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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations - focus on radon and NORM

Description du projet

Une nouvelle approche de la gestion du risque radiologique au profit de la science et de la société

Les États membres de l’UE, les pays associés et la Commission européenne mettent en place la directive européenne des normes fondamentales de radioprotection. Le projet RadoNorm, financé par l’UE, se concentrera sur l’ensemble des niveaux du cycle de gestion du risque radiologique relatif à l’exposition au radon, ainsi que sur les situations d’exposition aux matières radioactives naturelles (NORM, pour «naturally occurring radioactive materials»). Le projet cherche à diminuer les préoccupations scientifiques, techniques et sociétales en présentant des développements techniques et issus de la recherche, en intégrant l’éducation et la formation, et en diffusant les résultats du projet au travers d’actions ciblées à destination du public, des parties prenantes et des institutions associées. RadoNorm orientera la recherche et le développement sur tous les niveaux du cycle de gestion, combinera la recherche biomédicale et écologique avec la recherche sur l’élaboration de mesures d’atténuation et les sciences sociales, puis réunira des chercheurs du domaine de la radioprotection venant d’organismes, d’universités et de PME nationaux.


RadoNorm is designed to initiate and perform research and technical development in support of European Union Member States, Associated Countries and the European Commission in their efforts to implement the European radiation protection Basic Safety Standards. The proposed multidisciplinary and inclusive research project will target all relevant steps of the radiation risk management cycle for radon and NORM exposure situations. RadoNorm aims to reduce scientific, technical and societal uncertainties by (i) initiating and performing research and technical developments, (ii) integrating education and training in all research and development activities, (iii) and disseminating the project achievements through targeted actions to the public, stakeholders and regulators.
This will strengthen the scientific and technical basis for all key steps of the radiation risk management cycle for radon and NORM. The inclusive character of RadoNorm is given at different levels, by (i) targeting research and development on all steps of the management cycle, (ii) combining biomedical, and ecological research with mitigation development and social science research, (iii) integration of researchers from national radiation protection institutions, research centres, universities, and SME, (iv) incorporation of E&T activities in all undertakings, and (v) linking dissemination efforts directly to knowledge achievements and new recommendations.
Steps addressed are the (a)characterization of radon and NORM exposures, (b)improving dosimetry, (c)assessing effects and risks for humans and the environment, (d)refining mitigation technologies, (e)raising the understanding for societal aspects, and (f)disseminating achievements. Further, an ambitious pan European E&T programme, will contribute to competence building and sustainability of the project findings.
The project includes 56 partners from 22 EU member states and associated countries and collaboration with groups in the US and Canada.

Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 3 176 136,00
Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5
38226 Salzgitter

Voir sur la carte

Niedersachsen Braunschweig Salzgitter, Kreisfreie Stadt
Type d’activité
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 3 176 136,25

Participants (60)