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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Fostering the PAN-European infrastructure for empowering SMEs digital competences in laser-based advance and additive manufacturing.

Description du projet

Donner les moyens aux PME d’adopter des technologies de fabrication additive et avancée utilisant le laser

Les technologies de fabrication additive et avancée utilisant le laser (LBAAM, pour «laser-based advanced and additive manufacturing») jouent un rôle significatif dans l’approfondissement de la production numérique et offrent d’importants avantages aux sociétés qui les adoptent. Toutefois, des obstacles tels que les coûts d’investissement élevés, une technologie complexe, l’intégration du système et la sensibilisation freinent leur adoption par les PME. Le projet PULSATE, financé par l’UE, entend limiter ces obstacles afin de stimuler l’adoption des technologies LBAAM par les PME et promouvoir le développement d’équipements et de solutions utilisant le laser adaptées aux PME. Pour y parvenir, il mettra en place un réseau paneuropéen dans le but d’encourager la participation des PME dans l’innovation en matière de LBAAM. Il connectera ainsi des pôles d’innovation numérique afin de soutenir une structure conçue pour s’attaquer aux problèmes qui entravent actuellement l’adoption des technologies LBAAM. Les travaux du projet aideront à améliorer la compétitivité des PME européennes.


Digitizing European industry is essential for European competitivity in the 21st century, but only 1/5 of EU SMEs is highly digitised. Laser Based Advanced and Additive Manufacturing (LBAAM) technologies are regarded as Key Enablers for Digital Production and offer important advantages to the adopters. SMEs have strong entry barriers for the technology: Investment cost, technology complexity, system integration and awareness/adoption readiness. PULSATE aims to lower all said barriers to boost the adoption of Laser Based technologies by SMEs and promote the development of SME-friendly laser based equipment and solutions.
PULSATE will establish a Pan-European Network to stimulate SMEs to take part in Innovation Ecosystem of LBAAM, by connecting Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) to a support structure of knowledge, infrastructure and services, designed to tackle the issues currently limiting the adoption of LBAAM technology. A balanced combination is proposed between wide outreach using interconnected Virtual Communities and ICT tools (a Single Entry Point will connect a wide range of networking and servicing tools), and close exchange and interaction via DIHs.
The project relies on a consortium of 6 competence centres (AIMEN, FTMC, MTC, SINTEF, Fraunhofer, CEA), service community and marketplace providers (FBA, CLESGO) and a photonics industry association (EPIC). With >50 previous projects outcomes, existing tools and services, connections with 74 running DIHs, Clusters and regional initiatives, PULSATE counts with the explicit support of companies and institutions (>80LoS), and an independent Board of Stakeholders gathering key players in LBAAM will ensure the quality and pertinence of PULSATE orientation.
PULSATE will operate under 4 action areas: Business, Technology, Competence & Awareness, addressing the following technology domains: Nano/Micro Fabrication, AM, High Power Laser Manufacturing and Digitisation, and implementing 4 Open Calls and a catalogue of services.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 4 778 437,50
36410 Porrino

Voir sur la carte

Noroeste Galicia Pontevedra
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 4 778 437,50

Participants (11)