Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BL2F (Black Liquor to Fuel by Efficient HydroThermal Application integrated to Pulp Mill)
Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2024-03-31
WP1, led by Tampere University, focused on developing the IHTL technology at the pilot plant and batch tests at KIT. In Task 1.1 Different BLs were characterized. The pilot plant was able to be operated, but the obtained sample sizes were limited. Downstream processes were able to be tested with real feedstock, but most of the development was made with model feeds. Batch tests were made in 1.2 for chemical research of the HTL of BL at KIT. Extra tests with lower pH feed were made to enhance the phase separation. In task 1.3 the novel design of the IHTL reactor (Dual zone) was made and successfully piloted without blocking and corrosion issues, the salt separation reached the targeted > 90 % level. The IHTL reactor design was based on advanced CFD calculations. An optical online measurement was tested at T1.4 and was found to have potential for further research. Task 1.5 found that X10 is a feasible alloy for the BL HTL.
WP2 focused on the behaviour of different salts in HTL environment. The phase equilibria data were obtained from HP-DSC instrument over a wide temperature range of interest (300 - 400 °C). The results indicate that carbonates were found to be more favourable for salt separation. An idea for enhancing the process was made. In addition to the salt separation, some biocrude was found in the brine. Another phase separation might be needed. In Task 2.3 APR, process design and catalyst were designed and tested. A modelling study of the Gas treatment at Pulp Mill was conducted successfully in T2.4.
For the IHDO development in WP3 (Catalyst development, HDO testing and application testing), suitable support material and catalyst were found. In the application testing, the biocrude was found to have potential, but still some further research is needed.
WP4 studied the process design and feasibility of IHTL plant, upgrading of bio-oil, and the integration of the IHTL plant into the pulp mill. A detailed process design was made and analysed for cost and performance. The original design was found too complicated and due to reducing of the CAPEX and OPEX IHDO and APR were left out from the final process design. To remain the energy balance of the Pulp Mill some bark (20 - 25 %) are added to the BL in the feeding of HTL.
WP5 evaluated the environmental and economic sustainability and circularity by developing the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and circularity assessment methodology. The findings are presented in academic publications.
WP6 explored the exploitation of the project results. The policy framework for advanced biofuels was investigated. Sweden and Finland were found most favourable for a successful market uptake of the technology.
The Dissemination and Communication work package (WP7) communicated, disseminated, and engaged stakeholders, via social media, website, publications, and attendance to events successfully. A successful awareness campaign was carried out in the social media.