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Energy and Seismic AFfordable rEnovation solutions

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Report on dissemination to policy makers

This Deliverable is a public report showing the outcome of the activities carried out with policy-makers at local, national and Eu scale. At least two opinion papers will be produced to support the development of policies in this field, and will be included in this deliverable.A first version of this Deliverable will be ready at M24. Then, at M56, a final updated version will be delivered.

Certificates of successful testing

This Deliverable corresponds to the issue of the certificates showing the correct operation of all the prototypes for the e-SAFE components.

Report with e-SAFE requirements

This public report will include the main functional, structural and aesthetic features of the e-SAFE technical components needed to ensure their effectiveness, acceptability and actual compliance with EU regulations. The content of this deliverable will be the strating point for the design of the e-SAFE technical components.

Report with the preliminary co-design outcome

This Deliverable will include the outcomes of the preliminary co-design activities for the real pilot, performed with the help of the early version of the e-DSS.

Renovation space representational model V2.0

This Deliverable is a report that describes the final representational model for the Decision Support System (e-DSS). This second version of the model will be used to work on the final version of the e-DSS (see D4.5).

Report of the co-learning & engagement activities

UNICT facilitators will produce a public report with the results of the co-learning activities during the participative co-design of the real pilot, inclusive of co-analysis, co-design and ex-post evaluation issues.

Report on e-SAFE Dissemination activities

This Deliverable is a report showing the outcomes of the dissemination and communication activities thorugh the project. The first version, delivered at M24, will include the outcomes for the first two years; then, at M60, a final updated version will be delivered.

Call for interest for virtual pilots

This deliverable corresponds to the launch of a public call for expression of interest, to be widely distributed in a variety of languages throughout Europe. The call will ask European building owners and real estate brokers to declare an interest in having one of their properties used as a virtual pilot in the context of e-SAFE.

Final integrated e-BEMS

This Deliverable corresponds to the final version of the e-BEMS (Building Energy Management System), which will be then used for monitoring and management activities in the real pilot.

e-SAFE DSS - first complete version

This is the first complete version of the e-DSS, delivered at M15 and used during the co-design stage of the real pilot.

e-SAFE BEMS early version

This Deliverable corresponds to the first and early version of the e-BEMS (Building Energy Management System).

3D physical and digital models for the real pilot

Physical and digital 3D models of the construction sites for the real pilot are necessary to easily involve the local stakeholders in all activities concerning co-design, demonstration and education.

Detailed survey of the real pilot

During the first two semesters, detailed data gathering activities will be performed on the real pilot. In particular, a complete survey of the building will be carried out through laser scan and drone technologies, and energy bills will be collected and analysed. This Deliverable will then include all plans and detailed drawings needed for the following co-design activities.

BIM-based abacus of solutions

UNICT and UNIBO will convert the e-SAFE components designed in Task 3.3 into BIM models that will contribute to populate a BIM-based abacus. The abacus will include different finishing layers for the panels.

e-SAFE website

This is the public project website for general communication purposes, both internal and external. A responsive design will be used to ensure a versatile use also on mobile devices. After its first release at M4, it will be revised twice: hence, updated versions of the website will be released at M24 and M58.

e-SAFE engagement portal

Amongst the web-based tools needed for engaging the local stakeholders, the e-SAFE engagement portal, developed in synergy with the project web-site, includes a user-friendly digital participatory GIS-based mapping platform.

e-SAFE visual material

This Deliverable consists in customised materials, tools, and templates developed to convey an effective project image and brand. It also includes a video presenting the e-SAFE concept and objectives, released at M4.A second video will be produced at the end of the project (M58) to showcase the work done, that is to say the pilot works, interviews with owners and occupants, financial scheme and business model.

Open Research Data repository

The Open Research Data repository is needed to comply with ORDP requirements set out in Article 29.3 of the Grant Agreement. This repository will be populated by the partners with data and metadata coming from research and monitoring activities, needed to validate the results presented in scientific publications. These research data will be accessible to third parties, free of charge, upon registration. The most convenient format for the ORD repository will be defined by the partners by M9: most probably, the repository will be managed through a dedicated section of the project website.


On the choice of the weather dataset in hygrothermal simulations in Mediterranean climate: MRY vs TWY

Auteurs: Alessandra Urso, Vincenzo Costanzo, Gianpiero Evola, Francesco Nocera
Publié dans: 18th IBPSA Conference - Building Simulation 2023 (BS 2023), 2024, Page(s) 1345-1351
Éditeur: IBPSA
DOI: 10.26868/25222708.2023.1128

The e-SAFE energy and seismic renovation solutions for the European building stock: main features and requirements

Auteurs: Gianpiero Evola, Giuseppe Margani, Vincenzo Costanzo, Carola Tardo, Edoardo Michele Marino, Giovanni Semprini, Roberto Tomasi, Christian Halmdienst, Bart Voortman
Publié dans: 8th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC), 2021
Éditeur: International Building Physics Conference (IBPC)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5549857

e-SAFE: energy and seismic affordable renovation solutions for the decarbonisation and seismic safety of the EU building stock

Auteurs: S. D’Urso, G. Evola, G. Margani, E.M. Marino, L. Saija, A. Ferrante, C. Mazzotti, G. Semprini, L. Vivani, I. Baratta, R. Tomasi, M. Bertoncini, D. Arnone, E. Loucaidou, M. Moran, V. Dorizas, R. Broer, C. Halmdienst, C. Zagorianakos, S. Yumlu, B. Yantac, B. Voortman
Publié dans: 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 2021, Page(s) 12
Éditeur: Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5560506

Heat and mass transfer modelling for moisture-related risks in walls retrofitted by timber materials

Auteurs: Evola, Gianpiero; Urso, Alessandra; Costanzo, Vincenzo; Nocera, Francesco; Marletta, Luigi
Publié dans: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2022, 2023, Page(s) 49-57, ISBN 978-88-6046-191-9
Éditeur: bu,press
DOI: 10.13124/9788860461919_07

Prestazioni energetiche di sistemi di produzione di acqua calda sanitaria con accumuli decentralizzati alimentati da pompa di calore

Publié dans: Riqualificazione energetica del patrimonio edilizio: soluzioni tecniche e finanziarie, 2023, Page(s) 432-443, ISBN 978-88-95620-79-4
Éditeur: AicaRR
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10944916

Energetic optimisation of the domestic hot water system in a residential building by means of dynamic simulations

Auteurs: Valdiserri, Paolo; Jahanbin, Aminhossein; Semprini, Giovanni
Publié dans: Building Simulation Applications BSA 2022, 2023, Page(s) 299-304, ISBN 978-88-6046-191-9
Éditeur: bu,press
DOI: 10.13124/9788860461919_38

Optimization of the slip force in a novel friction-based connection for thw e-CLT technology

Auteurs: Tomasi Roberto, Boggian Francesco, Aloisio Angelo
Publié dans: 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021
Éditeur: COMPDYN 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5607218

Technological analysis of prefabricated timber-based panels for the integrated renovation of RC framed buildings

Auteurs: Giuseppe Margani, Carola Tardo, Giulia Fiore
Publié dans: Design and construction. Tradition and innovation in the practice of architecture, 2021, Page(s) 11
Éditeur: Colloqui.AT.e 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5603046


Auteurs: Angelo Aloisio; Francesco Boggian; Roberto Tomasi
Publié dans: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), 2023, Page(s) 7
Éditeur: WCTE
DOI: 10.52202/069179-0411

Welfare abitativo e rigenerazione urbana nella fase di Recovery. Sperimentazioni d'azione collettiva a Catania

Auteurs: Carla Barbanti, Laura Saija, Giulia Li Destri Nicosia
Publié dans: Forme di welfare e dotazione di servizi, un’eredità in continua evoluzione, 2022, Page(s) 155-164, ISBN 978-88-99237-48-6
Éditeur: Planum Publisher e Società Italiana degli Urbanisti
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10906976

Application of a retrofit system to improve the seismic and energy performances of RC framed buildings

Auteurs: Gabriele Fichera, Veronica Guardo, Giuseppe Margani, Carola Tardo
Publié dans: Procedia Structural Integrity (ESICC 2023 – Energy efficiency, Structural Integrity in historical and modern buildings facing Climate change and Circularity), Numéro 55, 2024, Page(s) 193–200
Éditeur: Elsevier Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2024.02.025


Auteurs: Tardo Carola; Boggian Francesco; Hatletveit Magnus; Marino Edoardo Michele; Margani Giuseppe; Tomasi Roberto
Publié dans: 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, 2021
Éditeur: SAHC 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5586372


Auteurs: Francesco Boggian; Angelo Aloisio; Roberto Tomasi
Publié dans: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), 2023, Page(s) 6
Éditeur: WCTE
DOI: 10.52202/069179-0420

A decision support tool for the co-design of energy and seismic retrofitting solutions within the e-SAFE project

Auteurs: Gianpiero Evola, Giuseppe Margani, Vincenzo Costanzo, Antonio Artino, Dario Luigi Distefano, Giovanni Semprini, Marilena Lazzaro, Diego Arnone
Publié dans: Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB 2022, 2023, Page(s) 10, ISBN 978-981-19-8769-4
Éditeur: Springer
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10864003

Application potentials of a 3D exoskeleton technology combined with prefabricated panels to renovate the modern building stock

Auteurs: Melina Bosco, Sebastiano D’Urso, Giuseppe Margani, Edoardo Michele Marino, Grazia Maria Nicolosi, Carola Tardo
Publié dans: Colloqui.AT.e 2023 - In transizione. Opportunità e Sfide per l'Ambiente Costruito., 2023, Page(s) 1-9
Éditeur: Ar.Tec.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10908486

External steel exoskeleton for a life-cycle upgrading approach for seismic retrofit of existing RC framed structures

Auteurs: Melina Bosco, Erika Licciardello, Edoardo Michele Marino, Francesca Barbagallo, Pier Paolo Rossi
Publié dans: 13th HSTAM 2022 International congress on Mechanics (HSTAM), 2022, Page(s) 9
Éditeur: HSTAM Conference
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10907037

Hygrothermal analysis of CLT-based retrofit strategy of existing wall assemblies according to EN 13788 Standard

Auteurs: Costanzo Vincenzo; Evola Gianpiero; Gagliano Antonio; Nocera Francesco; Marletta Luigi
Publié dans: "6th AIGE/IIETA International Conference and 15th AIGE 2021 Conference on ""Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems (AIGE/IIETA)", Numéro 65 (2-4), 2021, Page(s) 324-329
Éditeur: IIETA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5548289

Preliminary investigation on the transient hygrothermal analysis of a CLT-based retrofit solution for exterior walls

Auteurs: Vincenzo Costanzo; Gianpiero Evola; Luigi Marletta; Giorgio Roccella
Publié dans: CISBAT 2021 - Carbon Neutral Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era, 2021
Éditeur: 6
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5552147

Mechanical Characterization of Energy Dissipation Devices in Retrofit Solution of Reinforced Concrete Frames Coupled with Solid Wood Panels

Auteurs: Tardo Carola; Boggian Francesco; Hatletveit Magnus; Marino Edoardo Michele; Margani Giuseppe; Tomasi Roberto
Publié dans: 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC), Numéro 9, 2021, Page(s) 1-12
Éditeur: SAHC
DOI: 10.23967/sahc.2021.151


Auteurs: Barbagallo Francesca; Margani Giuseppe; Marino Edoardo Michele; Moretti Alberto; Tardo Carola
Publié dans: 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021
Éditeur: COMPDYN 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5576084

Experimental and analytical study of Friction Connection for seismic retrofit with Cross‐Laminated Timber (CLT) panels

Auteurs: Boggian, Francesco; Aloisio, Angelo; Tomasi, Roberto
Publié dans: Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Numéro Vol. 51, Numéro 14, 2022, Page(s) 23, ISSN 1096-9845
Éditeur: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3724

Moisture-Related Risks in Wood-Based Retrofit Solutions in a Mediterranean Climate: Design Recommendations

Auteurs: Urso Alessandra; Costanzo Vincenzo; Nocera Francesco; Evola Gianpiero
Publié dans: Sustainability, Numéro Volume 14, Numéro 22, 2022, Page(s) 18, ISSN 2071-1050
Éditeur: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su142214706

Energy performance of a prefabricated timber-based retrofit solution applied to a pilot building in Southern Europe

Auteurs: EVOLA Gianpiero; COSTANZO Vincenzo; URSO Alessandra; TARDO Carola; MARGANI Giuseppe
Publié dans: Building and Environment, Numéro Vol. 222, 2022, Page(s) 14, ISSN 1873-684X
Éditeur: Elsevier Ltd
DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109442

Multi-objective study on an innovative system for domestic hot water production: A pilot building in Southern Europe

Auteurs: Jahanbin, Aminhossein; VALDISERRI, PAOLO; SEMPRINI, GIOVANNI
Publié dans: Energy and Buildings, Numéro Vol. 293, 2023, Page(s) 18, ISSN 1872-6178
Éditeur: Elsevier Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113181

A sub-assembly based technique for calibration of numerical models of infilled r.c. frames according to experimental tests

Auteurs: Samuel Barattucci; Francesca Barbagallo; Edoardo M. Marino; Claudio Mazzotti; Luca Pozza; Carola Tardo
Publié dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, Numéro Vol. 44, 2023, Page(s) 426–433, ISSN 2452-3216
Éditeur: ELSEVIER B.V.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2023.01.056

Hygrothermal and Acoustic Performance of Two Innovative Envelope Renovation Solutions Developed in the e-SAFE Project

Auteurs: Gianpiero Evola, Vincenzo Costanzo, Luigi Marletta
Publié dans: Energies, Numéro 14/13, 2021, Page(s) 4006, ISSN 1996-1073
Éditeur: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14134006

Optimization of the structural coupling between RC frames, CLT shear walls and asymmetric friction connections

Auteurs: Aloisio, Angelo; Pelliciari, Matteo; Sirotti, Stefano; Boggian, Francesco; Tomasi, Roberto
Publié dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Numéro Vol. 20, 2022, Page(s) 26, ISSN 1573-1456
Éditeur: Springer Nature BV
DOI: 10.1007/s10518-022-01337-8

Technological analysis of a prefabricated timber-based system for the integrated renovation of RC framed buildings

Auteurs: Carola Tardo; Giuseppe Margani
Publié dans: Tema, Numéro Vol 8, Numéro 02, 2022, Page(s) 14, ISSN 2421-4574
Éditeur: Bologna University Press
DOI: 10.30682/tema0802f

Techno-economic analysis of a novel retrofit solution for the domestic hot water system: A comparative study

Auteurs: Jahanbin, Aminhossein; SEMPRINI, GIOVANNI; Goni, Maurizio
Publié dans: Energy Conversion and Management, Numéro Vol. 292, 2023, Page(s) 18, ISSN 0196-8904
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117363

Design of a novel seismic retrofitting system for RC structures based on asymmetric friction connections and CLT panels

Auteurs: Aloisio, Angelo; Boggian, Francesco; Tomasi, Roberto
Publié dans: Engineering Structures, Numéro Vol. 254, 2022, Page(s) 16, ISSN 1873-7323
Éditeur: Elsevier Ltd
DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113807

Experimental Cyclic Response of a Novel Friction Connection for Seismic Retrofitting of RC Buildings with CLT Panels

Auteurs: Boggian, Francesco; Tardo, Carola; Aloisio, Angelo; Marino, Edoardo; Tomasi, Roberto
Publié dans: Journal of Structural Engineering, Numéro Vol. 148, Numéro 5, 2022, Page(s) 19, ISSN 1943-541X
Éditeur: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
DOI: 10.1061/(asce)st.1943-541x.0003313

Probabilistic friction model for aluminium–steel Asymmetric Friction Connections (AFC)

Auteurs: Aloisio, Angelo; Contento, Alessandro; Boggian, Francesco; Tomasi, Roberto
Publié dans: Engineering Structures, Numéro Vol. 274, 2023, ISSN 1873-7323
Éditeur: Elsevier Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115159

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