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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Advanced control of renewable energy generation systems based on fuel cells\wind power

Final Report Summary - ACRES (Advanced control of renewable energy generation systems based on fuel cells\wind power)

The European Union is conscious about the fundamental problems arisen from the current energy system, based mainly on hydrocarbons and has a firm commitment to encourage renewable energy technologies research. Among experts in energy there is a growing trend to promote Decentralised Electrical Generation Systems (DEGS) with modular efficient non-polluting generation plants. DEGS that incorporate hydrogen as an energetic vector are of particular interest. Hydrogen can be easily produced, stored and efficiently converted into electricity by means of fuel cells, adding great flexibility to DEGS.

However, fuel cells based DEGS exhibit complex non-linear behaviour, have inaccessible variables and withstand severe disturbances, so special controllers are required. A wide range of linear controllers has been already proposed, but the validity of the results cannot be extrapolated. The development of advanced control systems for fuel cell based DEGS that incorporate renewable energy sources is then not merely a challenging area of research, but is also a field of great interest for environmental, social, economic and strategic reasons.

The key aim of project ACRES is the development of advanced controllers capable to improve the efficiency of fuel cells/wind power based DEGS. Controllers are being design, implemented and experimentally tested. The results of these implementations are used to assess the theoretical developments and also provide technology demonstrators to aid technology transfer to industry.
The main objectives of the project ACRES are threefold:
1.- Scientific. To develop advanced controllers to improve the efficiency and durability of fuel cell/renewable energy based electrical generation systems.
2.- Knowledge transfer. To instruct and train the host group in new methodologies and techniques of non-linear control and their application to renewable based generation systems.
3.- Strategic. To advise the host group in the new trends of renewable energies generation systems integration and control.

The work performed so far is in accordance with the objectives settled for the project. With respect to the Development of Controllers, particular attention is given to robustness, performance enhancement and efficiency optimisation. To attain such goals, advanced non-linear controllers are used with special emphasis on sliding mode techniques, including second order variable-gains algorithms. Several controllers, in different stages of development (design, implementation and testing) are proposed for manifold applications:
• Power management strategies for different scenarios for a PEM fuel cell hybrid generation system,
• Air supply control of PEM fuel cells based systems,
• Active and reactive power control of wind turbines,
• Power converter controllers for renewable energy applications.
• Lean burn IC engine controller for a series hybrid vehicle.

With respect to the Knowledge Transfer and the assessment of Strategic Issues to the host group members, the Fellow, Prof. Puleston, performs many actions as, for instance, scientific/technical presentations to the research team, specific group discussion seminars and individual meetings with group members for concrete research projects. The topics that are the object of these activities refer to the analysis and design of advanced controllers for renewable energy systems, but also to the control oriented modelling of such specific systems. In addition, Prof.Puleston is very active in the assessment of strategic issues. During the Incoming Phase, by participating in the weekly group’s meeting where scientific and strategic decisions are taken. During the Return Phase in the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, by taking the position of Vice-Director of the LEICI, research institute of the UNLP.

Another important outcome of the activities of Prof.Puleston in the framework of the ACRES project is the creation and strengthening of cooperation ties. Particularly, between the Incoming Phase institution (ACES – CSIC/UPC) and the Return Phase institution (LEICI - UNLP) but also, during both phases of the project, he had great impact on the establishment of contacts and the diffusion of the host institutions activities in relevant research centres from Europe and America, among others:
• School of Engineering and Digital Arts, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
• Engineering Department, University of Leicester, UK
• Dip. di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy
• Dep. of Electric, Electronic and Automatic Control of the Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
• Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Barcelona, Spain.
• Dep. de Automação e Sistemas, Univ, Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil
• Sliding Mode Control Laboratory. Facultad de Ingeniería. U.N.A.M Mexico.

The results obtained hitherto in the ACRES project as a whole can be summarised by:
• Contribute to sound scientific achievements of the host groups in advanced control of fuel cells/wind power based DEGS. Up to this moment 7 papers have been accepted for publication in JCI international Journals and other 6 in specialised conferences reporting some of the results obtained. In addition, other works are still being developed and some of their results are prepared to be submitted for publication.
• Increasing the international visibility of the Incoming Phase host group and the Return Phase host group, respectively, with significant collaborations already accomplished with relevant groups in the automatic control area related with energy
• Boosting the education of both groups in non-linear control, specifically in advanced sliding mode control techniques
• Helping to find new scientific/technical trends and strategic planning advising for both host groups.
• Having comprehensible experimental demonstrators able to show to industrial companies the advantages of the new generation of controllers for sustainable energy systems.
• The scientific impact of the project was significant, as it is seen from the acceptance of the articles already submitted and presented to experts. It is early to evaluate the socio-economic impact that will have the results of the project, but the expectations to have the interest of some companies related with renewable energy equipment are high.

There are several potential target groups to whom the renewable energy research developed in the ACRES project could be relevant. In the region of the host groups it can be cited:
-ENARSA (Energía Argentina SA) – Presidencia de la Nación, Argentina.
-Cámara Argentina de Energías Renovables, Argentina.
-Dirección Provincial de Energía – Ministerio de Infraestructura, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Secretaria de Energía – Ministerio de Planificación Federal Inversión Pública y Servicios, Argentina.
-ICAEN Institut Català d'Energia – Generalitat de Catalunya.
-IREC, Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya
-Som Energia
-Secretaria de Estado de Energía – Gobierno de España.