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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

THz imaging technology for public security

Descripción del proyecto

Tecnologías de escaneo seguras para combatir la delincuencia

Un aumento de los ataques terroristas y de las actividades delictivas está obligando a los gobiernos a encontrar nuevas tecnologías más eficaces y seguras para detectar amenazas como, por ejemplo, explosivos, armas y estupefacientes. Por ello, son necesarias tecnologías de alta sensibilidad que permitan una respuesta rápida. Por desgracia, el mercado de la seguridad pública está regulado por complejos sistemas heredados y derechos de propiedad intelectual. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos TERASEC comercializará un novedoso escáner de seguridad sin parangón con un rendimiento excepcional y que cumple con todos los requisitos normativos. El escáner utiliza ondas de terahercios avanzadas e inofensivas gracias a materiales superconductores y ferromagnéticos que ofrecen una gran sensibilidad, un tiempo de respuesta rápido y una potencia equivalente de bajo ruido.


The objectives of TERASEC project entail the activities aimed at pre-commercial validation of the technological performances and market potential of a novel device for the detection of security threats, such as weapons, explosives, drugs etc..
The functionality of TERASEC is enabled through combination of superconducting and ferromagnetic materials that delivers frequency selective THz sensors showing unprecedented sensitivity (single-photon resolution), fast response time, high dynamic range, and low noise-equivalent-power.
Specifically, starting from the outstanding outcomes reached so far, the capacity of the TERASEC system to detect the above threats with given level of accuracy, range and selectivity will be verified in accordance with the requirements of prospect users (to be collected during the project implementation).
Moreover, a detailed market, IPR and regulatory compliance study will be carried out, in order to enable smooth implementation of TERASEC in the complicated context of the public security market. To enhance this, an advisory board gathering Key Opinion Leaders of the sector will be secured and involved into project activity throughout all the project duration. In parallel, comprehensive communication strategy addressing all the stakeholders of the relevant value chain will be rolled out, with strong focus on prospect consumers and users, so to ensuring market traction.
Overall, the goal of TERASEC is to deliver an unrivalled novel security scanner device leveraging harmless THz waves, that widely overpasses the accuracy performances of all the conventional systems, thus contributing to the safety of European citizens and the security of sensitive infrastructures.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-POC - Proof of Concept Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 150 000,00
00185 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
Sin datos

Beneficiarios (1)