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from Intrinsic Motivations to Transitional Wearable INtelligent companions for autism spectrum disorder

Descripción del proyecto

Mejora de un robot de compañía vestible para niños con trastorno del espectro autista

Es importante investigar el trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), ya que afecta aproximadamente a uno de cada diez niños recién nacidos de los países desarrollados. Una investigación anterior financiada con fondos europeos tuvo como resultado el desarrollo de un prototipo de un robot de compañía vestible llamado PlusMe que contribuyó al tratamiento y al apoyo diario del TEA. Ahora, el proyecto financiado con fondos europeos IM-TWIN tiene por objeto dotar al robot PlusMe de un comportamiento inteligente, añadir biosensores y cámaras empotrados para detectar el estado afectivo del niño e integrar todos los componentes en un sistema del internet de las cosas llamado IM-TWIN. Además, validará el dispositivo y sus componentes con partes interesadas objetivo, y llevará a cabo actividades que permitan llevar los componentes del sistema a un nivel de preparación tecnológica más alto. El trabajo del proyecto contribuirá a satisfacer las necesidades de los centros de terapia del TEA.


The IM-TWIN project aims to develop some of the outcomes of the FET GOAL-Robots project towards market exploitation. The basic-research FET GOAL-Robots project aimed to study how intrinsic motivations (“curiosity”) drive exploration and learning in children, and how such processes can be used to develop innovative autonomous robots. This led to conceive the idea that intrinsic motivations can be used to build engaging interactive robots usable for the treatment of children with developmental disorders, in particular within the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a condition with dramatic importance for the well-being of society as it affects about 1 out of 10 newborns in developed countries. We thus developed a “wearable companion robot”, usable for the treatment and daily support of ASD, called PlusMe, now at the stage of prototype. The IM-TWIN project has two sets of objectives. The first is to develop a highly-modular system pivoting on the PlusMe, called the IM-TWIN, addressing the needs of the market segment involving ASD therapy centres and, potentially, families with ASD children: this involves endowing the PlusMe with intelligent behaviour, equipping it with additional embedded biosensors and cameras for detecting the child’s affective/emotional state, and integrating all components as a whole IoT system. The second set of objectives aims to validate the device and its components with target stakeholders, and to carry out a number of activities directed to advance the system components to a higher Technological Readiness Level (TRL7 for the PlusMe): this involves identifying the target groups and analysing ASD-related markets, refining and implementing an effective IPR strategy, planning the steps for individual and collective exploitation of the project outcomes, and finally creating a startup for the exploitation of the IM-TWIN system and its components. IM-TWIN will also foster the development of a lively high-tech research and application ecosystem.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 879 916,25
00185 Roma

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Sud Campania Avellino
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 879 916,25

Participantes (4)