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Strategies for the Exploitation of Anchors for FLoating Offshore Wind Energy Reaping

Descripción del proyecto

Anclajes eficaces para turbinas eólicas flotantes marinas

El viento marino es una fuente de energía limpia y renovable que ya se aprovecha a través de turbinas fijadas en el fondo de aguas poco profundas. Las tecnologías de flotación, que en la actualidad están en una fase precomercial de desarrollo, permitirían un crecimiento considerable del mercado eólico, ya que abarcarían aguas más profundas y unas velocidades del viento más elevadas. El proyecto SEAFLOWER, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene por objeto apoyar el desarrollo de soluciones de flotación desde una perspectiva geotécnica, lo que contribuirá a superar algunas de las barreras técnicas actuales para aprovechar la energía eólica en aguas profundas. El objetivo consiste en definir un procedimiento numérico que pueda almacenar la experiencia obtenida en el sector energético del petróleo y el gas, y los hallazgos más recientes de las investigaciones relativas a los cimientos de anclaje para poner toda esta información a disposición del mercado de la energía eólica marina.


Actively taking part to the debate on the future energy supply in Europe, SEAFLOWER proposes strategies to exploit anchor foundations for floating offshore wind turbines. Effective solutions can be drawn from the offshore oil and gas industry, where they have been made available over the last three decades. Offshore wind energy developments have distinct requirements on anchoring systems, and a systematic study to aid with a rational transfer of technology between the two energy sectors has not yet been undertaken. SEAFLOWER focuses on this, through a Finite Element (FE) study built on a rich database of consistent experimental evidences. To account for the uncertainties intrinsic to any offshore foundation problems and any technology transfers, an innovative probabilistic framework is used, using meta-modelling techniques. The objective is to define a numerical procedure that can store past experience on anchor foundations and make it available to the needs of the floating offshore wind market. SEAFLOWER addresses the actual phase of FOWT pre-commercial development and the procedure overall contributes towards overcoming the actual technical barriers to the deployment of offshore wind in deep waters. The research builds on the collaboration of internationally renowned institutions: the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems, University of Western Australia (COFS, outgoing, Supervisor Christophe Gaudin), the National Institute for Environmental Science and Research, Université Grenoble Alpes (IRSTEA, secondment, supervisor Franck Bourrier) and the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna (DICAM, return, supervisor Laura Govoni). With SEAFLOWER, through continuous research and training, the experience researcher also challenges his ambitious plan to forge a career in academia, building new knowledge on his competences and skills, while tackling one to the most important societal issues of our century.

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Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 257 209,92
40126 Bologna

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Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Bologna
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 257 209,92

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