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Integrated innovative pilot system for Critical Raw Materials recovery from mines wastes in a circular economy context

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RAWMINA (Integrated innovative pilot system for Critical Raw Materials recovery from mines wastes in a circular economy context)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-11-01 do 2024-04-30

RAWMINA’s main objective is to develop and to demonstrate the RAWMINA pilot system: an industrially scalable and flexible innovative pilot in continuous operation for mine waste (MW) valorisation, achieving 95 % recovery rate and 95 % selectivity for CRMs (Co, Sb, Ge, W), and 80-90 % recovery rate and 95 % selectivity for Au, Ag and Fe-based high-value products. The RAWMINA pilot system will treat up to 100-150 kg MW/day on an industrial demonstration (TRL7, 12 months operation) and includes an efficient, circular and robust process control by an end-to-end Intelligent Management System (WP6).
Work during the first reporting period has been focussed on the optimization and development of the different technologies at lab scale and their preparation for the scale up.
The selection of the four mine waste samples to be treated in the project, their sampling, processing and characterization has been addressed in WP1 during this period and results have been presented in D1.1-D1.3 and MS1 and MS2 have been achieved. This WP will continue during the next reporting period with the preparation of samples for the pilot plant. Bioleaching for releasing Co, Sb and valuable metals/metalloids, alkaline leaching for the recovery of Ge and W and biooxidation for the oxidation of ferrous iron have been optimized at lab scale in WP2, results have been presented in D2.1-D2.2 and MS4 and MS5 have been achieved. WP3 has been focussed on the optimization of iron removal processes based on MPTP together with magnetic separation from the bioleaching solution from WP2, results have been included in D3.1-D3.3 and MS6 has been achieved. WP4 has evaluated and optimized different technologies for the separation of the target critical raw materials from the produced leachates in WP2 and WP3 and the production of safe discharged solutions. Results have been included in D4.1-D4.4 and MS7 and MS8 have been achieved. The bench scale validation of the technologies developed in WP2, WP3 and WP4 started in M10 in WP5 and will finalize in M28. A first report about process requirements has been prepared (D5.1). WP7 has been focussed on the assessment of the sustainability and risks associated with the different technologies tested at lab and bench scale in WP1-WP4 with the data collection to perform a preliminary evaluation of the exposure scenarios for human risk assessment and a preliminary environmental and economic LCA. MS11 has been achieved.
WP8 is building a commercial scale-up and business plan with the monitoring and development of the exploitation, innovation and commercialisation tasks, some results from the first reporting period have been included in D8.1 and D8.4 and MS12 has been achieved. Twenty exploitable results have been identified (Table 1), with the goal to file 3 patents under the key areas of 1) New sorption nanofibers for selective adsorption of Sb, Ge, Co or W, 2) Bioleaching in continuous mode enhancing Sb, Ge, Co and W extraction and leaching kinetics and 3) Reagentless Thermo-Desorption Process. Internal IP strategies, training and guidance have been completed, with plans to refine the proposed patent areas to be filed promptly. A RAWMINA business plan is underway, along with the identification of additional routes to commercial application for the most suitable exploitable results, aligned to the goals of the consortium and individual partners, influenced by initial exploitation supports evidenced in D8.1. Dissemination and communications activities are covered in WP9 and have proceeded broadly according to the project plan, establishing standard channels to engage with the desired target audiences. Work has been focussed on stakeholder mapping and engagement, in collaboration with WP7 and WP8 and the creation of the Raw Minerals Helix. D9.1 and MS14, MS15 and MS16 have been achieved. The scientific coordination and management of RAWMINA project is covered in WP10 and has been focussed on establishing good communication between partners, monitoring the scientific progress of the work, identifying deviations and risks, applying corrective measures where necessary, following up on administrative and financial issues, data management and organisation of regular and consortium meetings.
RAWMINA is structured in five stages:
1-Materials and technologies optimization and up-scaling. Mine-waste characterization and conditioning. RAWMINA technologies and processes will be optimized to reach a cost-effective continuous process. Optimized technologies will be individually up-scaled.
2-Validation, simulation and pilot design. Technologies and processes will be tested, at bench-scale, to provide robustness to the overall process for continuous mode operation in real environment. Experimental results will feed simulation tools and will guide a model of the integrated process. This model will serve as a basis for the pilot design.
3-Pilot engineering and demonstration. RAWMINA’s pilot system will be engineered and demonstrated under operational environment (100-150 kg MW/day) for 12 months. A verification protocol based on the EU Environmental Technology Verification will be developed.
4-Sustainability and Risk Assessment and social innovation. The environmental and associated econometric implications will be assessed by means of LCA/LCC. Ecotoxicity and ecological impact assessments will be carried out. Social and economic assessment will be carried out applying the S-LCA. RAWMINA will implement socially innovative actions under RRI principles.
5-Market uptake, coordination, communication, and dissemination. Commercial exploitation activities will be performed to demonstrate market feasibility, market opportunity, solution viability and a comprehensive business and financial plan.
The main innovation potential of RAWMINA project will be focused on the technologies and processes that will be implemented in the pilot system. Bioleaching will benefit, in continuous mode, Co, Sb, Ge and W which is a strategic innovation target. Iron removal process will significantly decrease the amount of MW and increase its overall profitability. Novel nanofibers for selective recovery of Co, Sb, Ge and W. Electrowinning will provide high recovery efficiencies. RAWMINA processes and technologies have not ever been integrated and demonstrated in continuous.