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Graphene Flagship Core Project 3

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - GrapheneCore3 (Graphene Flagship Core Project 3)

Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2023-09-30

The Graphene Flagship has witnessed a continued shift towards higher technology readiness levels and an increased role of system-level research, e.g. by the spearhead (SH) projects that build upon the results of the earlier parts of the project, and that were launched at the beginning of Core 3. This shows that the Graphene Flagship is well on the way towards realizing its overarching goal of taking graphene from academic laboratories to society.
Given the scale of the Graphene Flagship, it would be impossible to describe all of the main results that were achieved in a single summary. However, we attempt to illustrate the breadth of the work carried out by picking a few examples that show the progress at all levels of maturity – both understanding, development, and application readiness and implementation.

Starting with the most fundamental studies, the WP Enabling Science (WP1) has focused on the so-called twistronic structures, multilayered stacks of two-dimensional materials where the orientation of the layers is carefully controlled. Many of the properties of the stacks depend so sensitively on the twist angle that twistronics can be described as a new direction, or dimension, of physical chemistry or materials science. Careful control of the twist angle (to within 0.2°) can be used to introduce superconductivity or ferroelectricity and opens completely new possibilities for technologies that are now being intensely researched globally. Moving on to a somewhat more mature technology, we can mention the universal spin logic structures studied in WP Spintronics (WP2). These reprogrammable structures work as all-spin logical OR or AND gates and can combine logic and non-volatile memory functions in a single circuit. Fundamentally, the structures are made possible by the long spin coherence length within graphene.

From WP9 we find the development of bringing graphene from its native form into lightweight and highly conductive (<1000 Ωcm) washable yarns impressive, which is accomplished by mastering different processing steps to create the durability needed to also create demonstrators and intellectual property. Moving to other flexible solutions we find many human interactive devices – enabled by skin-friendly electrodes, but also devices not only monitoring plant growth, but in fact stimulating it.

In WP12 the work on next generation energy storage is exemplified by the progress in lithium-sulfur batteries, reaching gravimetric energy densities ≥400 Wh/kg, which is beyond the state-of-the-art of lithium-ion batteries today, and thereby opens for markets such as electric flight. The role of graphene has been a graphene-coated cathode current collector, that ensures stable operation, but improvements in terms of cyclability are still needed. This also shows the versatility of graphene in batteries as in GrEEnBat (SH9) it is enabling stable cycling of Si-based anodes.

Moving to the issue of water purification, both SH1 Graphil and WP13 has utilized foams and aero-materials and created patents both on organic contaminants, as well as desalination. Alongside this, WP13 has had similar air-oriented efforts resulting in tests in a real Airbus A320 deserves a special mention. This is a (very) large-scale prototype within SH6 (AEROGrAFT) that also has the unique ability to self-clean/sterilize the filter.

The eye-catching object #1 at the Graphene Week 2023 was for sure the Dallara Stradale graphene prototype car – which illustrates the work on graphene composites in WP14 elegantly, with impact such as significantly reduced vibrations and increased flexural strength of the body of the car, and an interior with improved thermal and fire resistance. In parallel, much work has been devoted to creating the underpinning technology of highly concentrated masterbatches to enable cost-effective and simplified manufacturing processes of composites.

Another example comes from SH3 CircuitBreakers which has taken on what may seem a low-tech problem of lubrication. The patent applied innovation is the creation of a circuit breaker with a grease-free mechanical actuation, accomplished by a dry and self-lubricating metal-graphene coating. This not only avoids issues from grease ageing and weather conditions on performance and extends the life-length of the device, it also reduces both cost and environmental impact due to eliminating the need for frequent maintenance and is therefore truly a smart and sustainable product within the energy distribution sector. As for many other activities within Core 3, this technology device solution is accompanied by simultaneous development of scalable and cost-efficient materials process solutions. Here these additionally have the important “future-proof” perspectives of being based (partly) on recycled materials, adhering to the principles of circular production, and also being PFAS-free, which might turn truly crucial.

SH GBIRCAM (SH7) deals with graphene-based infrared cameras and has introduced the next product in their line of cameras, following after the single-pixel unit and the line sensor. The 80x60 superpixel unit incorporates three detectors per pixel, thereby covering a wide range of frequencies from visible to medium wavelength infrared. Its applications include, among other things, identifying different materials in a recycling facility.

As the last example, WP Biomedical Technologies (WP5) has recently spun off the company InBrain that aims at commercializing the neural electrode technology that has been developed in the Graphene Flagship. The company has already attracted some 17.5 million euros venture capital, which shows strong belief in graphene-based biomedical technologies. This view is further strengthened by the collaboration agreement InBrain recently signed with Merck on graphene-based bioelectronic vagus nerve therapies, targeting severe chronic diseases within the therapeutic areas addressed by Merck.
By now, the Graphene Flagship has resulted in more than 5,400 publications that have been cited more than 250,000 times, showing the remarkable academic output of the project. Academic output is, however, only a means to an end: our end goals are technological and societal impacts which both take longer to materialize. Yet, also in that respect we are performing well, as is evident from the fact that thus far 20 new companies have been spun off by Graphene Flagship partners, and many of them have attracted substantial private funding – about 170 MEUR by latest account – to take their technologies further to the marketplace. The size of the core project has stabilized at about 170 partners, but we see substantial growth in the number of Associated Members (today 128). Most of the Associated Members are industrial, which further strengthens the impact of the project.
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