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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Advancing Collaboration and Exchange of Knowledge Between the EU and Japan for AI-Driven Innovation in Manufacturing

Description du projet

L’UE et le Japon joignent leurs forces pour une production intelligente

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) peut jouer un rôle prépondérant dans la production. Dans les faits, les technologies numériques avancées et les solutions d’IA de pointe sont de plus en plus sollicitées pour améliorer les processus de fabrication et les produits. Saisir les opportunités en matière d’IA est crucial pour la compétitivité à moyen et à long terme de l’Europe. Tout l’enjeu consiste ensuite à intégrer ces technologies de manière à optimiser leur potentiel dans les industries manufacturières. Le projet EU-Japan.AI financé par l’UE, entend mettre en place une approche reposant sur une plate-forme, afin de mettre en relation les parties prenantes européennes et japonaises pertinentes, et de prendre en charge l’échange des connaissances sur les applications de fabrication innovantes utilisant l’IA. Cette plate-forme intègrera un centre d’informations ouvertes en complément d’autres outils. Le projet organisera également des ateliers afin d’aborder les besoins actuels, d’examiner les exigences futures et de favoriser une coopération à long terme.


Artificial Intelligence technology is already having a great impact in many areas, especially including the manufacturing sector. The integration of AI with advanced manufacturing technologies and systems makes it possible to exploit the full potential in the manufacturing industry by achieving a higher level of adaptability, efficiency and robustness. At the same, such systems will be human centric and promote the inclusion and cooperation with humans during planning and execution which can help to improve the quality of products and processes. Both the EU and Japan have recognised these new development trends and their importance. In order to widely deploy these technologies, special attention is given to international cooperation and exchange of knowledge between EU and Japan for AI-driven innovation in manufacturing. The EU-Japan.AI project is responding to this need by implementing a platform-based approach to connect all the relevant stakeholders from EU and Japan working on AI applications for manufacturing. This platform, beside other tools, will include an open-information hub, encouraging the exchange of information on the respective research programmes and technological results. This will be supported by distribution of topic relevant materials, information on upcoming events and matchmaking opportunities and twinning activities to establish a vibrant and connected network at the heart of the platform, where a community of practice approach will facilitate the cooperation of all the participants. Convergence workshops will help to establish how research and innovation projects should address AI for manufacturing, the needs and requirements for AI from the point of manufacturers’ view as well as to address current needs and future requirements. Overall, the project aims to establish, stimulate and support a long-term cooperation between the participants, by connecting them via the project’s platform and by using modern, online-driven awareness approaches.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 178 375,00
1060 Wien

Voir sur la carte

Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 178 375,00

Participants (5)