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Actions to Mitigate Energy Poverty in the Private Rented Sector

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

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Guidance on the Energy Poverty Dashboard final

Manual for the use of EPD by users in REACT groups and policy makers

Report on individual energy efficiency policies for energy poverty final

It foresees the implemented activities for the adaptation and implementation of the selected ten policies for the alleviation of energy poverty in the private rented sector of the involved countries.

Monitoring framework (M7)

It presents the main results from the implementation of the developed process in order to monitor effectively the triggered impacts and to assess the design elements of the implemented policies updated M25 32

Overview of key findings and inspiring cases

Analysis paper of the outcomes, regarding the roles of the different stakeholders and the country-specific challenges and opportunities.

Engagement strategies of the REACT groups for each support scheme

Formulation of specific strategies for engaging each REACT group for each support scheme draft strategy and updates in each period

Policy recommendation paper on setting up energy efficiency policies

Set of policy recommendations on multilevel governance of energy poverty

Working Document with guidelines on setting up policies according to best practices and country-specific circumstances (draft)

It includes all the implemented activities for the effective design of the selected ten policies according to the specific needs of energy poor households in the private rented sector of the involved countries

Summary of Proceedings and outcomes from ENPOR events

Report on content, proceedings, participant lists for dissemination events of ENPOR

Final proceedings and material from the EU level events and policy support actions

Summary of all materials from the EU level events, including presentations, participant lists, discussions, key outcomes and eventual booklets/papers

Capacity building material final version

A final report will collect partners MDS and a second report will include the selection of updated materialstools

Analysis and assessment of existing policies in the private rented sector first version

Short evaluation of the policies addressing energy poverty in the PRS and showcasing of best examples

Exploitation and Dissemination Plan final version

Final Plan with dissemination and exploitation objectives and key messages, target groups (including media), tools and distribution channels, and schedule for dissemination activities.

Proceedings on the capacity building activities

Report on initiatives, number of participants/users and feedback

Replication Plan on the possible ways of upscaling best practices

Report illustrating digital tools, protocols and guidelines available

Report on Energy poverty in the PRS - overview and framework first version

Overview of the current situation of the PRS in the EU and its MS, status, statistics, perspectives

Recommendations for replicating best practices for energy poverty in the private rented sector

Guidelines for replicating best practices for energy poverty in the private rented sector.

Analysis and assessment of existing policies in the private rented sector final version

Final Short evaluation of the policies addressing energy poverty in the PRS and showcasing of best examples

Policy report on the gender dimension in energy efficiency policy support and means to address it

Report on gender analyses outlining gender dimension on different policy levels.

Guidance on the Energy Poverty Dashboard draft

Manual for the use of EPD by users in REACT groups and policy makers

Engagement strategies updates of the REACT groups for each support scheme first version

Formulation of specific strategies for engaging each REACT group for each support scheme draft strategy and updates in each period

Report on individual energy efficiency policies for energy poverty draft

It foresees the implemented activities for the adaptation and implementation of the selected ten policies for the alleviation of energy poverty in the private rented sector of the involved countries updated M30

Report on Energy poverty in the PRS - overview and framework updated version

FInal Overview of the current situation of the PRS in the EU and its MS, status, statistics, perspectives

Project identity materials

Basic identity materials for the project brochure fiche and visual identity

Working Document with guidelines on setting up policies according to best practices and country-specific circumstances (final)

It includes all the implemented activities for the effective design of the selected ten policies according to the specific needs of energy poor households in the private rented sector of the involved countries.

Capacity building material first version

A first report will collect partners MDS and a second report will include the selection of updated materialstools

Monitoring outcomes final version (M32)

It presents the main results from the implementation of the developed process in order to monitor effectively the triggered impacts and to assess the design elements of the implemented policies.

Exploitation and Dissemination Plan

Plan with dissemination and exploitation objectives and key messages target groups including media tools and distribution channels and schedule for dissemination activities

Final report summarizing results

Final publishable report with the project key findings for the general audience

Proceedings and material from the EU level events and policy support actions

Summary of materials from the first EU level events including presentations participant lists discussions key outcomes and eventual bookletspapers

Engagement strategies updates of the REACT groups for each support scheme final version

Formulation of specific strategies for engaging each REACT group for each support scheme – draft strategy and updates in each period

Documentation and guidelines for replicating REACT groups

Replication methodology and guidance with indicators of success on how to replicate REACT groups beyond the project geographical borders

Pilot Outcome fiches - Analysis of the policies' outcomes

Outcome fiches for each successful policy identified, based on KPIs and experiences of setting up policies

Final Matrix on structural factors impacting energy poverty policies

Database of factors with weighting score that can affect energy poverty policies and related explanations linking factors with policies’ effectiveness

Matrix on structural factors impacting energy poverty policies

Database of factors with weighting score that can affect energy poverty policies and related explanations linking factors with policies’ effectiveness

Project website

First draft of project website online and updates of materials uploaded (updated M15, 26, 36)

Summary of Printed materials and digital content final version

Final summary of all printed materials (newsletters, reports etc) and also digital materials

Energy Poverty Dashboard Tool

Softwareonline tool providing information on the policiesinitiativesbest practices and mapping to show the geography for of the energy poverty in EU regions

Summary of Printed materials and digital content first version

First summary of all printed materials (newsletters, reports etc) and also digital materials (update M18, 36)

Summary of Printed materials and digital content second version

Interim summary of all printed materials newsletters reports etc and also digital materials

Project website final update

Final Updates of materials uploaded on the website


The Long-Term Effects of Using the Energy Box on Energy Poor Households in the Private Rental Sector in the Netherlands

Author(s): B. E. Weber, N. Vrielink, M. G. Rietbergen
Published in: International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Issue Volume 72, number 2, 2023, Page(s) 57-62, ISSN 1307-6892
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Energy and labour: Thinking across the continuum

Author(s): Stefan Bouzarovski
Published in: Progress in Human Geography, 2022, ISSN 0309-1325
Publisher: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/03091325211051478

Just Transitions: A Political Ecology Critique

Author(s): Bouzarovski, S.
Published in: Antipode, 2022, ISSN 0066-4812
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Inc.

Decarbonisation of the Polish residential sector between the 1990s and 2021: A case study of policy failures.

Author(s): Bouzarovski, S. & Sokolowski, J.
Published in: Energy Policy, 2022, ISSN 0301-4215
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112848

Injustices at the air–energy nexus

Author(s): Stefan Bouzarovski & Caitlin Robinson
Published in: Environment and Planning F, Issue Volume 1, Issue 2-4, 2022, Page(s) 168-186, ISSN 2634-9825
Publisher: Environment and Planning F
DOI: 10.1177/26349825221123574

The diversity penalty: Domestic energy injustice and ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom

Author(s): Stefan Bouzarovski, Manon Burbidge, Amish Sarpotdar & Mari Martiskainen.
Published in: Energy Research & Social Science, 2022, ISSN 2214-6296
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102716

How to improve energy efficiency policies to address energy poverty? Literature and stakeholder insights for private rented housing in Europe

Author(s): D. Papantonis, D. Tzani, M. Burbidge, V. Stavrakas, S. Bouzarovski, A. Flamos
Published in: Energy Research & Social Science, 2022, ISSN 2214-6296
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102832

Mapping European projects, Energy citizenship and energy poverty

Author(s): Della Valle, N. and Czako, V.
Published in: Energy citizenship and energy poverty, 2022, ISBN 978-92-76-45224-9
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union
DOI: 10.2760/04963

Shining a light on energy poverty in the European private rented sector

Author(s): Vondung, F., Burbidge, M. & Bouzarovski, S.
Published in: 2022
Publisher: Google Scholar

"Study ""Assessing the split-incentives framework for mobilizing energy efficiency interventions in buildings"""

Author(s): C. Tourkolias
Published in: 2022
Publisher: Study commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Energy

Handbook on energy justice

Author(s): Bouzarovski, S., Fuller, S., & Reames, T. (Eds.)
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

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