Description du projet
Renouer avec la nature pour combattre la solitude
La solitude est un problème de santé, susceptible d’être corrigé, qui peut raccourcir la vie d’une personne, avec des effets potentiels semblables à ceux du tabagisme ou de l’obésité. La solitude ne connaît pas de frontières géographiques, économiques, culturelles ou sociales et touche tous les groupes d’âge. L’objectif du projet RECETAS, financé par l’UE, consiste à étudier la solitude au travers d’un prisme transdisciplinaire intégrant les sciences sociales, comportementales, médicales et naturelles, et s’appuyant sur des principes participatifs. Il utilisera des essais contrôlés randomisés ainsi que d’autres méthodes épidémiologiques, anthropologiques et relatives à l’économie médicale afin de tester des prescriptions sociales innovantes basées sur la nature dans six villes d’Europe, d’Amérique latine et d’Australie.
Re-imagining Environments for Connection and Engagement: Testing Actions for Social Prescribing in Natural Spaces (RECETAS) will address loneliness, a modifiable health condition that is known to shorten ones lifespan and may be as dangerous to ones health as smoking or obesity. In Europe alone, and before COVID-19 pandemic, over 75 million European adults reported meeting with family and friends at most once per month and 30 million European adults frequently felt lonely. Loneliness knows no geographic, economic, cultural, and social boundaries and affects all age groups.
For urban dwellers, nearby nature, with social structures, can improve health and mental well-being and reduce loneliness. Even under the extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19, people need time in nature for its healing benefits and its role in allowing people to interact in nature. Investments in nature-based solutions (NBS) and green infrastructure (GI) that address rapid urbanization and its adverse consequences on environmental systems in our cities, can be harnessed for health and well-being even in times of health emergencies.
RECETAS explores loneliness through a transdisciplinary lens, integrating social, behavioral, health, and natural sciences, and is grounded in participatory principles. It will use randomized controlled trials (RCT) and other epidemiologic, anthropological and health economic methods to test socially- and culturally-innovative nature-based social prescribing (NBSP) in six cities in Europe, Latin America, and Australia. The approach aims to improve upon real-world policy and practice to reduce loneliness by connecting people experiencing loneliness with helping professionals and extensive investments in NBS and GI, while alleviating pressures on stressed health care systems. If successful, it will systematically reduce loneliness, promote and sustain vibrant, socially-connected communities, and reduce health inequalities by connecting to nature in meaningful ways. RECETAS is part of the European Cluster on Urban Health.
Champ scientifique
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
Régime de financement
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinateur
08036 Barcelona