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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Wearable device to decode human mind by neurometrics for a new concept of smart interaction with the surrounding environment

Descripción del proyecto

Seguimiento de mediciones neurofisiológicas y aplicaciones relacionadas

El sector de la electrónica vestible está disparándose, principalmente debido a la demanda aparentemente ilimitada de los usuarios finales. Los rastreadores de la condición física que calculan los pasos y el ritmo cardíaco figuran entre los dispositivos más populares. El proyecto Mindtooth, financiado con fondos europeos, recurrirá a los avances tecnológicos actuales para crear una interacción cooperativa entre humanos y dispositivos. Más concretamente, se basará en un casco de electroencefalograma capaz de proporcionar datos neurométricos en tiempo real al evaluar de forma holística el estado mental de un usuario general. El proyecto se centrará en tres tipos de datos: las necesidades de los usuarios, la validación experimental en la formación de pilotos de avión, y los conductores de automóviles y trabajadores industriales. Lo más impresionante de este proyecto es su consorcio multidisciplinario que incluye a empresas líderes en la industria y cómo estas se unen para crear activos tecnológicos sólidos y robustos.


Mindtooth will aim at establishing a new era within the Human-Machine Interaction domain, enabling a truly “intelligent” and “cooperative” interaction between humans and the devices surrounding them by using cerebral signals. Mindtooth system will rely on an EEG headset designed according to the principles of ergonomy, easiness-to-use and limited invasiveness, and able to provide in real time Neurometrics holistically assessing the mental state (i.e. workload, stress, fatigue, etc.) of a general user during its activity. In particular, Mindtooth will be tailored on three specific applications, including the users’ needs collection and experimental validation in each one of them: aircraft pilots training, car drivers and industrial workers. These three environments have been chosen because of (i) the great social impact our system would have within them by increasing safety and ensuring workers’ healthy, and (ii) the great economic impact these sectors are going to produce on society, thus acting as an incomparable driving force for Mindtooth success.
Although a precautionary approach, Mindtooth is expected to generate an overall turnover of 80 M € in the first five years after the project conclusion, i.e. almost 15 times the total funding request. Mindtooth, already at a TRL6 stage and intended to reach the TRL9, and consequently the market, within two years, relies on the strong scientific background of BrainSigns, Project coordinator, pioneer and leading company in the field of neurophysiological measurements and related applications. Indeed, a very multidisciplinary consortium has been built by involving leading industrial companies such as Brain Products, IBM and ITCL: their effort will be focused on the establishment of solid and robust technological assets via synergy of all partners’ existing assets and skills, joined with the aim to generate a commercial product, the Mindtooth, that will have a significant market impact across multiple application domains.

Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 872 040,00
00198 ROMA

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 245 771,43

Participantes (3)