and helps achieving Green Deal and UN sustainable development goals by creating more sustainable and healthy food products selecting ingredients with same nutritional properties, but lower environmental impact, saving up to 98% CO2eq. We target 9.6% of serviceable available F&B companies and 9.4 M€ gross profit in 2027.
The translational consortium combines nutrition, food technology and environmental expertise from the research and industry to foster the transfer of the innovative solution from the lab into a product that meets the customer needs:
Mia & Ben (Berlin & London), a science led food manufacturing company, laid the foundation for OptiSignFood and develops the AI prediction models.
Agroscope (Zürich) is one of the leading institutions for sustainability in the food chain and focuses on the concept to connect environmental and nutrition/health impacts.
Metacognis (London) is specialised on life science and AI data mining.
Pascal Processing (Helmond, NL) is a contract manufacturer and will contribute real data to the project and become the first industry user.
Ámbito científico
Not validated
Not validated
Régimen de financiación
IA - Innovation actionCoordinador
3003 Bern