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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Theory of Change, M&E Approach and MEL Plan

The report will contain the TCIP for the project as well as a methodological approach for the long-term collaboration, including the M&E Approach with the data collection process and the M&E Learning Plan

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP10

This deliverable will represent an updated Gantt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 2021

D7.9 Joint selection list & report of the projects to be funded of second co-funded call

List of selected projects after the selection process of the 2nd call and synthetic report on the call

Report on value chain and social factors

The report will be the second deliverable for task 10.3 and will include a mapping of the product value chain for cooking appliance underlining opportunities and criticisms

Mapping of R&I and horizontal skills need and actions in place in Africa for capacity building

This is the first deliverable of Task 3.2 and will valorize the expertise of the technical and scientific partners in Pillar 2. The deliverable is based on a mapping exercise that will be conducted internally in Pillar 2 and will be organized geographically and thematically (aligned with the MARS). The exercise will be then complemented in WP4 with the overall LEAP-RE Community

Terms of reference of the Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific Advisory Board ToR

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP 14

This deliverable will represent an updated Gannt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 2021

Report on the capacity building activities

The report synthesizes the capacity building activities relative to the modelling activity. It highlights the key success elements and the challenges that affected the uptake of the developed modelling infrastructure from the end-users during and after capacity building workshops.

Report about the outcome on scientific collaboration including Sociology and organization analysis

In this report the WP leader will analyze the consortium from a SWOT analysis perspective and the highlighted elements will be useful for the valorization of the LEAP-RE experience into WP5 and WP6

b/ Programme Annual Workplan

2nd detailed annual work plan: Annual work plan including a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks.

Report on the analysis about R&I capacities in Africa

The report will be informed by the partnerships in pillar 1 & 2 in order to will capture the mapping of African R&I capacities and will complement the benchmarking and illustration of African potentialities.

Report on 3G data acquisition as basic methodology to be used for the three relevant sites selected in the 4 countries and on surface geoscientific studies Geothermal Conceptual Model

This is the deliverable of Task 11.1. It will describe for each of the sites: topography & geology, local geochemistry and geophysics. The deliverable will present the identification and formalization of the 3D-4D Modelling and conceptual modelling of the geothermal system at the base of the application to the three pilots

User guide for the modelling platform on Github

The user guide allows end-users with basic data management and energy-water modelling knowledge to implement the platform code (D12.3) and change key assumptions, parameters, and input data to other contexts or conditions.

Final report of task 9.1 on geoscience data collected to be used in the Geothermal Atlas

Information will different categories: geology, structural, thermal, geochemistry geophysics and petrophysics

Joint EU-AU report on the platform testing and validation activity

The report presents the results of the modelling task with strong focus on the platform implementation and validation in the case-study sites inquired. It consists of a joint effort between modelling partners and local partners responsible for knowledge sharing and field data collection.

Joint EU-AU report on agreed project vision

main deliverable of task 12.1The report presents the agreed project vision between all WP partners in terms of the integrate modelling, business model research and capacity building pillars. It discusses the context defined, the core questions to be addressed, and the type of solutions inquired.

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP9

This deliverable will represent an updated Gantt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 2021

List of LEAP-RE Dissemination Activities

Report collecting and shortly describing the dissemination activities undertaken in Pillar 1 & Pillar 2 projects.

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP 12

This deliverable will represent an updated Gannt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 2021

Replication board feedback as deliverable of task 15.6

Based on the experience gained in the pilots, partners will investigate potential synergies with other relevant stakeholders in Africa. To cater to this, relevant distribution system operators (DSOs) will be invited to monitor the progress of the project and assess the possibilities for further adoption of demonstrated technologies.

Four advanced implementation plans, which describe expansion and replication possibilities

This is the third report of task 14.2In this report implementation plan for each partner country will be presented based on the analysis of the previous reports and studies. Commonalities across the demo villages within and across partners countries will be reported and replication possibilities identified. Here the main idea is (1) to search for single separate technical solutions relevant to each village, and (2) to outline the roadmap towards a more comprehensive systemic solution, consisting of separate technologies.

Mapping of policies and initiatives supporting Energy Villages Concept

deliverables of task14.4As the concept is new, this report will present the map out policies based on best practices world-wide and domesticating along with the input from local communities, government, and regions.

Guidelines for communication, dissemination, scientific publication and exploitation in Pillar 2

This deliverable is the first for Task 3.1 and will describe the common procedure and protocol for Pillar 2 WPs that will be the output of a co-design process between the co-Coordinators and the leaders of WP9-WP16. Particular attention will be given to the scientific publication strategy

Detailed description of the Innovation Accelerator

Report providing information on the methodology, design, implementation, participants, and activities of the Innovation Accelerator.

Report on policy, legislative and regulatory environments

The report will be the first deliverable for task 10.3 and will include an analysis of the compatibility of the appliance with the market, identify capacity gaps that need to be addressed before piloting including stakeholder engagement

Evaluation methodology and selection of Best Practices for business and delivery models of mini grid methodologies

This deliverable will report the results of the evaluation framework analysis for business and delivery models and the methodology defined for evaluating the business and delivery models analyzed. This will be the incipit report of Task 13.3

Socio-anthropological studies for community's appropriation, case studies synthesis, best practice guide

The report will include context analysis for in-depth investigation of social aspects and dynamics and stakeholders’ analysis as well as potential business models guidelines for the selected technical solution

Assessment of the first co-fund call and decision on the second co-fund call

Report on the first call overall result (coverage of thematics, number of projects, budget spent…) in order to decide if a second call is necessary

Identification of obstacles to innovation and success factors

This report will present the major challenges to the energy village concept and its implementation as well as enabling factors

Pillar 1 Detailed work plan

Work plan detailing the Pillar 1 whole activities to be implemented

Terms of reference of the Ethical Advisory Board

Ethical Advisory Board ToR

Final report of task 9.2 on all surface data collected to be used in the Geothermal Atlas

it will include surface installation distribution and potential usage of the geothermal energy

a/ Programme Annual Workplan

Annual work plan including a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks. First version to be submitted in M2 and revision will follow each year

Electronic submission tool

Description of the electronic tool used for the submission of projects

Portfolio of ideas, solutions and business cases using digital technologies in context of mini grid and Community of Practice (Scientist, Innovator, Investor, policy maker) for innovative digital solutions in mini grid

This deliverable will report the results of the collection and selection of ideas and solutions respectively business cases for the digitalization of minigrids. This is the second report of the task 13.2

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP11

This deliverable will represent an updated Gannt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 2021

Ranking list from the full proposal evaluation of first co-funded call

List of the full proposal (second phase) projects submitted to the first call ranked by international experts

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP 15

This deliverable will represent an updated Gannt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 2021 (M2, INEA)

Joint EU-AU synthesis report on the business models research

The report synthesizes the knowledge collected by research partners and the involved stakeholders relatively to the business models that can enable investment into the identified integrated water-energy-agriculture solutions in the modelling tasks.

Ranking list from the pre-proposal evaluation of first co-funded call

Ranked list of submitted projects at the pre-proposal phase of the first call

Gender Action Plan

Action plan to include a gender dimension in the project

Final report on the social analysis and the related data developed in task 9.3 and to be used in the Geothermal Atlas

This deliverable will include case study of renewable energy development across Africa

Report about the outcome on scientific collaboration WP10

Deliverable of task 10.6: In this report the WP leader will analyze the consortium from a SWOT analysis perspective and the highlighted elements will be useful for the valorization of the LEAP-RE experience into WP5 and WP6

Initial carbon footprint report

Report on carbon footprint measurement, diagnostic and action

Report on background analysis for pilot villages as deliverable of task 14.2

This will be the incipit report of Task 14.2In this report the task leader will analyze and collate the available information from the pilot villages including available renewable energy sources, population, stakeholders and their views, energy utilization etc., including:- energy balances (consumption by category – i.e. electricity, heating, transport, other – and RES potential by category i.e. bioenergy, wood based, solar, wind etc.),- possibilities to obtain self-sufficiency, or to what extent of self-sufficiency the balance enables- stakeholder groups and their commitment

Strategic approach to LEAP-RE Community management

A document formulating the methodological and operative approach for building, engaging, animating, and retaining the LEAP-RE community, including the virtual aspects. It will identify methods, mediums, and activities to be undertaken.

Call text

Text of the call to be launched agreed by funding agencies

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP 16

This deliverable will represent an updated Gantt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 2021

Production of a feasibility study as deliverable of task 16.2

this deliverable will collect and analyse detailed energy needs (typical load curves’ creation by users) and socio-economic data (capacity to pay electricity) of targeted communities

Ranking list from the pre-proposal evaluation of second co-funded call

Ranked list of submitted projects at the pre-proposal phase of the 2nd call

Identification of relevant inspiring cases

This is the second deliverable of task 14.4 and will stress on the identified relevant cases

Four studies on the technical and socio-economic potentials and challenges of the identified demo villages

This report will present the techno economical study, societal and environmental potential, and challenges for each demo villages – collating relevant and realistic possibilities to boost sustainable energy.

Online collaborative platform

online collaborative web-based tool to exchange project document, monitor the project workflow, send communication

Joint EU-AU policy report on the enabling policy framework

The Joint EU-AU policy reports the outcomes of the high-level policy discussions carried out as a part of Task 12.6. The objective of the report is providing insights that can support policymakers in establishing policy frameworks that at the same time ensure that the business models identified can be successfully implemented by local entrepreneurs, and that the technical and environmental requirements to fulfil development objectives in rural areas are achieved

Report about the outcome on scientific collaboration of WP12

In this report the WP leader will analyze the WP team from a SWOT analysis perspective and the highlighted elements will be useful for the valorization of the LEAP-RE experience into WP5 and WP6

Presentation of a more detailed Plan of Activities for the whole WP 13

This deliverable will represent an updated Gannt chart coherent with the scheduling of the overall approved project and the kick off foreseen for the beginning of 202

Measure undertaken in WP9-WP16 to control health or environment issues potentially caused by the researches

This is the second deliverable for Task 3.1 since some of the project deals with dangerous materials and each WP under Pillar 2 must demonstrate that appropriate health and safety procedures conforming to relevant local/national guidelines/legislation will be followed for the staff involved in this project

Knowledge sharing and clustering strategy

A document formulating the methodological basis for undertaking clustering and knowledge sharing in LEAP-RE, including potential areas of knowledge sharing clustering, community members involved, and expected outcomes. A strategy for engaging and activating community members in these activities will be outlined, as well as a plan for implementation

Joint selection list and report of the projects to be funded of first co-funded call

List of selected projects after the selection process of the first call and synthetic report on the call

Report of characterization of the electricity needs and resource assessment methodologies

This deliverable will report the results on data collection of the electricity demand, demand/resource assessment with evaluation of electrical consumption and socio-economic correlations. This will be the incipit report of

Ranking list from the full proposal evaluation of second co-funded call

List of the full proposal (second phase) projects submitted to the 2nd call ranked by international experts

Call documents

All documents complementing the Call text (administrative, regulatory…)

Accurate map of digital technologies components and systems for mini grids at technical system and operational levels dedicated to African needs

This deliverable will report the results of the assessment and analysis of digital technologies for minigrids at technical and operational system levels. This will be the incipit report of Task 13.2

c / Programme Annual Workplan

3rd Annual work plan including a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks. First version to be submitted in M2 and revision will follow each year

LEOPARD prototypes validation

deliverable of task 16.3installation and operation of the containers on both sites

LEAP-RE Website

A public website for the LEAP-RE project.

Data Management Plan

The report will adress issues of data generation, collection, storage and access. The DMP will meet international benchmarks and be auditable whils adhering to FAIR principles. The report will include compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and oversight for funded projects.

Integrated platform source code on Github as main

The code (and required input data) of the integrated platform developed in Task 12.2 allows project partners and other end-users to replicate, edit, or entirely redesign the water-energy-agriculture quantitative analysis carried out.

Scientific programme and syllabus definition of Winter/Summer Schools for PhDs & postdocs

This is the second deliverable for task 3.2 and identify needs and expectation emerging from the partners in Pillar 2 on the base of which a programme for the organization of dedicate Winter Summer school will be proposed as a guidance for further capacity building action in WP4 or even outside LEAP-RE


The benefits of rural electrification to improve water access and irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa, a water-energy-land assessment framework applied to Zambia.

Autori: Adriano Vinca; Giacomo Falchetta; Gregory Ireland; Marta Tuninetti; Muhammad Awais; Edward Byers; Francesco Semeria; Vittorio Giordano
Pubblicato in: EGU 2023, Numero 1, 2023
Editore: European Geoscience Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16277

Social Aspects and Dynamics in Geothermal Development Along the East African Rift: The case of the GV1 Project in Djibouti

Autori: Onyango S., Varet, J. Nasteho, H.D.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings, 9th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Djibouti,, Numero 3rd 5th Nov. 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 11
Editore: argeo

Demand response using remote modification of smart-meters' subscribed power to protect low-voltage feeders in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Autori: B. Grosjean, A. Lassauce, L. Richaud, C. Bayanma, Y. Mouchel, S. Siarras, K. Mouad
Pubblicato in: 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), 2023
Editore: CIRED - IET

Raw GNSS Data Analysis for the LEDSOL Project - Preliminary Results and Way Ahead

Autori: Lohan E. S., Kodom T., Lebik H., Grenier A., Zhang X., Cramariuc O., Mocanu I., Bierwirth K., Nurmi J.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of Work-in-Progress in Hardware and Software for Location Computation (WIPHAL 2023), 2023
Editore: WIPHAL 2023

Modelling Financing Schemes for Energy System Planning: A Mini-Grid Case Study

Autori: Giacomo Crevani; Castro Antonio Soares; Emanuela Colombo
Pubblicato in: ECOS 2023, 2023
Editore: Curran Associates Inc.
DOI: 10.52202/069564-0178

Exploration Workflow for Natural Hydrogen Based on Potential Field Data

Autori: R. Christiansen, M. Sobh, A. Barkaoui, D. Tierney, G. Gabriel
Pubblicato in: 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (including the Workshop Programme), Numero Jun 2024, Volume 2024, p.1 - 5, 2024, ISBN 9789462824980
Editore: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.2024101459

Cultural uses and values placed on geothermal resources by Kenya’s Luo of Homa Hills: Views from a socio-anthropological perspective.

Autori: Onyango, S.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings, 9th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Djibouti, 3rd 5th Nov. 2022,, Numero 3rd 5th Nov. 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 9
Editore: argeo

Achieving renewable energy-centered sustainable development futures for rural Africa

Autori: Giacomo Falchetta; Adriano Vinca; Gregory Ireland; Marta Tuninetti; André Troost; Manfred Hafner; Edward Byers; Ackim Zulu
Pubblicato in: Crossref, Numero 2, 2024
Editore: EGU
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15943

Analysis of Private Mini-Grid Development for Rural Rwanda

Autori: L. T. Fillol, S. Honkapuro, S. Annala, A. Pinomaa, H. Dibaba
Pubblicato in: IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 2022
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powerafrica53997.2022.9905374

Exploitation assessment of geothermal energy from AfricanGreat Rift Valley

Autori: N. Bonechi, D. Fiaschi, G. Manfrida, L. Talluri, C. Zuffi
Pubblicato in: 76th Italian National Congress ATI, 2021
Editore: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202131208008

Hydrothermal activity of the Lake Abhe geothermal field (Djibouti): Structural controls and paths for further exploration

Autori: Bastien Walter, Yves Géraud, Alexiane Favier, Nadjib Chibati, and Marc Diraison
Pubblicato in: EGU 2023, 2023
Editore: European Geoscience Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-397

Design and Testing of LEDSOL Components for Sustainable Access to Clean Water in Africa

Autori: Lohan E. S., Zhang X., Kodom T., Cramariuc O., Mocanu I., Năstac I., Lebik H., Elhadi R.
Pubblicato in: 2023 34th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2023
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/fruct60429.2023.10328162

African Geothermal Play Types; Typology for Identification ; Development Approach. 17p.

Autori: Varet, J.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings, 9th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Djibouti,, Numero 3rd 5th Nov. 2022,, 2022, Pagina/e 17
Editore: Argeo

Multi-Year Planning of Generation and Transport Assets of a Network of Microgrids

Autori: Davide Fioriti, Matteo Ceccarelli, Stefano Barsali, Davide Poli
Pubblicato in: 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 2023
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powerafrica57932.2023.10363246

The Geothermal Village Project (GV1) Supported by the LEAP-RE Research Programme Launched by the EU in Partnership with the AU.

Autori: Varet, J., Y. Géraud, P. Tarits, A. Sciullo, M. Contini, I. Nardini, W.H. Wheeler, S. Onyango, U. Rutagarama, B. Atnafu, J. Onjala, K. Moussa, P. Omenda, I. A. Gardo, Z. Change
Pubblicato in: Proceedings, 8 th African Rift Geothermal Conference Nairobi, Kenya, Numero 2-8 november 2020, 2020, Pagina/e 11
Editore: Argeo

Surface Study of a Shallow Geothermal Resource Site for Homa Hills Geothermal Village Project. ,

Autori: Omenda, P., Varet, J., Pik, R., Tarits, P., Hautot, S., Marty, B., Diraison, M. & Walter, B.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings, 9th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Djibouti,, Numero 3rd 5th Nov. 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 9
Editore: Argeo

Archetypes of Rural Users in Sub-Saharan Africa for Load Demand Estimation

Autori: Nicolò Stevanato, Ivan Sangiorgio, Riccardo Mereu, Emanuela Colombo
Pubblicato in: 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 2023
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powerafrica57932.2023.10363287

Energy, Exergy and Exergo-Economic Analyses of Super-Critical CO2 Cycles for the Exploitation of a Geothermal Resource in the Mt. Amiata Region

Autori: Daniele Fiaschi; Lorenzo Talluri; Nicola Di Michele; Pietro Ungar
Pubblicato in: 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2023), 2023
Editore: ECOS 2023
DOI: 10.52202/069564-0162


Autori: Couto A., Cardoso J.P., Costa P.A., Facão J., Loureiro D., Rodrigues C., Wambugo A., Banda S., Simões T.
Pubblicato in: Libro de actas del XVIII Congreso Ibérico y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, Numero Event 2022 - bi-annual, 2022, Pagina/e 453-456
Editore: CIEES

Smart Microgrids for Agriculture: MG-FARM's Innovative Approach to Electrifying Farms in North Africa - Case Studies of Morocco and Algeria

Autori: Rochd A., Bakhouya M., Baghli L., Pierfederici S., Yousfi D., Kebir N., Hirschhausen C. V., Belmili H., Mechernene A.
Pubblicato in: 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 2023
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powerafrica57932.2023.10363302

Energia sostenibile in Africa, esempi di R&I dell’Unione Europea

Autori: Nicolò Stevanato,Riccardo Mereu, Silvia Corigliano, Marco Merlo, Emanuela Colombo
Pubblicato in: 2021
Editore: Associazione Italiana di Elettrotecnica, Elettronica, Automazione, Informatica e Telecomunicazioni - AEIT

Exploration of the deep geothermal potential of Petite-Terre Island in Mayotte

Autori: Dezayes C., Stopin A., Wawrzyniak P., Gal F., Farloti T., Calcagno P., Armandine les Landes A.
Pubblicato in: ARGeo Conference Proceedings, Numero ARGeO-C9, 2022, Pagina/e 10 pages
Editore: ARGeO-C9
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2406.16454


Autori: I. Mocanu, O. Cramariuc, K. Bierwirth, H. Lebik, B. Kodom, M. Mecklin
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of ICERI 2022, 2022, ISBN 978-84-09-45476-1
Editore: ICERI2022

Development and piloting of a novel decentralized solar PV charging system for sustainable e-mobility in rural Africa

Autori: Korbinian Götz, Jakob Steger, Clemens Pizzinini, Ioannis Tsanakas, Johan Giliomee, Tafesse Abera, Menelaos Meli, Arnold Rix, Thinus Booysen, Markus Lienkamp
Pubblicato in: EU PVSEC 2023 - The 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2023
Editore: EUPVSEC2023
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec2023/5do.10.4

Surface study of a shallow geothermal site for Abhé Geothermal Village Project (Djibouti).

Autori: Géraud Y., Aden M.A., Amman J., Chibati N., Cardoso C., Diraison, M., Favier A., Hassan, M., Hautot S., Marty B., Moussa K. A. , Pik R., Piolat L., Tarits P., Varet J., Walter B.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings, 9th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Djibouti, Numero 3rd 5th Nov. 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 11
Editore: Argeo

Auxiliary chemical geothermometers applied to waters from some East African Rift geothermal areas (Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Kenya) for geothermal exploration

Autori: Sanjuan B.
Pubblicato in: ARGeo Conference Proceedings, Numero ARGeo-C9, 2022, Pagina/e 19 pages
Editore: ARGeo-C9
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2406.16451

3D forward temperature modelling of the lithosphere in SW Tanzania – Implications for geothermal resources exploration

Autori: Mtabazi, Beekman, De Bresser, Van Wees, Boniface
Pubblicato in: ARGeo Conference Papers, Numero ARGeo C9, 2023
Editore: ARGeo

A Geothermal Civilization in the Afar Region: Era Boru (Teru woreda, Ethiopia)

Autori: Gardo I.A., Varet, J.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings, 8th African Rift Geothermal Conference Nairobi, Numero 2 – 8 November 2020, 2020, Pagina/e 14
Editore: ARGeo

Understanding the Drivers of Appliance Adoption Over Time: Evidence from Rural Kenya

Autori: Fillol L. T., Pinomaa A., Honkapuro S., Banda S., Wacera A., Oribo N., Da Silva I.
Pubblicato in: 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 2023
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powerafrica57932.2023.10363282

A Decentralized and Communication-free Control Algorithm of DC Microgrids for the Electrification of Rural Africa

Autori: Richard, Lucas; Frey, David; Alvarez-Herault, Marie-Cécile; Raison, Bertrand
Pubblicato in: EPE ECCE 2022 : 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2022
Editore: EPE ECCE

Clustering approaches to select Multiple Design Options in multi-objective optimization: an application to rural microgrids

Autori: Davide Fioriti, Davide Poli, Pablo Duenas Martinez, Andrea Micangeli
Pubblicato in: 2022 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2022
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/sest53650.2022.9898440


Autori: I. Mocanu, O. Cramariuc, K. Bierwirth, H. Lebik, B. Kodom, M. Mecklin
Pubblicato in: ICERI2022 Proceedings, 2022, ISBN 978-84-09-45476-1
Editore: iated Digital Library
DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1264

2D and 3D lithosphere model of the SW Tanzania rift system, from geological and gravity data

Autori: Mtabazi, De Bresser, Beekman, Van Wees, Boniface
Pubblicato in: TGS Book of Abstracts, Numero 2021 Annual Conference, 2021
Editore: TGS

Feasibility of a Power and Control System for an Autonomous Photovoltaic Hot Plate Type Cooker (600 Wp)

Autori: Hajar Chadli, Khalid Salmi, Sara Chadli, Mohammed Hmich, Rachid Malek, Olivier Deblecker, Khalil Kassmi, Najib Bachiri
Pubblicato in: Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation ((ASTI)), 2023
Editore: ICESA 2023
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51796-9_3

Science Diplomacy in the EU-AU Energy Partnerships - A Case Study on LEAP-RE

Autori: Diana Shendrikova, Francesco Cruz Torres, Giacomo Crevani, Emanuela Colombo
Pubblicato in: 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 2023
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powerafrica57932.2023.10363333

From blackouts to flexibility: case study from Burkina Faso

Autori: S. Uršič, L. Richaud, M. Cornelis
Pubblicato in: 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), 2023, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1049/icp.2023.0891

Photoluminescence of Argan-Waste-Derived Carbon Nanodots Embedded in Polymer Matrices

Autori: Stan C. S., Elouakassi N., Albu C., Ania C. O., Coroaba A., Ursu L. E., Popa M., Kaddami H., Almaggoussi A.
Pubblicato in: Nanomaterials, Numero Vol 14 Numero 1, 2023, ISSN 2079-4991
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/nano14010083

Design models for small run-of-river hydropower plants: a review

Autori: David Tsuanyo; Boris Amougou; Abdoul Aziz; Bernadette Nka Nnomo; Davide Fioriti; Joseph Kenfack
Pubblicato in: Sustainable Energy Research, Numero 4, 2023, ISSN 2731-9237
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1186/s40807-023-00072-1

Energy access investment, agricultural profitability, and rural development: time for an integrated approach

Autori: Giacomo Falchetta
Pubblicato in: Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2634-4505
Editore: Bristol IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/2634-4505/ac3017

Experimental analysis and numerical simulation of biomass pyrolysis

Autori: Yasser Elhenawy; Kareem Fouad; Amr Mansi; M. Bassyouni; Mamdouh Gadalla; Fatma Ashour; Thokozani Majozi
Pubblicato in: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2024, ISSN 1388-6150
Editore: Akademiai Kiado
DOI: 10.1007/s10973-024-12987-y

Comparative performance analysis of NMC cathodes elaborated from recovered and commercial raw materials: A low-temperature molten salt approach for extracting critical metals from end-of-life lithium-ion batteries

Autori: Nabil El Mounafia; Marouane Aannir; Rachid Hakkou; Abdelghafour Zaabout; Ismael Saadoune
Pubblicato in: Crossref, Numero 1, 2023, ISSN 2352-4928
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106603

Multiple design options for sizing off-grid microgrids: A novel single-objective approach to support multi-criteria decision making

Autori: Fioriti Davide, Poli, Duenas-Martinez, Micangeli
Pubblicato in: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Numero 30, 2022, ISSN 2352-4677
Editore: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.segan.2022.100644

Solar Resource and Energy Demand for Autonomous Solar Cooking Photovoltaic Systems in Kenya and Rwanda

Autori: João P. Cardoso; António Couto; Paula A. Costa; Carlos Rodrigues; Jorge Facão; David Loureiro; Anne Wambugu; Sandra Banda; Izael Da Silva; Teresa Simões
Pubblicato in: Crossref, Numero 19, 2023, ISSN 2673-9941
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/solar3030027

The M-LED platform: advancing electricity demand assessment for communities living in energy poverty

Autori: Giacomo Falchetta; Giacomo Falchetta; Nicolò Stevanato; Nicolò Stevanato; Magda Moner-Girona; Davide Mazzoni; Emanuela Colombo; Manfred Hafner; Manfred Hafner
Pubblicato in: Environmental Research Letters, Numero 16, 2021, ISSN 1748-9326
Editore: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac0cab

Metal nitrides as efficient electrode material for supercapacitors: A review

Autori: Ravikant Adalati; Meenakshi Sharma; Siddharth Sharma; Ashwani Kumar; Gaurav Malik; Rabah Boukherroub; Ramesh Chandra
Pubblicato in: Journal of Energy Storage, Numero 20, 2022, ISSN 2352-1538
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2022.105912

An efficient cobalt-nickel phosphate positive electrode for high-performance hybrid microsupercapacitors

Autori: Li, Min; Jia, Chen; Zhang, Danyu; Luo, Yunyun; Ma, Yintao; Luo, Guoxi; Zhao, Libo; Wang, Lu; Li, Zhikang; Lin, Qijing; Yang, Ping; Zhu, Nan; Boukherroub, Rabah; Jiang, Zhuangde
Pubblicato in: Journal of Energy Storage, Numero 1, 2023, ISSN 2352-152X
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2023.107144

Standalone Solutions for Clean and Sustainable Water Access in Africa Through Smart UV/LED Disinfection, Solar Energy Utilization, and Wireless Positioning Support

Autori: Elena Simona Lohan; Kathrin Bierwirth; Tomkouani Kodom; Mihai Ganciu; Hafida Lebik; Rafik Elhadi; Oana Cramariuc; Irina Mocanu
Pubblicato in: IEEE Access, Numero 25, 2023, ISSN 2169-3536
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2023.3300206

Auxiliary Chemical Geothermometers Applied to Waters from Some East African Rift Areas (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya) for Geothermal Exploration

Autori: Bernard Sanjuan
Pubblicato in: Petroleum and Chemical Industry International, Numero Volume 7, Numero 4, 2024, Pagina/e 12 p., ISSN 2639-7536
Editore: OPAST Publisher Group

A renewable energy-centred research agenda for planning and financing Nexus development objectives in rural sub-Saharan Africa

Autori: Giacomo Falchetta; Adedoyin Adeleke; Mohammed Awais; Edward Byers; Philippe Copinschi; Sam Duby; Alison Hughes; Gregory Ireland; Keywan Riahi; Simon Rukera-Tabaro; Francesco Semeria; Diana Shendrikova; Nicolò Stevanato; André Troost; Marta Tuninetti; Adriano Vinca; Ackim Zulu; Manfred Hafner
Pubblicato in: Energy Strategy Reviews, Numero 43, 2022, ISSN 2211-467X
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2022.100922

Comprehensive energy solution planning (CESP) framework: an evidence-based approach for sustainable energy access projects in developing countries

Autori: Colombo, Emanuela; Crevani, Giacomo; STEVANATO, NICOLO'; Mereu, Riccardo
Pubblicato in: Environmental Research Letters, Numero Volume 19, Number 5, 2024, ISSN 1748-9326
Editore: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad41ef

Assessment of environmental sustainability of nickel required for mobility transition

Autori: Saeed Rahimpour Golroudbary, Andrzej Kraslawski, Benjamin P. Wilson, Mari Lundström
Pubblicato in: Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Numero 4, 2022, ISSN 2673-2718
Editore: Frontiers Media SA
DOI: 10.3389/fceng.2022.978842

Recent Advances in Biomass Pyrolysis Processes for Bioenergy Production: Optimization of Operating Conditions

Autori: Dina Aboelela; Habibatallah Saleh; Attia M. Attia; Yasser Elhenawy; Thokozani Majozi; Mohamed Bassyouni
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Numero 15(14), 11238, 2023, ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su151411238

Selected I-III-VI2 Semiconductors: Synthesis, Properties and Applications in Photovoltaic Cells

Autori: Shubham Shishodia; Bilel Chouchene; Thomas Gries; Raphaël Schneider
Pubblicato in: Nanomoaterials, Numero 3, 2023, ISSN 2079-4991
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/nano13212889

Development of a DC Microgrid with Decentralized Production and Storage: From the Lab to Field Deployment in Rural Africa

Autori: Lucas Richard; Cédric Boudinet; Sanda A. Ranaivoson; Jean Origio Rabarivao; Archille Elia Befeno; David Frey; Marie-Cécile Alvarez-Hérault; Bertrand Raison; Nicolas Saincy
Pubblicato in: Energies, Numero 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 15, 6727, ISSN 1996-1073
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15186727

Investigation of thermal dependence of phonon frequencies, sound velocity, mechanical and optical characteristics of the β-GaN semiconductor compound

Autori: Ahmed M Abuali, Elkenany B Elkenany
Pubblicato in: Pramana Journal of Physics, 2023, ISSN 0304-4289
Editore: Indian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.1007/s12043-023-02528-x

Constant Power Load Stabilization in DC Microgrids Using Continuous-Time Model Predictive Control

Autori: Youssef Alidrissi; Radouane Ouladsine; Abdellatif Elmouatamid; Rachid Errouissi; Mohamed Bakhouya
Pubblicato in: Electronics; Volume 11; Numero 9; Pages: 1481, Numero 10, 2022, ISSN 2079-9292
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/electronics11091481

Autonomous solar cooker with photovoltaic energy

Autori: Khalil KASSMI
Pubblicato in: New Journal for Science Vulgarization, Numero Vol. 1 No. 2, 2021, ISSN 2820-7181
Editore: NJVS

Planning third generation minigrids: Multi-objective optimization and brownfield investment approaches in modelling village-scale on-grid and off-grid energy systems

Autori: Nicolò Stevanato; Gianluca Pellecchia; Ivan Sangiorgio; Diana Shendrikova; Castro Antonio Soares; Riccardo Mereu; Emanuela Colombo
Pubblicato in: Crossref, Numero 2, 2023, ISSN 2667-095X
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.rset.2023.100053

System for powering autonomous solar cookers by batteries

Autori: A. Lamkaddem, N. EL Moussaoui, M. Rhiat, R. Malek, K. Kassmi, O. Deblecker, N. Bachiri
Pubblicato in: Scientific African, Numero Volume 17, September 2022, e01349, 2022, ISSN 2468-2276
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.sciaf.2022.e01349

LCOE-Based Optimization for the Design of Small Run-of-River Hydropower Plants

Autori: Claude Boris Amougou; David Tsuanyo; Davide Fioriti; Joseph Kenfack; Abdoul Aziz; Patrice Elé Abiama
Pubblicato in: Energies, Numero 15, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15207507

Influence of Weibull parameters on the estimation of wind energy potential

Autori: Abdoul Aziz; David Tsuanyo; Jl Nsouandele; Inouss Mamate; Ruben Mouangue; Patrice Elé Abiama
Pubblicato in: Crossref, Numero 1, 2023, ISSN 2731-9237
Editore: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1186/s40807-023-00075-y

Data Platform Guidelines and Prototype for Microgrids and Energy Access: Matching Demand Profiles and Socio-Economic Data to Foster Project Development

Autori: Davide Fioriti; Nicoló Stevanato; Pietro Ducange; Francesco Marcelloni; Emanuela Colombo; Davide Poli
Pubblicato in: Crossref, Numero 18, 2023, ISSN 2169-3536
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2023.3294841

Multi-Resolution Segmentation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems Using Deep Learning

Autori: Maximilian Kleebauer, Christopher Marz,Christoph Reudenbach, Martin Braun
Pubblicato in: MDPI remote sensing, 2023, ISSN 2072-4292
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/rs15245687

Induced Polarization Images the Plumbing System of Hydrothermal Vents in an Intracontinental Rift, Lake Abhé, Republic of Djibouti

Autori: L. Piolat, Y. Geraud, A. Revil
Pubblicato in: Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, ISSN 1944-8007
Editore: Wiley
DOI: 10.1029/2023gl105145

Towards Smarter Positioning through Analyzing Raw GNSS and Multi-Sensor Data from Android Devices: A Dataset and an Open-Source Application

Autori: Grenier, Antoine; Lohan, Elena Simona; Ometov, Aleksandr; Nurmi, Jari
Pubblicato in: Electronics, Numero 32, 2023, ISSN 2079-9292
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/electronics12234781

DATASET: Trans-African Regional Geo-data for the Energy Transition (TARGET) model

Autori: Jones
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre
DOI: 10.5285/e9ca452b-5cca-4953-b5a4-397c4d622ea5

Technological considerations in establishing direct use projects: The Geothermal Village concept

Autori: Varet, J.
Pubblicato in: Pre-Conference Short Course, 9th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Djibouti,, Numero 1st November – 2nd November 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 10
Editore: Argeo

"Report on lessons learned from ""Exploring new modalities for collaboration alignment"" Feeding the AU-EU long-term partnership in research and innovation on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA)"

Autori: Mokhtar Sellami, Stéphanie Truillé-Baurens, Soumia Bouchouk, Henning Knipschild, Isabelle Hippolyte, et al
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche - France)

A summary of the East Africa Rift Temperature and Heat flow Model (EARTH)

Autori: Jones
Pubblicato in: British Geological Survey Open Report, Numero OR/20/006, 2020
Editore: British Geological Survey

Living with Energy Poverty

Autori: Paola Velasco Herrejón, Breffní Lennon, Niall P. Dunphy
Pubblicato in: No journal title, 2023, ISBN 9781032528199
Editore: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003408536

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