Description du projet
La conception d’une nouvelle machine à tricoter
Les machines à tricoter circulaires sont couramment utilisées dans l’industrie de l’habillement. Toutefois, leur utilisation est souvent assortie d’un travail manuel ou à des machines à mailler complémentaires. Le projet ClosedToe, financé par l’UE, propose une solution innovante pour convertir les machines existantes en machines tout-en-un. La solution consiste en une remise à niveau qui consiste à ajouter un instrument aux machines à tricoter circulaires. La technologie ClosedToe est déjà installée et testée sur des machines à tricoter qui produisent des chaussettes, et elle permet de coudre plus facilement ensemble la partie orteil et la chaussette. Le projet étudiera l’adaptation de la technologie aux types les plus courants de machines à tricoter circulaires et, par conséquent, réalisera une étude de marché approfondie et planifiera la stratégie de commercialisation.
We have 20+ years’ experience working with precision mechanics for several industries. We have a number of own developments and products including patents for knitting machines. Based on our experience with knitting machines we have developed (and patented) the ClosedToe technology and have installed it on 50 circular knitting machines. Our ClosedToe solution allows the retrofitting of circular knitting machines with a device which folds the toe part of the sock together so it can be sewn together with the same machine. As a result, existing machines can be converted easily to become an all-in-one machine eliminating the need for a linking machine and manual labour.
At present we have developed the ClosedToe solution for one brand to be used in two of their machines, but to reach commercial success we need to adapt it to the most common brands and types of circular knitting machines used by the industry. The aim of the ClosedToe Phase 1 project is to carry out an extensive market research and identify the most commonly used knitting machines by the industry and conclude a market entry and commercialisation strategy. During the Phase 2 development we will develop the ClosedToe solution for the identified machine types and enter the market according to the predefined strategy.
The potential impact of this development is huge in the long term, but even in the short term we see that the ClosedToe technology will generate a significant profit 3 years after the development is completed. We have wide range of networks (over 50 past customers) and based on feedback from our flagship partners there is a significant need for our innovation. This gives us the perfect platform to commercialise our new technology.
Régime de financement
SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Coordinateur