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Biogenic Organotropic Wetsuits

Description du projet

Des nanoparticules dotées d’une surface biogénique

Les vésicules extracellulaires (VE) représentent les navettes universelles de la communication intercellulaire, transférant des lipides, des protéines et des acides nucléiques, servant d’intermédiaire dans les processus physiologiques et propageant différentes maladies, dont le cancer et les infections. Le principal objectif du projet BOW, financé par l’UE, consiste à examiner et à développer la technologie capable de conférer la précision de surface biologique, les capacités de circulation et de ciblage des VE aux nanodispositifs superparamagnétiques en les revêtant d’une membrane à une ou plusieurs couches de VE. Cette technologie entend faire progresser les nanodispositifs implantables et les nanomatériaux vers la production durable et la traduction clinique, démontrant la possibilité de reproduire les fonctions biomimétiques sur n’importe quel nanodispositif synthétique.


Extracellular vesicle (EVs) nanoparticles are the universal agents of intercellular and inter-organismal communication “made by cells for cells” to shuttle lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, EVs mediate physiological processes and help to spread various diseases, including cancer and infections. Their innate navigation performances take origin in the unique structure and composition of their membrane (which is to date inaccessible to synthetic mimics). The main goal of the BOW project is to explore and consolidate the technology able to impart biological surface precision, circulation and targeting abilities of EVs to superparamagnetic nanodevices (Magnetic Bead Devices, MBDs) by “dressing” them with a single- or multi-layer “wetsuit” of EV membrane “fabric”. This will proof and set a general, viable paradigm to recapitulate key biomimetic functions – including camouflage to the immune system and organ site/tumor targeting – to any synthetic nanodevice, while being disruptive as a first example of biogenic nanotechnology. If successful, such a non-incremental technology will promote the progress of implantable nanodevices and nanomaterials towards sustainable production and clinical translation, contributing to strengthen and keep in the lead position European biotechnology and impacting life quality for people. Major objectives include: (i) production high-grade EVs with biomimetic and organotropic functions, (ii) synthesis and functionalization of MBDs, (iii) engineering a microfluidic device for streamlined fabrication of EV membrane coated MBDs (evMBDs) (iv) evaluation of evMBD biological performances and nanotoxiciy in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo. BOW will be made possible thanks to a balanced ecology-biology-biophysics-chemistry-engineering matrix, of well-established and internationally recognized academics (7), high biotech SMEs (3), plus 1 innovation consulting, contributing to strengthen European pool of expertise and biotechnology innovation eco-system.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 598 725,35
50019 Firenze

Voir sur la carte

Centro (IT) Toscana Firenze
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 598 725,35

Participants (12)