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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Hybrid Eco Responsible Optimized European Solution


Architecture design

This report displays the architecture design developped during the project

Definition of CAE Workflow and AI Workflow

The document presents the AI and one HPC example workflow integrated in the platform along with the process needed to integrate new workflows

Interim communication plan

This document presents the evolutions of the Communication plan at midproject

Best practice library

This report presents the best practice library developped during the project infrastructure services integration best practice library for data management data management engine DME best practice library for system security security policy access log repository auditsystem

Communication plan

This report presents the Communication plan and strategies for the project

Sustainability & Business model report

This report presents the sustainability and Business model of the project and its solution

Dissemination report

This report diplays the dissemination actions done during the project

Final Prototype

This deliverable is the final prototype of the AI and HPC as a service platform deployment

Workflow Containers

The document shares the work done on all the applications needed to execute the two containerized workflows

Updated Energy Aware Runtime

This deliverable presents the updated Energy Aware Runtime EAR program

Deployment tools, templates and scripts

This document displays the deployment tools templates and scripts developped

Cost service

This deliverable presents the cost service of the HEROES solution

Initial platform mock-up

This document shares the work done to develop a mockup of the platform that will be implemented by the project

Workflow Interfaces

The deliverable displays that all the necessary tools are integrated in HEROES to begin to edit and execute the two workflows

Project website

The HEROES website is established and correctly running

Decision module prototype integrated in HEROES

This deliverable presents the works done to desig and develop the decision module that will be integrated within HEROES The module will help users in the selection of the computing platform of choice HPC centre or public cloud service depending on multiple scenarios and constraints eg most energy efficient platform best perfprice ratio best perf best price and submit their jobs more easily ie select the best set of job submission parameters with as little user interaction as possible number of coresnodes maximum runtime amount of RAM

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