Umweltfreundliche Wohngebäude
Die Renovierung von Wohngebäuden ist von unschätzbarer Wichtigkeit, da dies zur Senkung ihres Energieverbrauchs beiträgt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Surefit zielt darauf ab, Wohngebäude mithilfe von kosteneffektiven, vorgefertigten, umweltfreundlichen Technologien zu sanieren. Die Methodik des Projekts beruht auf Bio-Aerogel-Platten, in denen Phasenübergangsmaterialien verbaut sind, Photovoltaik-Fenstern aus Vakuum-Isolierglas, Wärmerückgewinnungssystemen im Dach und in den Fenstern, solar unterstützen und erdgekoppelten Wärmepumpen, Verdampfungskühlern, integrierten solarthermischen Anlagen und Beleuchtungseinrichtungen. In diesem Rahmen werden Pilotversuche an Gebäuden in fünf verschiedenen europäischen Gebieten ausgearbeitet.
Surefit will demonstrate fast-track renovation of existing domestic buildings by integrating innovative, cost-effective, and environmentally conscious prefabricated technologies. This is to reach target of near zero energy through reducing heat losses through building envelope, and energy consumption by heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting, while increasing the share of renewable energy in buildings. This will be achieved through a systematic approach involving key stakeholders (building owners/users, manufacturers, product/services developers) in space heating, cooling, domestic hot water, lighting and power generation, as well as a demonstration phase in 5 representative buildings in different European climates.
The technologies will include bio-aerogel panels integrated with phase change materials, photovoltaic (PV) vacuum glazing windows, roof and window heat recovery devices, solar assisted heat pumps/ground source heat pumps, evaporative coolers, integrated solar thermal/PV systems and lighting devices. These will be prefabricated for rapid retrofit with minimal disruption to occupants, ensuring high levels of occupant comfort/indoor environmental quality as well as low risk of moisture-related problems/summer overheating.
The work programme will involve optimal sizing and prefabrication of technologies tailored to building design/requirements; retrofitting/monitoring buildings in different climates with support of advanced building energy management systems; analysing indoor environment quality, energy use, user behaviour/acceptance of the solutions; developing methodology, guidelines/effective operational tools for rapid retrofitting and decision-making; and developing business model involving all relevant actors including, public authorities/investors/users and holistic integration of disciplines across the value chain. These outcomes will be delivered by a consortium comprising leading companies, research/public institutions from European countries.
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