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Environmental connectivity as the keystone to ecological restoration of degraded European mountains

Description du projet

Échantillonnage d’ADN environnemental dans les Pyrénées

La recherche sur la chaîne des Pyrénées — qui s’étend de l’Atlantique aux côtes méditerranéennes et marque la frontière entre la France et l’Espagne — va explorer la restauration des pentes dégradées. Le projet ECO-MOUNTAIN, financé par l’UE, étudiera les menaces que les glissements de terrain peu profonds et l’érosion hydrique font peser sur les montagnes. Il développera une méthode de prise d’empreintes digitales de la source de sédiments en utilisant la technique émergente de l’ADN environnemental (ADNe). Comme de fortes corrélations existent entre la végétation, les sols et la géomorphologie, les plantes laissent une signature d’ADNe sur les sédiments qui reflète l’état de dégradation de la zone. Cela permettra aux chercheurs de définir précisément les points chauds de l’érosion et de surveiller l’impact des projets de restauration écologique dans les grands bassins versants.


Mountains in Europe are highly valued as they provide diverse living and recreational opportunities and unique landscape sceneries, are key economic assets, and because they are treasures of unique flora and fauna. Their vulnerable environment is, however, threatened by the frequent occurrence of shallow landslides and water erosion which produce large amounts of sediment during floods. The urgency to mitigate natural hazards calls for an improved understanding of how physical and biological dimensions of ecological restoration interact. Hence, the ECO-MOUNTAIN project proses an environmental connectivity framework as the keystone to the ecological restoration degraded mountains. A study area was selected in the Pyrenees, where I will benefit from the support of local stakeholders engaged the restoring degraded mountain slopes. Special focus is given to developing a novel sediment source fingerprinting method using environmental DNA (eDNA). As strong interrelations exist between vegetation, soils and geomorphology, plants leave an eDNA signature on sediments which reflects the degradation status of the area. It will allow to define erosion hotspots at unprecedented precisions and serve as a tool to monitor the impact of ecological restoration schemes in large catchments. The validity of the novel eDNA fingerprint methods will be evaluated against conventional fingerprinting method (carbon/nitrogen) and soil mineralogy. I will be hosted by Dr. Stokes at the AMAP joint research group in Montpellier (France). Having access to excellent training and laboratory facilities at AMAP, I will be able to grow as a multiskilled soil restoration scientist. Guidance will also be given by Prof. Cammeraat (geomorphologist) and Dr. Evrard (geochemist) and they will host me in their state-of-the art laboratories during short research stays. From this fellowship project, I expect to grow as an independent scientist and reap the rewards for years to come in my future career.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 196 707,84
75007 Paris

Voir sur la carte

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 196 707,84