Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SenseFuture (Sensing the future: novel agronomy for resilient farming systems)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-01-01 do 2022-12-31
To meet O1, we conducted a two-season field trial with early sown crops in Australia. The effects were determined using a range of approaches such as drones, biomass cuts and soil water content determination.
• O2: To compare deep water dynamics and farming efficiency of dual-purpose crop to develop grazing management guidelines
To meet O2, we have grazed dual-purpose crops such as wheat and canola. The main intensive investigation was done on wheat. As a result, we were able to collect 2-season data on shoot recovery, root growth dynamics and water use by the dual-purpose crops. Also we have carried out an extra experiment in Denmark to investigate the same effect – which is being prepared as a manuscript.
• O3: To compare summer cover cropping with the conventional fallow
I have participated in conceptualizing summer cover cropping in Australian condition by publishing a review paper.
• O4: To use a simulation model with validated datasets acquired from a wide range of management and environmental conditions to extrapolate experimental observations beyond the soils and seasons involved in the experiments
We are collecting datasets in Australia to be ready for the model simulation upon the return phase. One manuscript on process-model simulation is being prepared based on the data collected in Australia.
We will input these validated crop data into APSIM model, which will reveal the value of our management on the early-grazed dual-purpose wheat, which will be a helpful agronomic practice in this water-limited environment.