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ACtive Communities & Energy Prosumers for the energy Transition


Living Lab activities plan and evaluation report v2

This deliverable will report on the Living Lab activities in each pilot site for the past period since the previous corresponding deliverable including the cocreation workshops performed webinars etc

ACCEPT business scenarios, use cases & requirements

The deliverable will document in detail the project use cases grouping them under different business scenarios This will form the basis for user requirement extraction The requirements will be defined from diverse perspectives covering the multiple stakeholders which participate in ACCEPT framework namely energy communities retailers aggregators ESCOs and DSOs Feedback from Living Lab workshops will be included in the requirement definition as well as a report on regulatory legal socioeconomic and market barriers imposed in all four 4 ACCEPT pilot sites

Demonstration planning and preparation activities report

This deliverable will document a concrete pilot site preparation plan based on the outputs of D61 The plan will include activities such as hardware solution definition procurement installation and commissioning process with explicit roles and responsibilities An important part of the deliverable will be focused on the creation of detailed demonstration and validation scenarios per pilot site and connect them with the applicable KPIs Given that by the end of the task the installation and commissioning activities will have finished the deliverable will also include a retrospective evaluation of the activities conducted and the citizen involvement in the overall process

Report on collaborative activities with similar projects and BRIDGE initiative v2

This deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule and the collaboration roadmap of ACCEPT within BRIDGE

Report on cybersecurity framework design & specifications for data protection & privacy v2

This deliverable is an update of D25 documenting the final cybersecurity framework as it has evolved and finetuned along the development of the system

Report on citizen recruitment activity outcome

The deliverable will document the activities undertaken and results achieved within the frame of B2C ACCEPT Living Lab activities which focuses on energy endconsumer recruitment both commercial and residential

Report on collaborative activities with similar projects and BRIDGE initiative v1

This deliverable will identify key subjects for synergies with BRIDGE and provide a highlevel plan for the activities that could be implemented together with BRIDGE and similar projects in order to strengthen collaboration avoid overlaps and enhance quality of the research outcomes

Consumer engagement and design validation roadmap v2

This deliverable will update the material of D3.7 according to the project activities up to M22.

ACCEPT dissemination and communication plan and activity report v1

The deliverable will provide the initial plan and schedule for the dissemination and communications activities of ACCEPT and report on the performed ones

Pre-validation report of ACCEPT system in controlled environments

The deliverable will document the feedback from the prevalidation activities of the three testbeds utilised by ACCEPT consortium historical data of Viesgo infrastructure of CERTHITI nZEB DIH Hypertechs office Smart Home project From this first evaluation potential deployment risks during pilot site demonstration validation will be highlighted and debugging extension requirements will be reported

ACCEPT solution roll-out report

This deliverable will focus on the deployment preparation documentation and therefore it will include an overall deployment plan per pilot site user manuals of the ACCEPT software tools training procedures for the tool users which will be performed in the third Living Lab and an evaluation report on the deployment activities per pilot site

ACCEPT dissemination and communication plan and activity report v2

In this deliverable the schedule for the dissemination and communications activities will be updated and enriched while the project events and ties established with relevant platforms networks and associations will be reported

Consumer engagement and design validation roadmap v1

The document will report a mapping of key stakeholders eg consumers communities retailers aggregators ESCOs DSO technology providers regulators etc and of the dynamics between them per pilot site Upon this mapping the community analysis and engagement strategy will be stipulated The results of an early stage ethnographic site visit 1st LLM5 to each of the pilot locations will be documented in terms of definition of the foundations of the business models and the recruitment activities in the pilots

ACCEPT Performance Measurement & Verification methodology

The deliverable will define the proper Performance Measurement and Verification Methodology PMV for evaluation of ACCEPT solution with respect to demand response DR energy services and combination of energy and nonenergy services An accurate demand baseline forecasting shall be defined as well as a robust measurement verification process for implicit and explicit DR delivery Quantitative and qualitative Key Performance Indicators KPIs will be defined in order to assess demand flexibility elasticity as well as community engagement The approach will be based on proven methodologies while customizing aspects to fit ACCEPT innovation

Energy governance analysis and typology for communities

The deliverable will analyse the governance and sociopolitical contexts that form consumer participation and community engagement in Europes energy transition A report on various governance structures and business models available to energy consumers will also be part of the deliverable complementing D36 The current CEC formations will be primarily investigated A systematic typology will be reported on how consumers are encouraged to participate in the energy transition and on how the governance and sociopolitical factors condition these engagements

ACCEPT system architecture description v2

This deliverable is an update of D23 documenting the final system architecture as it has evolved and finetuned along the development of the system

Demonstration activity report from the Dutch pilot site v1

Further to the hardware and software deployment in the Dutch pilot site and based on the validation scenarios of D67 the deliverable will include the specific demonstration plan with the local regulatory and community objectives and the preparation of the pilot testbed for the ACCEPT solution operation

ACCEPT exploitation plan & IRP management v1

The deliverable will document an initial version of the ACCEPT exploitation strategy with respect to the current energy system and its markets Individual exploitation plan will also be reported concluding on IPR management

ACCEPT dissemination and communication plan and activity report v3

In this deliverable the schedule for the dissemination and communications activities will be updated and enriched while the project events and ties established with relevant platforms networks and associations will be reported

Demonstration activity report from the Spanish pilot site v1

Further to the hardware and software deployment in the Spanish pilot site and based on the validation scenarios of D67 the deliverable will include the specific demonstration plan with the local regulatory and community objectives and the preparation of the pilot testbed for the ACCEPT solution operation

Ethics Manual

This deliverable will identify and document the ethical and legal issues relevant to the project which derive from relevant EUnational regulations and policies related to citizen data protection in order to form the process of scrutiny required to prevent possible infringements from project actions The Gender Equity Plan of the project will also be part of this deliverable

Demonstration activity report from the Greek pilot site v1

Further to the hardware and software deployment in the Greek pilot site and based on the validation scenarios of D67 the deliverable will include the specific demonstration plan with the local regulatory and community objectives and the preparation of the pilot testbed for the ACCEPT solution operation

Demonstration activity report from the Swiss pilot site v1

Further to the hardware and software deployment in the Swiss pilot site and based on the validation scenarios of D67 the deliverable will include the specific demonstration plan with the local regulatory and community objectives and the preparation of the pilot testbed for the ACCEPT solution operation

Consumer validation report v1

This deliverable will document the barriers and drivers that influence the types of digital services stakeholders find most valuable both energy and nonenergy and identify engagement channels for consumer cocreation facilitation in order to understand enduser needs wants and challenges related to the DR services

Report on collaborative activities with similar projects and BRIDGE initiative v3

This deliverable will report on implemented activities and update the schedule and the collaboration roadmap of ACCEPT within BRIDGE

Report on cybersecurity framework design & specifications for data protection & privacy v1

The deliverable will outline the cybersecurity framework of the ACCEPT technical solution with respect to the data management plan and the applicable data protection provisions Security hazards and privacy risks will be identified and assessed separately per use case tested and per stakeholder affected Effective specifications will be provided under a robust design of security that will be followed within ACCEPT development activities

Living Lab activities plan and evaluation report v3

This deliverable will report on the Living Lab activities in each pilot site for the past period since the previous corresponding deliverable including the cocreation workshops performed webinars etc

Living Lab activities plan and evaluation report v1

The deliverable will define the ACCEPT Living Lab strategy implementation plan roles responsibilities and time schedule

ACCEPT system architecture description v1

The deliverable will present the ACCEPT architecture design model including a logical view of all different components The mapping of the overall structure on SGAM will be included in order to provide a point of reference among other BRIDGE projects Additionally based on deliverable D21 the work on usecase scenarios and deriving requirements will be further enhanced through sequence diagrams and complemented through the definition of module functional and nonfunctional requirements The implementation view will comprise module description development and deployment information as well as interface specification

Report on existing European energy communities and success factors

The deliverable will report established citizen energy communities CECs analysing their successes limitations and innovations in combination with the underlying socioeconomic sociocultural and geographic factors To this end conclusions will be reported concerning the key factors that drive consumer engagement

ACCEPT system prototype and integration report v1

This deliverable will describe the first integration method of all software components of the ACCEPT system, based on the output of WP4/ WP5, and verify that they comply with the requirements and specifications set out in T2.1 and T2.5. It will generate and deliver a fully integrated ACCEPT system comprising the available versions of each component. The demonstrator/ prototype and its documentation will be accompanied by a publicly available summary.

ACCEPT wrapper prototype

The deliverable will document develop deploy and demonstrate the simulated entities outside ACCEPT that generate the essential external triggers depending on the respective marketsactors represented in the four demonstration pilots

ACCEPT system prototype and integration report v2

This deliverable builds on D6.2 and will produce a second version of the integrated system including the feedback from developed components and pre-validation testing. The demonstrator/ prototype and its documentation will be accompanied by a publicly available summary.

ACCEPT branding, website and social media channels

Reporting of the ACCEPT branding design website development and social media dissemination channels


Effect of sustainable Local Energy Communities on LV distribution networks

Auteurs: Fundacion CIRCE
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: ICSC-CITIES 2022 V Congreso Ibero-Americano de Ciudades Inteligentes

Initial Assessment of Electrical Flexibility of Combustion-Based District Heating Systems

Auteurs: Lorena Elorza-Uriarte, Roberto Rocca, Itziar Zubia, Daniele Farrace, Riccardo Toffanin, David Miguel Rivas-Ascaso
Publié dans: 2023
Éditeur: 2023 IEEE EEEIC23 + I&CPS Europe
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.14095.87200

Enabling Technologies for Wide-Scale Implementation of Energy Communities’ Projects

Auteurs: Fabio Maria Aprà, Raymond Sterling, Farhan Farrukh, Jussi Kiljander, Alessandra Cuneo, Gabriele Comodi, Alexis David, Marialaura di Somma, Ismini Dimitriadou and Stylianos Zikos
Publié dans: 2021
Éditeur: MDPI Open Access Journals
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2021011014

Smart Built4EU, Task Force 3, Topic C: Data driven indicators for smart buildings

Auteurs: Smart Built 4 EU - Task Force 3: Building interactions with the external environment
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: SmartBuilt4EU project

Operationalising participation: Key obstacles and drivers to Citizen Energy Community formation in Europe’s Energy Transition

Auteurs: Breffní Lennon, Paola Velasco-Herrejón, Niall P. Dunphy
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: Elsevier Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.sctalk.2022.100104

Interoperability of Flexibility Assets v2.0

Auteurs: Olivier Genest, Isidoros Kokos, Gaurav Roy, Stelios Zikos, Hamidreza Mirtaheri,Dune Sebilleau, Thanakorn Penthong, Ivelina Stoyanova, Vincenzo Croce, Ismini Dimitriadou, Ferdinando Bosco, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Kostas Tsatsakis
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: European Commission

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