Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HAPPENING (HeAt PumPs in existing multi-family buildings for achieving union's ENergy and envIromeNtal Goals)
Período documentado: 2022-04-01 hasta 2023-03-31
Heat pumps are a key technology in bringing renewable shares into heat supply of buildings; especially their combination with onsite renewable electricity production e.g. by PV allows to bring high renewable shares. Their current installation in existing multi-apartment buildings is however still marginal.
The technological solution in the HAPPENING project is based on decentralized heat pumps, in such a way that it results an easy-to-install solution for installers, low-intrusive for the occupants and easily adaptable to a large number of different building situations. This is flanked by developing near-zero planning, implementation and operation processes, in order to facilitate the work during the planning phase, ensure a high-quality installation and effective operation, and reduce the efforts and costs within the whole retrofitting project. The challenge of cost-competitiveness is addressed by developing new financial and business models. Bringing new players (such as financial experts) and financing models to the renovation market is expected to bring the needed paradigm change and boost investments in the residential retrofitting sector. Dissemination of measured performance and system characteristics from HAPPENING will be one of the key results of the project.
Through 3 demo sites (Spain, Italy and Austria), the project will demonstrate a highly versatile, scalable and replicable solution package for buildings energy system retrofitting allowing 70-75% of renewable energy fraction, 30-50% of PE and GHG savings, reduction of planning time by 50% and installation/operation time by 30% and payback time for ESCOs and investors of less than 8 years, compared to best available solution existing today.
- The management of the project has been consolidated, thanks to the clear procedures related to coordination and quality assurance, communication, reporting and monitoring protocols, key aspects related to ethic issues and gender, and data management plan.
- Concerning the industrialization of the HAPPENING technologies, first, the legal and normative context was assessed. Then, the microHPs, both from the mechanical and electronic perspective, are developed. In parallel, modelling and simulating of the operation based on a rule-based controller is carried out; as well as continuing the elaboration of MPC algorithms specified to Italian and Spanish demo cases. In addition, the analysis for fitting HAPPENING into generic buildings representative of EU building stock has been launched.
- The measurement goals and the KPIs were defined to evaluate the system performance in operation condition. In addition, the monitoring applied for the Italian and Austrian demos is executed, as far as the HAPPENING systems are already installed, and the data handling and visualisation in Italy demo has been set up. This activity is advancing adequately for Pasaia demo.
- In the case of Pasaia, the detailed design (considering end-user requirements and building constraints) is finalized, and the implementation works are planned. The proposed system consists of a neutral temperature water loop with increased thermal inertia, the temperature of which will be maintained by means of 2 central air-source HPs. Then individual water-to-water HPs are implemented in the 8 dwellings both for heating and DHW. On the electric part, PV and batteries are planned.
- In the Italian case, the implementation and commissioning of the HAPPENING system is already finalized. This work occurred on spring-summer 2022, i.e. months 20 to 24 of the project, and currently, the HAPPENING system in Verzuolo is in operation.
- In the Liezen demo, the implementation and commissioning is ongoing: the implementation of the central air-to-water HPs and the inertia tanks are installed and currently, the 18 decentralized / individual water-to-water HPs are under implementation.
- In addition, the energy performance guarantee plan for the HAPPENING concept was created, as a 1st step to create and provide to stakeholders’ standards for evaluation and implementation of these solutions on residential buildings. In the same line, the concept of "quality", closely related to performance of the system, that can be applied as a standard, is being conceptualized.
- The definition of business models for HAPPENING are advancing. Additionally, the methodology and a 1st survey related to standardization, certification and regulative framework were completed, and all the 4 identified KERs have been characterized and their patent analysis was developed.
- Finally, in regard to dissemination and communication, firstly the key C&D strategies were defined, and then, dissemination and communication activities are developed and executed, based on this strategy, highlighting the activities in social media, newsletters and participation in several webinars and events, such as the “Berliner Energietage” event or the organization of the event “Decarbonization of existing multi-family residential building” in Madrid.
In short, HAPPENING consists of heat pumps in cascade, fed with renewable energy and with optimized operation:
1) Central aerothermal heat pump(s) generates “neutral” or low temperature water (20-30ºC), providing the 1st thermal gap. In addition, there is also a thermal inertia (TES), aimed at having the neutral water available for the system, as well as for optimization.
2) Then, the low temperature water is distributed to dwellings.
3) At consumption level, the 2nd thermal gap is provided individually from the ring temperature to the use temperature. At dwelling level, different configurations are possible, such as:
- Water-to-water microHP for DWH + water-to-air microHPs for heating & cooling in each room
- Water-to-water booster HP, for both DHW and heating, combined with low temperature emitters
4) In addition, this system of HPs can be fed by locally generated renewable electricity (e.g. photovoltaics on roof)
5) All this system is optimized thanks to a smart management and control system.
The HAPPENING concept has many benefits:
- As the generation is decoupled from consumption, thanks to the 2 levels heat and TES, the smart controls may optimize the COP of the central HP as well as the consumption of locally generated electricity (photovoltaics), for example generating the tempered water in the central hours of the day.
- Drastic reduction of heat losses thanks to the distribution at low (20-30°C) temperature
- The COP of the individual HPs will be very high and constant, thanks to the tempered ring
- Versatility, as each single dwelling may decide the configuration that better fits their needs and interests
- Scalability, demonstrated thanks to the 3 demo sites in the project, different in size, climate and regulation