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Weaponizing Social Housing in Medellín and Rio de Janeiro

Description du projet

Arrangements de gouvernance illicites et logements sociaux dans les villes d’Amérique latine

Pendant plusieurs décennies, les pays d’Amérique latine ont utilisé des aides au logement pour améliorer les conditions de vie des pauvres des zones urbaines. C’est toutefois une autre histoire pour la sécurité. Le projet Social Housing, financé par l’UE, étudiera ce qu’il se passe lorsque les résidents d’habitats informels contrôlés par des groupes criminels organisés sont relogés dans des complexes de logements formels. Ces groupes criminels conservent généralement leur influence. Ainsi, le projet comparera les arrangements de gouvernance entre l’État, le marché et les acteurs criminels concernant les immeubles de logements sociaux formels par rapport à ceux des logements informels. En prenant comme études de cas les logements de Rio de Janeiro et de Medellín, le projet étudiera la manière dont les gangs criminels et les milices obtiennent et exercent leur pouvoir sur les services d’infrastructure (et de protection). Il examinera également la manière dont les résidents se protègent.


State-subsidized housing programs have improved the livelihood of low-income populations in Latin American cities for decades. Once inhabited, however, they do not succeed in guaranteeing these populations’ safety. When residents are rehoused from informal settlements controlled by organized criminal groups, these groups sustain influence in formalized housing complexes. What is more, new dynamics such as housing financialization increase residents’ exposure to criminal actors. This project explores such ‘weaponization’ of social housing by comparing governance arrangements between state, market and criminal actors in formal social housing condominiums to those in informal settlements. Utilizing a two-by-two ethnographic comparison, based on case studies of one informal settlement and one condominium in both Rio de Janeiro and Medellín, the project will investigate 1) how state actors redefine social housing in terms of governmental influence and private property logics; 2) how gangs and militias gain and exert control over infrastructure and (protective) services; 3) how residents protect themselves against diverse, gendered forms of violence. The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University (HU), with its renowned interdisciplinary expertise in urban governance, crime and planning provides an ideal training context for fieldwork activities and supervision (Prof Davis) of the project’s theoretical development. By bringing the Latin American perspective on the relationship between crime and housing into direct conversation with HU’s and the University of Amsterdam's research in North America and Europe, this project develops a transferable approach to urban sovereignty in the global North and South as decisive step towards an ERC Starting Grant proposal. Through dissemination of the gained knowledge, the project will bridge policy expertise between housing and crime, and support local advocacy groups’ interaction with authorities.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 253 052,16
1012WX Amsterdam

Voir sur la carte

West-Nederland Noord-Holland Groot-Amsterdam
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 253 052,16

Partenaires (1)