Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ENZYCLE (Microbial ENZYmes for treatment of non-recyCLEd plastic fractions)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2023-06-01 al 2024-05-31
The combined efforts have led to the discovery, production and characterisation of new enzymes from natural microorganisms found in soil, seawater and landfill. These enzymes have demonstrated their potential to break down plastics into their original monomers. The most promising enzymes and the biological systems that produce them have been further improved for industrial use. In parallel, robust processes for depolymerising the different plastic fractions at pilot scale have been developed. Sophisticated approaches based on green supercritical technology were then used to recover and purify the monomers prior to their conversion into new plastics. Studies on the quality of the monomers and the properties of the plastics produced from them provide guidance on their use. At the end of the project, polyurethane (PU) foams, polyethylene (PE) films and repolymerised PET suitable for thermoforming applications were successfully produced.The techno-economic analysis carried out shows that the enzymatic recycling technology is feasible, although optimisation (of both the enzyme production and the recycling process) is still required to achieve commercial viability. Targeting premium applications, such as sportswear, could provide an immediate market for the recycled terephthalic acid. A notable outcome of this project is the development of BioProcessNexus software, a freely available tool that allows stakeholders to calculate economic and environmental metrics to facilitate informed decision making in process engineering.
Comprehensive strategies were put in place to streamline IP processes to ensure they are in line with industry best practice, covering key aspects such as confidential know-how, publications and patentability options. A patent application has been filed for the purification and crystallisation process of TPA: P100947NL00 (30.05.2024).The highlights of D&C activities have been :
- Social media community reached 930 followers.
- 2 scientific papers published in 2023, 8 manuscript in preparation for peer-reviewed publications.
- 32 poster and oral presentations at conferences.
- Discussion workshop/ roundtables with 2 school classes about plastic recycling, bio-based plastics and biodegradation (European Researchers Night “Life is Science”).
- ENZYCLE webinar together with sister projects (BIZENTE and RECOVER) “The potential of enzymatic plastic recycling”.
- Final event (9th to 10th April 2024, Madrid).
ENZYCLE continued to release regular newsletters, to publish articles at the “News” section of the website (25 articles) and to distribute the ENZYCLE card game at open events.
Technologies have also been developed to enable more cost-effective production of enzymes, as well as new processes for the depolymerisation of PET containers and multilayers of polyesters and polyolefins, and for the treatment of microplastics in wastewater streams.
This project has deepened the scientific and technical understanding and explored new industrial sectors for enzyme applications by creating new sectoral linkages. ENZYCLE technologies will promote the creation of new value chains between the biotechnology sector and the chemical and waste management sectors, which will have a positive impact on the creation of new jobs, transforming traditional low-skilled jobs into high-skilled jobs.
The environmental impact will be reduced by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. The landfill of non-recycled fractions will be reduced as Enzycle processes represent a new paradigm in the treatment of complex waste fractions. Such processes are also positioned as safer technologies. In the case of enzymatically recycled (er) TPA compared to virgin (v) TPA, more than a 50% reduction in GHG emissions per kg of PET was shown to be possible. For erPE compared to v low-density PE (LDPE), the reduction in GHG emissions is around 35% per kg of PE obtained. Considering that the processes still have room for optimisation, these are very promising results. Considering a plant treating 50,000 Mt of PET trays/year, which is the scale used for the techno-economic assessment, almost 14,000 Mt CO2 eq would be saved compared to the baseline scenario (30% landfill + 70% incineration).