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Advanced telemedicine button-based platform as a versatile solution for care organisations to manage elderly patients medication and treatment plans remotely

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Klikkit (Advanced telemedicine button-based platform as a versatile solution for care organisations to manage elderly patients medication and treatment plans remotely)

Período documentado: 2021-05-01 hasta 2022-02-28

Our vision is to support care organisations to manage elderly treatment behaviours more efficiently, reducing the workload for carers while keeping high quality of care. We focus on delivering simple solutions impacting people’s lives in a non-invasive and discreet manner. Klikkit is a digital health platform proven to help elderly improve compliance to their care plans by creating new treatment behaviours while living independently at their homes. The Klikkit digital health platform consist of a screen and button shaped Klikkit trackers. The Klikkit trackers can be attached to any aspect of treatment (pharmacological or non-pharmacological) and programmed remotely to remind the elderlies follow their treatment schedules. Care organisations can monitor remotely elderly compliance through the Klikkit dashboard, where single patients and entire patient populations treatment plans and visualised. The Klikkit dashboard helps care organisations deliver patient support and prioritise intervention based on real time patient behaviours. Clinical studies demonstrate that Klikkit improves patient’s treatment compliance up to 38%. The HabLab combines academic research and knowledge, technology pioneering within Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) with start-up entrepreneurship.
Since the start of the project, our activities have focused on WP.1 , namely: maturing our knowledge of the care homes and care professionals needs and advancing our technology platform thorough quick prototyping iterations to reach TRL7 technology maturation. These activities encompassed: (1) Defining our optimization features for the Klikkit solution for the elderly and the optimisation features for the dashboard for care professionals; (2) optimizing dashboard UX to meet the requirements of carers; (3) optimizing app UX to meet the requirements of elderly and carers and care givers, on the newly introduced Klikkit patient screen (replacing the patients phone app and hub app); (4) developing a new button hardware generation, with tactility and alarms levels more suitable for the elderly. Developing a new patient screen with integrated patient app and connectivity logic for transferring user data rapidly over connectivity; (5) performing security penetration test. As a result, the sub-components of the Klikkit IoMT solution were integrated into a prototype that will be piloted.
Along with the activities linked to WP.1 we worked on the first tasks of WP.2 namely the large-scale pilot master plan and the technology ready for deployment: (1) Defining the protocol, intervention and control group. (2) Preparing the data handling agreement for the ethical committee. (3) Defining the contractual terms for our collaboration with Caritas. (4) Preparing the system infrastructure for the pilot and the technology ready for deployment.
Klikkit is a seamless, versatile, cost-effective and easy-to-use solution that removes complexity from the hands of elderly. It is non-invasive with long battery life (+1 year) & exchangeable batteries. It can be applied to any form of treatment, medication or action, e.g. drink water. ‘One size fits all’ solution that supports high mobility (i.e. 3x3cm2 button) and offers the possibility of constant, real-time trackability of the elderly compliance to any aspect of treatment (pharmacological or non-pharmacological) by care organisations and care professionals. The buttons provided can monitor any type of treatment ( medications of any type), but also elderly habits (water intake, activation and physiotherapy exercises, hygiene,) or even carer obligations (e.g. regular patient rotation to pressure ulcers due to decubitus). The Klikkit dashboard for carers enables care organisations to perform data driven patient counselling, real-time patient monitoring and timely intervention by providing useful data insights on adherence and treatment evolution both for a single elderly and as aggregated population data.
Our solution can be applied to any form and aspect of treatment, it is based on behavioural science principles and it is proven to uniquely nudge the elderly leading to a constant reinforcement of positive health habits :
Along with the proven increase in patient adherence of 38%, we believe that Klikkit can: (1) Decrease the number of nurse visits to patients by 60%, (2) Decrease the number of adverse events (overmedication as well as undermedication) by 75%, (3) Decrease the nurse reporting of daily tasks by 30%. (4) Decrease care utilisation due to non-compliance. (As a reference, if we consider only pharmacological compliance, the cost for per EU citizen 65+ non-compliant to medication is averaged to €1.750 a year).
Additionally, given the large number of senior citizens’ compliance data, Klikkit will aid several programs, strategies and organisations that are seeking longer and healthier lives, like CHRODIS Joint Action with the objective to help EU countries and regions exchange good practices in tackling elderly care with particular focus on long term therapies for chronic conditions. Its scalable nature to other segments, makes the Klikkit an attractive solution addressing the goals of the eHealth Action Plan 2012 - 2020, that provides a roadmap to empower elderly and healthcare workers, to link up devices and technologies, and to invest in research towards the personalised medicine of the future.