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For a full data privacy on the go.

Descrizione del progetto

Proteggere i dati in connessioni Wi-Fi non protette

Cosa succede quando il dirigente di un’azienda si connette a una rete Wi-Fi non protetta durante un viaggio o se il laptop di un membro dello staff viene rubato durante una trasferta di lavoro? In entrambi i casi, la sicurezza dei dati personali è stata compromessa. I problemi di sicurezza sono uguali anche per la popolazione crescente di nomadi digitali, professionisti che lavorano in remoto. Sebbene non siano vincolati al lavoro d’ufficio, essi sono più esposti alle minacce digitali. Il progetto LPS, finanziato dall’UE, sta sviluppando la sicurezza informatica nomade di prossima generazione. L’obiettivo è quello di interrompere il modo in cui la privacy dei dati viene protetta fuori dall’ufficio, miniaturizzando un intero stack di sicurezza in un formato hardware portatile che incorpora blockchain di livello avanzato, intelligenza artificiale e molte altre tecniche di protezione. Questo approccio costituirà un progresso tecnologico senza precedenti.


AllPriv is developing next generation nomadic cybersecurity set to entirely disrupt the way data privacy is protected out of the office. Recipient of a CES innovation award, early stages of its technology have already drawn the attention of large enterprises (banks, energy giants…).
The growth of telework and the need for productivity during business travel entails exposures such as connection to unsecured WiFi, device loss, and compromised data exchange. Each of these factors pose major security threats to enterprises.
Current lead vendors offer partial solutions only, mostly via software embedded in laptops, a far-cry from the level of sophistication offered within the walls of the enterprise.
Allpriv has decided to tackle this unresolved problem by formulating a disruptive plan: shield user laptops upstream of them instead embedded in them, miniaturize an entire security stack into a portable hardware format that embeds advanced Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and several more protection techniques. This approach requires overcoming major technology hurdles that no vendor or even research lab has succeeded in doing so far.
After implementing just our first feature (WiFi), Europe’s 3rd largest bank found it compelling enough to request paid testing.
Allpriv plans to develop now the most groundbreaking part of its technology by turning the inventions listed above into a concrete design, and jointly testing them with early adopters such as the aforementioned bank.
These objectives are tough but attainable: the company filed 6 patents, and has hired a team of expert PhDs. The company CEO, a repeat entrepreneur, has already grown an IT venture to the 3rd largest of its kind in Europe. Both the team capability and early results demonstrate our ability to reach our objectives.
Allpriv seeks an SMEi1 grant to accelerate R&D. It has a unique opening to respond to a burning demand by overcoming major technology challenges and hence contribute to employment in EU.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00
34150 ANIANE

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Occitanie Languedoc-Roussillon Hérault
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 71 429,00