Periodic Reporting for period 1 - UP2DCHEM (Upscaling of fluorographene chemistry for supercapacitor electrode material)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-04-01 al 2021-09-30
The highest volumetric energy densities of carbon-based SCs on the current market is in the range from 4 to 16Wh/l, while reference laboratory graphene structures obtained between 80 to 100 Wh/L. Limiting factor for high power applications (i.g. automotive, renewable power sources etc.) is also power density that is typically not exceeding 2kW/L on the current SC generation.
The ERC project proposed and proved benefit of 2D high density graphene electrodes offering the highest ratio of both key storage component parameters – Energy Density and Power Density. The newly developed GN3 graphene electrode material is made by original nitrogen doping process that further enhanced the material density and porosity to enhance its charge storage capability. At the same time, the structure supports fast release and capture of the charge to be able to deliver high charging / discharging current at high-power density.
The GN3 based structure supercapacitors have reached energy density as high as 200Wh/L and power density up to 50kW/L that present a record combination reported at the time of the research. Laboratory made supercapacitors confirmed excellent stability of the material, no/low wear out during charge / discharge cycle and long lifetime of the system. The ERC task also focused on the GN3 material optimisation to enable its pre-production and mass production in the industrial scale.