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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

open INNovation ecosystem for sustainable Plant-based nano-enabled biomateRials deploymEnt for packaging, tranSport and conSuMEr goods

Descrizione del progetto

Un ecosistema innovativo promuoverà nuovi materiali biocompatibili per sostituire quelli a base di petrolio

Il progetto INN-PRESSME, finanziato dall’UE, sosterrà lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti biocompatibili, la loro estensione alla produzione industriale e la loro introduzione sul mercato utilizzando un modello di cooperazione per accelerare soluzioni di bioeconomia ed economia circolare. A tal fine, il progetto si concentrerà su (nano)cellulosa, bioplastiche e fibre naturali insieme ad approcci nanotecnologici per sviluppare materiali biocompatibili con proprietà e funzionalità che eguagliano o superano le loro controparti fossili a prezzi competitivi. Questo approccio porterà a nuovi prodotti riciclabili e/o a soluzioni biodegradabili che sostituiscono i prodotti a base di petrolio. Ventisette partner dell’UE sono impegnati insieme in questo sforzo.


INN-PRESSME aims at developing and implementing a sustainable OITB to support European companies to scale up their nano-enabled biomaterials and processes from TRL 4-5 to 7. We will focus on (nano)cellulose, bioplastics and natural fibres, combined with nanotechnology approaches to tailor biobased materials with properties and functionalities (barrier, antibacterial properties, improved corrosion or chemical resistance, etc.) that equal or outperform their fossil counterparts at competitive prices. INNPRESSME gathers 16 pilot lines, organized in routes and processes for feedstock conversion (PLA, PHA, fibre-based, cellulose-based), formulation and transformation and processing of bio-based material to high added value products.
INN-PRESSME is a joint collaborative net of 27 partners from 10 EU countries from North (Fi, Nor, Swe, UK, Be), South (Sp, It, Fr) and central Europe (Ge, Po). All technical and market oriented services are provided by specific partners, include equipment and methods for processing, fast and accurate/reliable characterization, scaling up, nanosafety, eco-design and circular economy assessment (recyclability and biodegradability), product certification, digitization of the OITB, sustainable OITB´ business plan, technology transfer, support for funding, networking activities. The value proposition will be validated for 3 targeted mass markets (packaging, energy/transport, and consumer goods sectors) with 9 test cases co-developed with Early Adopters (7 IND, 1 SME) and with additional test cases through open calls. All this will secure the smooth transition of the new material concepts to the market, for a cumulated turnover of about 56M€ by 2029. Additionally, for maximizing the impacts on SMEs, the OITB will rely on a strong network of European clusters and initiatives and on an efficient promotional campaigns including towards the ECCP members or regional initiatives funded by ERDF. These services will be available through single entry point.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 117 201,25
02150 Espoo

Mostra sulla mappa

Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 2 117 201,25

Partecipanti (40)