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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Student networks leading the struggle for universities free of sexual violence: mechanisms to support survivors, inspiring institutional changes for violence prevention

Descripción del proyecto

Cómo acabar con la violencia de género en las universidades

La violencia sexual y el acoso sexual que sufren las estudiantes en las universidades es un grave problema. Un estudio realizado en cinco países de la Unión Europea determinó que la mayoría de los incidentes no se denuncian principalmente debido al miedo a que nadie las crea. El proyecto UniswithHeart, financiado con fondos europeos, investigará cómo abordan los movimientos sociales la violencia sexual en las universidades y cómo empoderan a las víctimas para que denuncien. En concreto, arrojará luz sobre qué estrategias y mecanismos de movimientos sociales son eficaces. Además, examinará el papel que desempeña la sociología pública a la hora de promover redes de apoyo a estudiantes europeos («European Student Networks of Support» o SNS), que constituyen políticas académicas influyentes contra la violencia sexual. Los hallazgos arrojarán luz sobre cómo las redes de apoyo pueden contribuir a influir en las administraciones y la legislación en términos de fomento de la seguridad y de los entornos de campus propicios con el objetivo de acabar con la violencia de género.


The problem of sexual violence in universities and institutions is getting international attention. In this watershed moment, European Student Networks of Support (SNS) are progressively acting to prevent and face this problem. This project aims (1) to study in which ways do social movements struggle to eradicate sexual violence to contribute to the creation of networks of support in higher education; inquiring on social actors engaged, resistances faced and overall, how are contexts of zero tolerance in which victims feel empowered to speak up shaped. Power structures and complicities are often limiting student movements from effective organizing in preventing harassment. Drawing from this, the project pretends (2) to uncover effective strategies and mechanisms of SNS and the movement against sexual violence in universities, focusing on how it successfully performs and got to be so widely recognized. The emergence of these social movements count on the support of active bystanders, including scholars who develop research and action for and with the public, committed with improving the existing civil society worldwide. In this line, (3) the role of public sociology in promoting SNS is also explored. Their empowerment is influencing not only academic policies against sexual violence but also political changes, legislations. Thus, impact is expected on three realms: on personal and professional success of direct and second order victims of sexual harassment in academia; on effective university policies; as well as on regulations beyond academic institutions. The gap to be filled (in Europe) focuses on the emerging and articulation of Student Networks of Support illustrating the knowledge of their development and repercussion while successfully influencing administrations, political spheres and legislations, making the EU leader not only in social science research but also in contributing to foster pioneer regulations against gender-based violence.

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Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 245 732,16
48007 Bilbao

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Noreste País Vasco Bizkaia
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 245 732,16

Socios (1)