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Cancer prevention and early detection among the homeless population in Europe: Co-adapting and implementing the Health Navigator Model

Opis projektu

Usuwanie nierówności w dostępie do opieki zdrowotnej w ramach europejskiej strategii zapobiegania nowotworom

Profilaktyka i wczesna diagnostyka mają kluczowe znaczenie dla zmniejszenia liczby zgonów wywołanych przez choroby nowotworowe. Jednak grupy ludzi w trudnej sytuacji społecznej mają utrudniony dostęp do systemu opieki zdrowotnej. Celem finansowanego ze środków UE projektu CANCERLESS jest opracowanie opartego na dowodach, skoncentrowanego na potrzebach pacjentów innowacyjnego rozwiązania, które ma wspomagać chorych poprzez edukację zdrowotną i wsparcie socjalne, a także ułatwiać dostęp do usług profilaktyki pierwotnej i wtórnej. W oparciu o sprawdzone modele nawigacji pacjenta (ang. patient navigator model) i wzmocnienia pozycji pacjenta (ang. patient empowerment model) zespół projektu CANCERLESS przygotuje dla Europy model nawigacji w systemach opieki medycznej (ang. health navigator model), opracowany z myślą o części społeczeństwa objętej niewystarczającą opieką.


Cancer is one the leading causes of death in Europe in the general population with reports noting the cancer-related mortality twice as high in the homeless population. Reasons for this excess are linked to risky health behaviours as well as significant barriers experienced by homeless people when trying to access the often highly fragmented health care systems. Timely and evidence-based preventive strategies including optimizing health care pathways provide a solution to the high cancer mortality and could improve overall health outcomes in this underserved population. The aim of the CANCERLESS project is to deliver an innovative solution as an aggregate intervention based on the combination of the tested Patient Navigator Model and Patient Empowerment Model to create the Health Navigator Model for Europe. The Health Navigator Model is an evidence-based patient-centred intervention which develops patient empowerment through health education and social support and promotes timely access to primary and secondary prevention services. CANCERLESS includes partner organizations with long-standing experience in working in the field of health and social care for the homeless in the south, east, northwest and central Europe, as well as academic institutions and local governments. Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation as well as the Research and the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance frameworks based on implementation science know-how, the CANCERLESS project aims to reduce the gap in health inequalities for the homeless population by reducing cancer burden, which will, in turn, reduce associated costs across health and social care systems in Europe. Moreover, the CANCERLESS project aims to harness the transformative potential of the integrated care pathways in cancer as well as provide health and social care policy recommendations for the adoption and implementation of the Health Navigator Model across Europe.

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Wkład UE netto
€ 592 503,75
1090 Wien

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Ostösterreich Wien Wien
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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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€ 592 503,75

Uczestnicy (11)