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For a full data privacy on the go.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LPS (For a full data privacy on the go.)

Reporting period: 2019-10-01 to 2020-02-29

Allpriv is a cybersecurity company involved in efficient nomadic data privacy protection.

Employees working out of office in situations like:
- Telework, occasionally or permanent. Covid19 pushed lot of employees to telework during confinement.
- Visiting Partners, Costumers: to work on projects, commercial offers …
- Assist or leading Conferences, making presentations …

The Issues:
1.- Working out of office bring extra dangers not existing in office:
- Carry Laptop, … out office, (can be lost or stolen, and information unveiled)
- Stay connected, connecting to public WIFI can be dangerous, (Lot of public WIFI are compromised)
- Using USB drives, with presentations, information, (plugin it can bring Malware)

To protect them, IT/CISO install multiple security software on the employee’s laptops (VPN, Firewall, Authentication, Tokens …)

But the problem is that is bringing lot of pain points:
- Users are stressed because lot of stressful steps, and lot of time wasted before get connected…
- IT/CISO pains are much longer & harder to maintain laptops off site than office network.

The result of these pain points is a loose of productivity and efficiency. Stress and waste of time.

ALLPRIV created a DISRUPTIVE solution, changing the paradigm of the data privacy on the go.
The objective for Allpriv solution is:
- Grow security at same level than at office,
- Solve users pain points with an Easy to use solution.
- Solving Most IT/CISO pain points, reducing remote laptops maintenance.
- Increasing Company Efficiency, Productivity, and money saving.
Now, after validated perfect market fit, confirmed also with Covid19, our objective is disseminating our solution quickly.
Allpriv Project started around 2015 by studying all data privacy & cybersecurity nomadic staff issues.
What and how are the dangers, strategies to hack nomadic employees, but also study all the legacy solutions to protect staff on the go (VPN, Firewall, Token …) and all their lacks.

Then started working in how to build protection strategies for a better answer than legacy solutions.

That bring us to work in a change of Paradigm for nomadic cyber-protection with our Disruptive solution. File 5 international patents…

We spent more than 4 years in our Lab to building prototypes of our disruptive solution.
During all this R&D time we were only focus in the technical issues detected and how to solve them.

Allpriv made some presentations, in shows like Websummit, RSA, Eurosatory, CES (Allpriv is honored by a CES Innovation Award in data privacy & Cybersecurity).
During these shows, Allpriv received a large traction from large organizations, had discussions with lots CISO, understand their pain points,

With the study the objective was to check if all the work we performed in our projections, R&D, creating Prototypes, … is going to interest the market, answer & solve pain points, FIT to Market.

For this study, the objective was to go from our Lab to the real world with real day to day pains.

Our great traction allowed us to find incredible beta testers for our solution. The study was combined as a POC with 2 World class companies: Credit Agricole (3rd European Bank), An European insurance leader an SMB accounting firm and a SMB Lawyer firm
That means about 100 Beta testers using daily our LPS during 6 month
The works performed during this study were divided in chapters:
1.- See, hear their pain points and demo of their legacy solutions (End user & IT Members sides)
2.- Show our LPS Solution, explain how it works, how to use, how to maintain …, and loan prototypes for testing
3.- Receive feedbacks, make updates, iterations, upgrades…
4.- Finally Received unanimous validation (from users to IT/CISO) and even start commercial discussions for deployments.

This study allowed us:
Validate our disruptive solution & change of paradigm in data protection out of office.
But also, validate that our solution is really answering to major pain points as well for end users than IT/CISO Teams & organizations.
Our solution is increasing cybersecurity, but also efficiency and productivity at all organization levels.
Our Solution is ready Fit-to-Market
We started the project in 2014, studying hacks, legacy security lacks, filled patents, technical R&D, building Prototypes, POC, to MVP … Million hours worked performing a disruptive solution correcting the lacs and breaches of legacy solutions.
LPS is a disruptive solution changing paradigm of cybersecurity on the go.
Today, not only technical issues of legacy solutions are solved, but also social issues & pain points. Allpriv is starting industrialization for mass production & dissemination of a first commercial version.

When started this study, the technical R&D of Prototype was ready for a POC.
In LAB, we knew that our solution was solving lots of technical issues, closing cyber lacks, breaches … of the legacy solutions.

The question in this study was: Is our solution going to solve user pain points? Is it answering to market needs?

First, after deployment we were surprised of how fast & massive adoption from all beta testers.
Second, we discovered after just few days that most of users were using LPS in real conditions (instead in sandbox).
After a long meeting with Credit Agricole CISO, he understood the disruption, the benefits and he encouraged all users to use it in real conditions.
With this panel of more than 100 users using it in real conditions daily during 6 month and having weekly meetings for feedbacks … we discovered new benefits of LPS solution:

Final Debriefing with organizations & users could report us:
- Technical issues of Legacy solutions are solved (and confirmed by pen test audits paid by Credit Agricole showing that Allpriv LPS is more secure than their actual legacy solutions!)

- LPS is also solving Usage Pain Points, bringing extra Socio-economic & societal implications benefits:
- End users, nomadic employees: Faster & easier way to connect, start working without any stress or waste of time. Confirmed again during confinement and home office ….
- For It Teams: Easier & faster deployments & maintain all remote laptops without stress of disrupt. Gain of time for maintenance, allowing to do other more interesting operations than just test & push updates.
- For organizations benefits are: Gain of Efficiency, Productivity, Time, Money, employee’s wellness… are some of the benefits reported.

The debriefing of the study allowed us to update our marketing presentations:
from “what are the risks”
to “what are the benefits for USER, IT/CISO, ORGANIZATIONS. The gain of efficiency, security, productivity…”
Thanks to this Study, Allpriv could validate that 5 years of technical R&D is in a perfect FIT to the market needs to cover several pain points.

Covid pandemic, confinement and post confinement situation: Home office, … is proving that LPS is in a perfect answer to market needs: Work out of office at same protection level than at office.
Organizations are changing their habits: Exit Open Space, Teleworking is going to be the new standard.

ALLPRIV is already working in the industrialization for mass production, working in the distribution strategy and channels, this means create more than 50 employments in the future following KPI projections.
Allpriv is applying to SME-2 for October in order to success dissemination & commercial take off.