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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

CURRENT DIRECT – Swappable Container Waterborne Transport Battery

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Current Direct (CURRENT DIRECT – Swappable Container Waterborne Transport Battery)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-01-01 bis 2022-06-30

The transport sector contributes almost 25% of Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Compared to other sectors it is the only one with higher emissions than those of 1990. While minor emission reductions have been achieved, GHG emissions surged by 7% from 2014 until today. The European Commission adopted a low-emission mobility strategy in June 2016 to address this trend, which by 2050 aims to reduce GHG by 60% compared to 1990.
Waterborne transport (WT) emissions represent around 13% of the overall EU GHG from the transport sector. Moreover, they could increase between 50% and 250% by 2050 under a business-as-usual scenario, undermining the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), in 2018, stipulated a strategy aiming to reduce GHG emissions from the WT sector by at least 50% by 2050.
Large-scale adoption of batteries for WT are mainly limited by the high costs of the battery systems and their integration. New innovative solutions need to be developed to drive down costs.
Together with high costs, the following challenges are identified as hampering the implementation of batteries in WT:
1. WT requires specific safety equipment leading to a higher CAPEX compared to other applications such as an automotive battery of equivalent capacity.
2. Port infrastructure for battery charging often require upgrades. In several WT sectors, fast chargers are necessary due to the short latency during operational schedules.
3. Specific regulations and training are required to ensure the safety of the battery system installation and operation.
4. There is a small market for maritime battery systems and thus a lack of drivers for cell producers to adapt their manufacturing to create cells optimized for maritime applications.
Current Direct (CD) has achieved and progressed towards several major milestones. A comprehensive set of requirements was created using stakeholder input and operational models to meet key performance indicators. An applicable ship report was developed to provide insight into the market’s operation and a journey calculator created on the project’s website for end users to evaluate their ship’s applicability using CD. A vessel topology study was conducted to evaluate the challenges and considerations when selecting the most effective topology for vessels. An evaluation was performed across maritime regulatory authorities to identify gaps in battery requirements to provide recommendations for industry harmonization.
To meet the needs of the market an evaluation into different cathodes was conducted. With the cathode identified sample cells with various design aspects were tested to achieve the project’s requirements. The cell’s novel 3D printed manufacturing process was additionally developed in parallel. Due challenges in the cell’s development its milestones could not be achieved within the context of CD. A physics-based cell model was created using available datasets while equipment was installed to conduct extensive cell & pack testing.
An intial battery pack was designed considering the cell developed under CD. Due to cell development risks an evaluation into alternative commercially available cells was also initiated. An alternate cell manufactured in Europe was identified and a parallel pack design commenced. Testing of battery pack’s critical design paths are underway, and the container adapted to support the new pack requirements. Development of a composite material for battery packs was performed by testing of various material combinations across their respective performance metrics. A distributed battery management system, referred to as a smart cell supervisor, underwent a redesign to improve its communication, functionality, and meet the project’s integration requirements. Evaluation into unconventional data acquisition technologies to achieve increased State of Charge & State of Health has also begun.
To enable CD’s Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) platform a scalable database was developed to data could be handled in a secure and efficient manner. A battery analytics platform was developed to monitor the real time information across assets. To support the EaaS platform development a literature review was performed to evaluated existing battery swapping methodologies to identify parallels for the maritime industry. A report and desgin document were then created to outline the platform’s functions. Service fee calculations were developed along with route planning and infrastructure deployment algorithms. An infrastructure replanning algorithm was developed to ensure optimal expansion of the platform over time. A charging schedule algorithm was created to optimally charge battery assets to ensure availability while minimizing costs. Finally, a set of user interface dashboards were created to provide relevant information and access to stakeholders.
CD will be capable of providing 1MW of power to support the propulsion and hotel loads of a vessel. This battery can also be used to support peak shaving/load levelling for improving the efficiency of diesel engines. A single battery container could support an installed energy of 3MWh, enough to support multiple hours of zero-emissions operation for most inland waterway transport vessels.
CD will improve production process efficiency at the cell, battery pack, and container levels. The production process of this WT battery cell will use a revolutionary electrode printing manufacturing technique using less energy and production space compared to conventional approaches.
CD will address the lower economies of scale in today’s WT market by developing a new cell manufacturing process capable of lower volume optimized cells comparable in costs to commercial automotive cells. The cost reduction in the WT system coupled with an EaaS business model will increase market adoption.
CD will develop a certification standard for WT battery systems to close the gaps in current certification authorities to create safer systems and lower certification costs.
CD will consider its integration across a range of different vessel types used in the inland waterway and coastal transport industry. A standardized interface will be developed for attaching the container to the vessel along with its power and communication connections.
CD will develop an EaaS business model to support the deployment and operation of the WT battery system.
CD will deliver a fully operational WT battery system, its EaaS operating platform, as well as the supporting swapping and charging infrastructure at a TRL 7.
Infrastructure Network
Energy as a Service Platform
Battery Swapping
Battery Container