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European Sustainable BIObased nanoMAterials Community (BIOMAC)

Descripción del proyecto

Innovación abierta para bioaplicaciones

El sector de base biológica es uno de los que más recursos consume de toda Europa. Como factor principal de la economía, impulsa la implantación de modelos empresariales circulares de eficiencia en el consumo de recursos. Los avances recientes en materia de nanomateriales de origen biológico se unen a las biotecnologías para convertir recursos renovables en biopolímeros de alto valor añadido, que utilizan los sectores del envasado de alimentos, la construcción, la automoción y la electrónica impresa. En el proyecto BIOMAC, financiado con fondos europeos, se creará un ecosistema de banco de pruebas de innovación abierta (OITB, por sus siglas en inglés) al que podrán acceder las pymes y la industria en un único punto de entrada. El equipo del proyecto prevé establecer una comunidad de colaboración abierta que respalde la innovación y minimice los riesgos de inversión. Los servicios del OITB analizarán la normativa, la seguridad, la sostenibilidad, la circularidad y el potencial de comercialización con la modelización, el control de procesos, la normalización y la caracterización.


Recent developments render the biobased sector a key player in European Economy providing a great impetus towards Circular Business Models of resource efficiency. Developments in biobased nanomaterials are coupled with biotechnologies applied to biomass converting the renewable resources into high added-value polymers. BIOMAC will establish an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) Ecosystem providing open access to SMEs or Industry to a single-entry point. Starting from the utilization of biomass sources followed by the production of biobased nanoparticles and different building blocks the ecosystem produces biopolymers for the strategic sectors of Food Packaging, Construction, Automotive and Printed Electronics which consist a high market share. A self-sustainable open innovation ecosystem for the upscaling of upscaled processes across the supply and value chain is intended to be created in order fill this gap. Although the last two decades a high number of publications have been only a very limited number of such cases has been finally commercialized and reached the market end users. Some of the reasons that these have not been adopted by the market are lack of investment, funding for further development, upscaling and the limited willingness of end users to adopt nanomaterials into their processes, this is the ‘valley of death’ which BIOMAC intends to overcome. The OITB will offer services that cover the assessment of regulation & safety, sustainability, circularity and market potential among with modeling, process control, standardization and characterization; accessible at fair conditions and cost. BIOMAC establishes a concrete community of open collaboration for stakeholders and customers enabling innovation and minimization of investment risks. This will be achieved by offering an open innovation ecosystem, in which technologies that have been developed up to TRL4-5 will be able to be upscaled and validated up to TRL 7.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 191 075,00

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Βόρεια Ελλάδα Κεντρική Μακεδονία Θεσσαλονίκη
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 191 075,00

Participantes (37)