Project description
Greater temporal resolution of energy performance is an idea whose time has come
Energy performance certification (EPC) has never been more important. The time has come to enhance the time scale on which the data are evaluated. EPC provides information to consumers about the energy performance rating of a building they are interested in renting or buying, and it is also intended to suggest cost-effective ways to improve energy performance. It is provided to the EU along with inspection reports to enhance understanding and support the creation of EU policy that contributes to the improvement of overall building performance. The EU-funded E-DYCE project is developing a methodology for dynamic EPC intended to replace or be used in conjunction with the current static or steady-state methodology. It will consider the temporal nuances of energy use on scales of minutes, hours and days rather than annual averages, providing better opportunities to suggest more effective energy-efficient behaviours to consumers.
Current steady-state energy labels have several shortcomings, but the inherent inability to accurately reflect dynamic and changing conditions is the most impactful one. Steady-state labels result in high discrepancies with post occupancy behaviour - performance gap. This inaccuracy does not allow the building owner to make informed decisions on time, and restricts the potential of economical exploitation of the building.
E-DYCE will combine innovative approaches with established and widely available tools to create a methodology capable of implementing scalable and adaptable dynamic energy performance certification (DEPC):
- Create a technology neutral methodology for dynamic labelling based on maximizing the free running potential of the building and promoting the use of passive and low cost solutions (e.g. ventilative cooling) instead of constant reliance on mechanical systems.
- Communicate clear actions to the user, as well as their positive effects on the energy consumption to motivate and improve energy behavior.
- Validate the methodology through implementing DEPC in 39 buildings across 5 locations in 4 countries for a total of 60,000m2 heated area.
- Generate energy savings of 1.8 GWh/year, from the first year and aiming to exceed 370GWh and 50million euros in savings by 2028, accounting only for the areas participating in the project.
- Strengthen collaboration between energy experts, authorities and building owners to share the benefits of reliable dynamic certification.
- Adapt to any level of building typology, climate, smartness and scale through dynamic simulation of performance utilizing resolutions from real time, to minutes, hours or days: from traditional buildings to smart-homes.
E-DYCE will be compatible to existing and emerging EPC methods, or can function as a stand-alone DEPC labelling process. The process will not require investment for the user, instead depending on sharing the savings for revenue streams.
Funding Scheme
IA - Innovation actionCoordinator
9220 Aalborg