CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Details the choice of modules and APIs developed in WP3 to 5 for each application
Application use cases and tracesUse cases integrated in JUBE with input from WP2
Final report on applications experienceReport performance improvements over the project, compare with other platforms, and detail porting efforts and ease-of-use.
Final Application workflow adaptations to the DASIData Management Plan
This document describes the Data Management Plan for project IOSEA with compliancy to the ORDP
Demonstrations of data-centric workflows using DASI for in-situ processing and visualisationDissemination, Exploitation and Training Report and Future Plans Year 1
Dissemination Exploitation and Training Report and Future Plans Year 1
Dissemination, Exploitation and Training Report and Future Plans Year 3Dissemination, Exploitation and Training Report and Future Plans Year 3
Application co-design inputDocuments requirements of all applications for codesign includes all IO and data flow requirements
Dissemination, Exploitation and Training Report and Future Plans Year 2Dissemination, Exploitation and Training Report and Future Plans Year 2
Collaboration plan with definition of common objectives and activities including milestonesThis deliverable define a collaboration plan with the other projects involved in the EuroHPC initiativeThis collaboration is a way to work jointly during the last 30 months of the project making it possible to address crosscutting issues to share results tools best practicies and methods organize joint events and write joint publications when possible
Final updates to the interface based on feedback from first version and the adaptations in D5.3
Philippe Deniel (CEA), Johann Lombardi (INTEL), John Bent (SEAGATE), Tiago Quinto (ECMWF)
Publié dans:
Bird Of Feather session at Supercomputing 2021, Numéro Unique, 2021
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