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As part as Task 15 this deliverable concerns the monitoring and calculation of the achieved results during the action in terms of energy performance indicators as mentioned in section 21 of the proposal Deliverble 13 is due in M18 project midterm with a final update in M36
Field analysis of the NRG2peers Pilot Sites Readiness levelsAs part as Task 32 this D32 involves the application of the P2P Readiness Levels Framework as developed in Task 31 to the NRG2peers pilot sites Using the elaborated readiness level indicators from T31 the partners will collect relevant information at each of the pilot sites and using input that is already available from WP2 where possible This information will be analysed in order to assess the readiness levels of the pilots in a comparative perspective Next recommendations to improve the readiness levels are developed for each of the pilot sites Both partners with the expertise on the 5 different readiness levels as well as the pilot partners will closely work together in the readiness assessment efforts
NRG2peers Dissemination and Communication Plan - with yearly updatesAs part as D63 a detailed Dissemination and Communication Plan will be delivered within M6 with annual updates M12 M18 M30 The Plan will outline how to use the corporate design and templates as well as a communication strategy and an implementation plan The strategy will define the key stakeholder groups and the tailored communication means to engage them The communication plan will detail the communication actions of each partner and will be updated annually to address eventual upcoming needs and tailor the communication and dissemination activities according to the different phases of project implementation It will also serve as basis to report the undertaken dissemination activities by all partners NRG2peers will apply for at least 3 sessions workshops and presentations at international professional events using the network of panEuropean umbrella organisations The aim is to generate an interactive discussion and receive feedback on the project results NRG2peers will organize a final project event linked to a major international event showcasing the major project results and promoting further rollout
NRG2peers Guidelines and Value Propositions: recommendations for harmonized, holistic and user-centred peer-to-peer energy communitiesAs NRG2peers is focusing on the set up, and the (further) development and uptake of a next generation of energy communities, in Task 2.4, the findings of T2.1, T2.2 and T2.3 will be gathered and structured in this deliverable D1.4 to compile an inventory of the key enabling technologies, social and legislative components to be further developed and to be tested in relation to compliance with local regulation in the selected relevant EU ecosystems. The results of this deliverable will be: 1) national guidelines for implementation of the new generation of peer-to-peer energy communities; 2) relevant national value propositions for peer-to-peer community-based energy trading mechanisms, specifically usable for motivating end users to engage in peer-to-peer energy communities. This collection of recommendations will be shared with the national organisations responsible for the implementation of the energy communities pilot sites through the project partners and shall support the activities conducted in WP3 and WP4.
Report of the Readiness Levels Framework and related indicatorsBeing aware of the fact that Technological Readiness Levels are important but not sufficient to make innovative solutions work in real life in this deliverable D31 we propose additional readiness levels based on previous work and research eg DR BoB Innovative efforts such as the work done on the Smart Readiness Indicators will also be considered in an inventory of indicators that have been used for assessing successful peertopeer energy communities As part as Task 31 D31 will develop a conceptual elaboration of the P2P Readiness Level Framework based on 5 key Indicators 1 User readiness 2 Organisational readiness 3 Institutional readiness 4 Market and financial readiness 5 Technological and physical readiness In an interdisciplinary effort that combines the social scientific buildingrelated market and technological expertise of different consortium partners indicators will be developed for each of the 5 readiness levels Activities to enable this include the following 3 workshops1For the user and organizational readiness levels one or more dedicated workshops are organised to develop indicators for each of these levels led by partners with expertise on these issues eg DW IRIUL UNIPG2For institutional market and financial readiness workshops will be organised eg iLECO DW UIPI HE3For the more technical and physical readiness levels dedicated workshops are led by the partners with expertise on these issues eg IVE iLECO SPECTRAL UNIPG UIPIThe outcomes of the workshops together with relevant findings from WP2 will result in an elaborate P2P Readiness Level Framework It will be assessed what types of information are to be included for the P2P Readiness Level Framework Level 1 in the NRG2peers platform and in which manner in the NRG2peers database will maximize the usability of the NRG2peers Open Data Solution for policy actors project initiators project intermediaries and others involved in energy community development Moreover the framework as developed in T31 and presented in this D31 will be applied in all the NRG2peers pilot sites in D32 enabling a rating and qualification of a ecosystem for hosting an energy community in D32
National roadmaps for the implementation of P2P energy communities in the Member States and relevant EU EcosystemsIn D3.3, as one of the core objectives of NRG2peers is to support the development and operationalization of the NRG2peers national implementation, the partners in the consortium, representing their member states and relevant EU-Ecosystems will use outcomes from D3.1 and fields inputs from D3.2, to draft national roadmaps for the implementation the peer-to-peer energy communities in different national contexts (Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium and the Netherlands).
Report on the operationalization to the involved Member States including platform improvement according to the direct feedback from communities' usersThe report on the operationalization to the involved Member States will be proposed in D4.3 (M39), considering the results of the participatory assessment and including how the NGR2peers platform has been improved according to the direct feedback from communities’ users. D4.3 will present results from Task 4.3 focusing on supporting the further operationalization of the 3 Level functionalities of the NRG2peers gamified platform in the involved NRG2peers communities, enriching and refining existing P2P / energy trading solutions which are implemented at NRG2peers pilot sites, based on the results coming from the field validation (Task 5.3) and participatory assessment of the developed NGR2peers solutions in the pilot sites (Task 5.4). The new features which are developed within the respective P2P trading mechanisms will be evaluated and refined based on direct user feedback sessions and by analysing how participants interact with and navigate through the applications. To support the final operationalization of the platform, deliverable D4.3 will present results of new, gamified features and data visualizations in order to optimize the user experience and encourage deeper engagement. D4.3 will also present new ways of visualizing the benefits of smart energy optimizations and creating greater transparency regarding the source of energy which is purchased by the end-user / energy community. Another key component of this deliverable will be to present the results of the facilitated exchange of anonymized data streams from the associated energy trading platforms through integration with the NRG2Peers Open Data Solution via the APIs specified in Task 4.2.
Individual factsheets characterizing the NRG2peers Pilot SitesDeliverables D52 will include individual factsheets characterizing the NRG2peers Pilot Sites It will gather in a systematic way for each NRG2peers pilot the potentialities and barriers of various nationalregional level The key point of this task for each pilot leader will be working in parallel with a national regulator DSO energy utility consumer association or municipality This is only possible thanks to the highlevel connections and well positioned technical partnership onboard of NRG2peers Feedback and previous experience on usercentred coordination and support actions TripleAreno UCERT and H2020 projects relevant for implementation of demand response and behavioural based optimization logics DrBoB REnnovates MOBISTYLE etc will be crucial to avoid previous mistakes and to promote user friendship of the new peertopeer energy community For each pilot site a basic collection and reporting protocol will be provided in connection to the Action Plan Protocol defined in Task 51 and factsheets developed in WP3 which will be improved according to the local reality and to overcome nationalregional hampering regulations by the case study holders The protocols will be designed to be upscaled and massively implemented once the project will be finished and adopted by the national consumer association energy utility regulator and local municipality
Report on internal monitoring, quality, feedback loops - with yearly updatesAs part as Task 14 the results of the project will be monitored by the participants directly involved in this action This includesOverall monitoring of the progress and achieved results in relation to the project time schedule and schedule of deliverables by the coordinatorMonitoring of the results achieved by the individual participants in terms of quality of the work delivered in relation their tasks and engaging necessary key actors outside the consortium Devising a contingency plan and alternative approaches in case of deviations to the work programme or performance indicators A summarizing report on the results of the internal project monitoringDeliverable 12 will be upated yearly M24 M36
NRG2peers user-centred business models for stakeholdersThe NRG2peers business models and exploitation strategy will be devised as part as D6.5 (M36). To this effect, business and management models and exploitation strategies will be elaborated ensuring further deployment and exploitation of the NRG2peers services and tools, especially the NRG2peers databases. The strategy will be updated towards the end of the project defining the concrete measures and a business plan ensuring the long-term sustainment of the NRG2peers Open Platform after the project lifetime. The exploitation plan will facilitate:‐The upscaling of the methodologies to other /new topics; ‐The upscaling of (national) roadmaps;‐Sustaining the used content within existing tools;‐Upscaling the action to other countries (not represented in the consortium) by a free and open methodology, implementation services and a shared open development platform. For the further exploitation of the NRG2peers concept the consortium will explore how to embed the NRG2peers pilot sites evidence-based experiences and recommendations in broader concepts.
Report on users' perception about energy community among NRG2peers partner countriesFollowing IRIUL guidelines from Task 22 each NRG2peers countries will organize workshops focus groups and interviews involving the pilot energy community in the relevant EU ecosystems and their related national stakeholders with the support of expert ethnographer on site in intense oneweek activities organized by demo holders As part as Task 23 this deliverable aims at collecting and interpreting feedback from the various perspectives of multiple energy community users in order to identify the key features of the usercentred next generation of peertopeer energy community across Europe
NRG2peers policy recommendations for decision makersAs part as Task 6.5, D6.5 will recollect all the regulatory and legislative barriers as well as the practical shortcomings experienced during the implementation of NRG2peers (as identified in T2.4 and T5.3 as well as 6.8) in each pilot site country and it will assess/evaluate them against the background of relevant EU legislation. Building upon the findings of a series of interviews with key stakeholders and decision-makers, this task will allow a deeper understanding of the said barriers in order to determine if and how they could possibly be addressed at EU and national level. The outcome of the analysis will be two-fold:1.a set of policy recommendations on how EU policies could contribute to overcome the barriers and shortcomings which have been experienced at country level. 2.where EU regulations and legislation are adequate, a set of policy and legislative recommendations on how national legislators should transpose the EU regulations and legislation into national legislation, to enable and stimulate the development of local energy communities. A draft version of the policy recommendations will be available for review to all partners at least a month before the final European event (T6.8). During the final event, the policy recommendations will be presented and discussed with policy makers and other stakeholders. The event will thus serve as a first informal validation of the policy recommendations in order to gather relevant feedback which will be included in the final version of D6.6 (M36)
Final report of the NRG2peers Road Shows for Awareness Raising facilitated by the NRG2peers Competence CentreA summary of the experience collected during the Road Shows awareness events promoting NRG2peers, as well as the networking activities of the NRG2peers Competence Centre will be devised in D6.8(M36). As part as task 6.8 activities, this deliverable reports the dissemination actions of the NRG2peers services through awareness raising and demonstration events throughout Europe. The actions will be tailored to different stakeholder types and rely on the national member associations and the national stakeholder network of NRG2peers partners. The Europe-wide roll out of the NRG2peers platform, underpinning community-based communication and dissemination approach, and user-centred business models will be promoted and implemented with the support of the NRG2peers Competence Centre as a physical innovation hub and booster. NRG2peers will support activities, such as the NRG2peer Road Show, in order to:‐promote the new generation of peer-to-peer energy communities,‐raise awareness of the potential of blockchain technology in those communities and support them in their understanding of this technology,‐raise awareness of the benefits of alternative support policies both to energy regulators and the communities themselves,‐promote the application of gamified features as a tool to optimize the performance of energy communities.The NRG2peers Road Show will consist of 7 targeted national workshops and promotion campaigns at MS national level (in NL, IT, ES, SI, SE) linked to the provided national cases. In addition, 3 EU level events (hosted in the framework the NRG2peers Competence Centre in Brussels, one every year of project duration) to address the feedback generated from the pilot sites and from EU umbrellas such as Housing Europe and UIPI, and discuss this with a larger audience of experts and stakeholders at EU level. They will zoom in on different topics (e.g. existing barriers, best practices, etc.) helping to develop and ultimately share policy recommendations T6.6) as well as of local/regional/ national roadmaps to facilitate local energy communities) These dissemination efforts should facilitate:‐The upscaling of (national) roadmaps with support of policy directives;‐Upscaling the NRG2peers actions to other countries (not represented in the consortium) by a free and open methodology, implementation services and a shared open development platform;‐Incubating new user-centred business models empowered by the NRG2peers results and data;‐Expanding the NRG2peers network with the most relevant target groups and market actors;‐Continuously supporting the replication impact of the Competence Centre in laggard/late adopter communities after the project duration.
Final report and executive summary of total project resultsAs part as Task 1.6, all public results will be edited, published and spread as downloadable files, also published in the NRG2peers website. An executive summary will be made, edited and published as a downloadable brochure.
Report on implementation of energy community among NRG2peers partner countriesAs part as Task 21 D21 will build upon the existing studies and initiatives summarising the energy communities implementation across Europe eg BRIDGE BPIE EPBD reports previous EU Projects etc and further detail the analysis and comparison between national implementation practices as a start to come to a better convergence of practices in the NRG2peers partner countries to identify breeding ground for common practices The analysis will focus also on the operative aspects of energy communities such as peertopeer energy trading and behavioural incentives blockchain based support mechanisms for energy communities demandresponse calculation methodology and readiness assessments including the data regarding the energy in and output to and from the energy grid as well as the legislative regulatory and social barriers obstructing the current implementation practices at national level These aspects will be explored taking advantage of the preliminary research brought forward by the project partners REnnovates DRBoB BRIDGE DRIvE ATELIER etc The main scope of this task is to collect ie through questionnaires the rationales behind the various implementation approaches to identify the potential for common practices across NRG2peers countries and propose the next generation peertopeer energy community scheme paradigms
NRG2peers EU Replication and Exploitation Plan - with yearly updatesD64 starts with devising a replication and exploitation plan including a set of special indicators to assess the process outcome and impact of scaling up In this task following activities will be doneAnalysis and identification of possible upscale options Development of an action plan to increase the scalabilityDevelopment of special indicators to assess the process outcome and impact of scaling upFinalizing the scalingup strategy and planFirst endusers and customers of the NRG2peers services will be identified and categorised initially at the level of partner countries and pilot sites then on a broader scale ie beyond the consortium Second their needs will be collected and analysed in the context of different business models by ethnographic approaches interviews focus groups and participant observation This will provide an indepth feedback for designing an optimal and sustainable userfriendly model for viable EU peertopeer energy communities which will be easily adapted according to different cases and stakeholders groups Finally functionalities of the NRG2peers Platform will be defined according to user needs and expectations In addition the usability of the NRG2peers Platform features will be ensured by designing together with the customers and not only for customers in a way to make building occupants more triggered to join the NRG2peers community instead being pulled by traditional national suppliers and regulators Contacts will be made with the EC Support Services for Exploitation of Research Results SSERR in order to optimize the impact and exploitation potential of the project
Guidelines to investigate users' perception about energy communityGoing beyond the rather static divisions between regulators from the supply side eg energy utilities municipalities policy makers etc and the customers from the demand side eg building owners occupants managers etc this deliverable D22 lays the foundation to explore the perception of key relevant stakeholder groups as mentioned in section 131 on the NRG2peers energy community understandability usability reliability userfriendliness costeffectiveness decisiondriving potential etc through a combination of qualitative and quantitative usercentred approaches ie questionnaires focus groups and interviews Social Science and Humanities SSH have the potential to make energy more intuitive and influence customers towards more responsible behaviours The key idea is to understand the users perspectives and to include them in making and improving the set up and uptake of energy communities IRIUL will set up the structure for interaction with the different NRG2peers users groups and test it in selected pilot sites with the national associations representing the full range of stakeholders This will be done in ethnographic pilot Lue first from IRIUL and in the Dutch Pilot Sites by DW and this will be the basis for ethnographic research in all the other pilot sites For an EUwide application the interaction strategy will be finetuned based on this onfield tests training for case holders will be prepared with clear guidelines and protocols how to conduct basic ethnographic inquiries will be given to the case holders
Participatory assessment of the developed NRG2peers solutionsTo assess if the NRG2peers platform meets the needs and expectations of its users, this deliverable D5.4 will include a participatory assessment of the NRG2peers platform, asking the users of the different platform levels to provide feedback on the various usability aspects that have been identified in WP2, in order to explore user perspectives (e.g. understandability, usability, reliability, user-friendliness, attractiveness, credibility, trustworthiness, cost-effectiveness, decision-driving potential, etc). This assessment is done mainly using qualitative methods, whereby the users of different platform levels provide their assessment during interviews, surveys and/or group-level workshops. Based on the analysis of outcomes from Task 5.4, recommendations for improvement of the different platform levels will be provided (for further development/implementation in T5.4) and these will be further elaborated as part of Task 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6.
The full deployment of the Open Data Solution will be proposed in D4.2 (M36). As part as Task 4.2, D4.2 will present the results of the development of the NRG2Peers online platform, including producing graphics and content for the website, as well as embedding the NRG2Peers supporting tools (developed in Task 4.1) and other informational resources for site visitors. Through close collaboration between NRG2Peers partners, and pilot participants, a user-centric design approach will be applied to ensure that the online interface offers seamless navigation and a targeted user experience for visitors. Infographics will be developed in order to communicate insights and to simplify the explanation of complex concepts to visitors who may have had limited exposure to P2P and energy trading mechanisms. Furthermore, interactive elements, including gamification features, will be developed in order to encourage user engagement, education, and broader uptake of energy communities and peer-to-peer trading mechanisms. The Open Data Solution, which will form the data backbone of the NRG2Peers platform, will be developed in this task. This will involve definition of required data models, setting up relational and time-series database systems, and configuration of cloud-based servers for hosting. A core aspect of this task will include the specification and implementation of APIs in order to facilitate integration with NRG2Peers supporting tools and third-party applications, such as existing P2P trading systems implemented at pilot sites. The Open Data Solution will facilitate interoperability and secure access to diverse data streams for associated NRG2Peers tools and services, enabling complex queries of anonymized data to allow sharing insights while ensuring user data privacy. Relevant data privacy agreements and supporting documentation for specification of APIs will be developed in Task 4.2 and presented in this deliverable D4.2
NRG2peers Dissemination Material, including Newsletters and Brochure, Posters, Video, and final reportThe NRG2peers Dissemination Material will be devised as part as D67 including the Newsletters and Brochure M6 M24 Posters M9 and Video M18 and the final report M36NRG2peers will publish an e Newsletter every six months providing information on project progress and results links to press releases articles and interviews Beside distribution to subscribed recipients the consortium partners will disseminate the newsletter to their networks not directly managed by the project The newsletter will address two different stakeholder groups a building professionals and construction sector industry b building users and property owners A project brochure will be produced at two different stages of the project the first one at the beginning of the project M6 to inform relevant stakeholder communities of the project start and its objective The second one will be released towards the end of the project M30 and will focus on the projects achievements and its life after project completion NRG2peers will create printed posters rollups and other general promotional materials to be displayed during fairs conferences and workshops according to the needs using the corporate design templates developed in T61 The consortium members will also have the possibility to adapt and create the promotional materials in national language if necessary
Operational version of the NRG2peers platform and its full deploymentThe first operational version of the NRG2peers platform will be proposed in D41 M18 and its full deployment in month M24 Within Task 41 two supporting data tools which will form a core element of the resources available on the NRG2Peers platform will be developed and integrated with the NRG2Peers Open Data SolutionThe development of the NRG2Peers Readiness Level Indicator Tool will involve creating an intuitive interface which allows users to easily navigate through the tool and input upload relevant information in order to evaluate the project Readiness Level according to the five indicators which were defined in Task 32 Algorithms which automate the evaluation of information supplied by the user will be developed and used as a basis for generating a report and recommendations for the prospective project As part of this task the Readiness Level Indicator Tool will be embedded within the NRG2Peers platform and an application programming interface API will be implemented to enable integration with the NRG2Peers Open Data Solution which will be developed in Task 42Building upon the output of the Readiness Level Indicator Tool the NRG2Peers Advisory App will enable users to get detailed recommendations regarding technical financial legal and governance considerations for their own project based on best practices developed by NRG2Peers partners in complementary research projects A key component of this task will be to translate the outcomes of the lessons learned from the analysis conducted in WP2WP3 and the experiences from past ongoing pilot projects into digitized information and recommendations for users of the Advisory APP This task will focus on the development of the Advisory App which will be built in an online browserbased and mobile optimized environment to maximize usability and accessibility The task will involve creating an interactive user interface to navigate through the resources in the application as well as implementation of relevant data models and APIs to support integration with the NRG2Peers Open Data Solution in Task 42
Detailed Action Plan & Protocols for all the NRG2peers Pilot SitesIn this deliverable D51 for each Pilot Site an Action Plan Protocol APP with detailed implementation layout will be elaborated describing the type of activities to be carried out the schedule of implementation and the relationship with relevant legislations and compliances An agreement among the partners involved in the details of information exchange and common evaluation will be carried out during task development and a common reporting protocol template structure and contents will be agreed The steps of the Pilot Site APP include1Collection of input data from the ecosystem customer segments and from measured energy data demandsupply side link with WP2 and WP3 assessing Applicability customer and technology2Assessment of user friendliness of the existing energy community and support further development link with WP2 assessing Applicability user acceptance3Assessment of the P2P Readiness Level Framework to support the development and operationalization of the national implementation of the NRG2peers link with WP3 assessing Readiness4Assessment of innovative applicable productssolutions and gamified features for reliable energy community link with WP4 assessing Applicability innovative technologies5Assessment of innovative usercentred applicable business models and usercentred value propositions link with WP2 and WP6 assessing Applicability ecosystem6Assessment of the EUexploitation plan and potential market uptake in relevant EU Ecosystems link with WP6 assessing Feasibility EUwide uptake
D5.3 will include the assessment procedure in the NRG2peers demonstrators as: 1)A virtual application: validation through i.e. simulations (demand/response), feasibility study, focus groups, workshops, and applicability assessment (valid for the Italian, Slovenian and Spanish Pilot Sites)2)A real application: validation through i.e. measured and operational performances (valid for the Dutch Pilot sites). A full description of the validation procedures of Level 1, 2, 3 of the NRG2peers platform in the different pilot sites will be provided.
The NRG2peers Website and social media will be devised as part as D62 M3 The project will set up a website as the main interface towards stakeholders interested in NRG2peers services as well as the public It will continuously inform about the achievements of the project and serve as key communication and dissemination channel to involve and enlarge the stakeholders community as well as a sharepoint for the internal communication of the consortium containing all institutional information including working documents and deliverables NRG2peers will be strongly present in the professional Social media networks Twitter LinkedIn YouTube exploiting synergies with existing multiplier platforms ie the REHVA Energy Group 2300 members and other social media channels of the consortium the Build Up portal etc
The NRG2peers Platform and Open Data platform instruction application guide will be included in D4.4.In order to replicate and exploit the NRG2peers services and tools in other Member States or for other technical and conceptual related topics a self-instruction guide will be devised. This guide will be based on the results of WP’s 2, 3.
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