CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This will focus on listing and selecting funding instruments describing types of contractual arrangements and matching them with types of Energy Symbiosis projects and providing guidelines for building strong investororiented business cases
Lessons learnt on Energy Symbiosis from INCUBIS project to improve CWA 17354 - Industrial SymbiosisThis deliverable will be the actual agreement resulting from the CWA process and will include a proposal for a European Standard for an Energy Symbiosis Management System ESMS
Report on actions and recommendations for policy-makersThis deliverable will report on all the policyrelated actions undertaken in the project and include the relevant recommendations generated
BAT for energy symbiosis - A supplement to the energy efficiency BREFThis report will complement the information contained in the energy efficiency BAT process and installation level It will follow a similar structure to the existing BAT but include information on crosssite optimization
An investor-oriented taxonomy of energy symbiosisThis report will include the ESadapted methods and tools to valuate projects and analyse the risk of investments as well as an ES taxonomy based on investment criteria
Energy symbiosis good practices: Policies and stakeholder commitmentThis will discuss ways and provide best practice examples for securing support and commitment on the political level policies regulations roadmaps business level company commitment and social level community support
A European framework for the coordination of energy symbiosisThis will include a description of Energy Symbiosis project characteristics stages roles types and a walkthrough of the projects lifecycle Adaptations of the framework to types of ES projects found in the regions will be included
Maps of energy symbiosis potential in the target regionsReport including all the methods data calculations and results from the energy symbiosis potential mapping in the target regions
Communication, dissemination and awareness raising planThis report will include an initial tables of partners planned communication and dissemination activities as well as upcoming events relevant to the project It will also contain project templates graphic materials flyers etc snapshots of the website and social media accounts
Interim report on communication and dissemination activitiesThis document will report on all the communication and dissemination activities conducted in the first half of the project
Report on the accelerated education and mentoring activitiesThis deliverable will detail the structure include the materials and report on the outcomes of the projects training and mentoring activities
Handbook of Energy Symbiosis ImplementationThis report will document the key learnings gathered during the three implementation stages described in T43 and will serve as a practical aid at pan European level for implementing Energy Symbiosis It will include updates on D21 D23 and D24
Final report on communication and dissemination activitiesThis document will report on all the communication and dissemination activities conducted in the second half of the project
A method for estimating energy symbiosis potential in the target regionsThis will i fuse methodologies for estimating demand and supply of energy theoreticalCarnoteconomic potential ii cover topdown and bottomup approaches iii include regulatory aspects iv provide examples
The first version of the platform will be launched online for use by consortium partners and selected third parties. At this stage the tools will be functional but not fully integrated. This version will be used to support delivery of WP2 services during WP4.
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