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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Embedded Electronic solutions for Polymer Innovative Scanning Tools using Light Emitting devices for diagnostic Routines

Descrizione del progetto

L’ispezione di tubi e isolamenti polimerici industriali diventa più facile, veloce e precisa

Che siano naturali o sintetici, i polimeri (grandi molecole costituite da subunità ripetute chiamate monomeri) sono onnipresenti. Sono molto diffusi nell’industria, dove trovano impiego nell’isolamento elettrico, come protezione meccanica e come barriere chimiche. Poiché l’eventuale cedimento di questi rivestimenti può avere un impatto grave e persino letale, assicurarsi che i difetti vengano rilevati prima che progrediscano è fondamentale. Il progetto El-Peacetolero, finanziato dall’UE, sta progettando un semplice dispositivo optoelettronico portatile con IA integrata per l’identificazione e la valutazione non invasiva in tempo reale dei polimeri industriali che invecchiano. Il dispositivo verrà dimostrato alla fine del progetto: mediante un ispettore robotico, valuterà l’interno dei tubi polimerici nell’industria nucleare. Inoltre, verranno testati la sua elettronica e le prestazioni complessive in ambienti radiativi.


El-Peacetoleros overarching ambition is to design a TRL 7 hand-held, low power, embedded optoelectronic system that can deploy AI for in-situ real-time measurement, identification and diagnosis of the material state of aging polymers in an industrial environment.
This optoelectronic system will be compact, ergonomic, modular, low power consumption, low cost and can be used by a technician or installed on a robot to perform non-invasive monitoring and analysis of polymers used in industrial environments for protection and insulation. To develop prototype, we will create a database of aged polymer samples and their ATR-FTIR measurements. Moreover, El-Peacetolero will develop artificial intelligence based algorithms for polymer identification, diagnosis, and early detection of the aging condition.To construct the system, El-Peacetolero will develop a compact, high brightness, multi-wavelengths, measuring head including IR sources(LED/Laser), ATR crystal and detectors in the same package. El Peacetoleros accuracy will be evaluated through focusing on reference characterisation of aged polymer samples to throughout its design phases. The impact of its operating conditions (radiative environments) on its electronic components will also be thoroughly studied . At the end of the project, El-Peacetolero will be used for performing measurements inside pipes on an equipped robot, which can operate inside the pipes.
The El-Peacetolero has the potential for a huge impact. Already within the nuclear industry it will save time and money by implementing easy non-destructive techniques for the identification and diagnosis of polymers. It will also have an impact on the security and safety of the industry as aging polymers on cables and pipes can cause massive safety issues. These safety issues can also be transferred to other industries such as cabling on airplanes, where a technology such as El-Peacetolero could provide invaluable assistance in identifying potential problems.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 118 750,00
75006 Paris

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 118 750,00

Partecipanti (8)