Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BeeHome (A new automated beekeeping platform based on AI, computer vision, and precision robotics, designed to improve bee health, and increase pollination and honey production)
Berichtszeitraum: 2021-06-01 bis 2022-05-31
Beehome is a modular commercial AI-powered apiary composed of hardware and software that fully automates beekeeping and honey production while optimizing pollination. The fully solar-powered system can manage up to 40 hives and streamline their operation such as pollination, honey-production and reproduction. The system includes an automated robotic brood box management system; computer vision based monitoring of each of the ~60k cells of the hive; AI based analytics for prediction and decision making; an automated honey harvesting system; and a fully automated system for pest control, feeding and thermoregulation. The aim of this project is to optimize and produce the BeeHome, and demonstrate the technology through in-field validations with apiaries.
Two Beehomes V2 where produced in-house and populated with bees; the Beehomes were tested to identify any possible hardware malfunction or software bugs. The Company optimized the technical features of the XYZ Cartesian Robot and redesigned of the frame array and system chassis and enclosure as well as all other Beehome systems. After testing and optimizing the system Beewise produced in-house 10 new Beehomes V2 to perform the in-field testing, demonstration and validation in commercial apiaries. These Beehomes V2 units were populated with Bees and deployed in commercial apiaries in Israel.
Software Optimisation
Beewise has upgraded all software components of the Beehome system. Data collected from expert beekeepers and from the beta testing was used to optimize the AI by iterating it with additional data gathered from the Computer Vision outputs and sensory input from all units. In addition, the Company redesigned its on-site control software as well as cloud database and management software. The company has also redesigned its User UI, adding a complete new set of apiary management functionalities which enable customers to efficiently manage their hives as well as user settings and preferences. Lastly, Beewise has also developed an internal portfolio management and analysis tools, to manage its portfolio of users.
Beewise deployed 10 Beehomes in 5 apiaries in Israel. The testing lasted 12 months and will was used to validate the commercial Beehome model. Beewise performed regular visits to the apiaries and performed maintenance as necessary.
Beehomes were populated and tested for hardware and software reliability in working environment. The apiary’s bees were carefully introduced in the Beehome and the wellbeing of the bees was monitored since day 1 of testing.
The beekeepers provided Beewise with feedback on overall user experience, ease of data interpretation, and improved beekeeping operations.
Beehome V2, which was developed during the project, is a complete redesign of the company’s previous company prototypes. All product systems have been optimized to better fit the costumer (Beekeeper) needs, such as on-going hive management, transportability, honey harvesting and feeding. The system was also optimized for durability and cost and designed for mass manufacturing.
The project the Beehome V2 went through 12 months of extensive in-field testing. Detailed data from the in-field testing was collected and analysed. The main finding were
● The BHs were in per with standard hives in their pollination efficiency.
● The BHs demonstrated a smaller probability of losing hives during pollination (5% in BHs compared to 10% for wooden hives for hives participating in three pollination seasons annually).
● BHs hives showed an average increase of 36% in honey production compared to standard hives.
● BHs demonstrated 47% less annual colony losses compared to standard wooden hives.