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New electrical energy storage device towards sustainable mobility

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - HYCAP (New electrical energy storage device towards sustainable mobility)

Período documentado: 2021-10-01 hasta 2022-12-31

Modern societies require a large abundance of materials. Whether arising as naturally-occurring or synthetic, the entire life cycle of a material - extraction, processing, design, engineering, innovation, selection, use and disposal of materials can bring a significant impact on the economy, environment, human health and quality of life. Therefore, materials life cycle directly affects the cost-benefit ratio, which dictates its success in the market.

Among the different occurring materials, some are simply forbidden to be used because they are toxic. Perhaps the most well known examples are the metals mercury, lead and cadmium. The use of these material is now very restricted because of its toxicity, however, still today, a great exemption exists for Lead to the fabrication of Lead-acid batteries because of lack of alternative technologies in applications like engine starting and backup power.

The aim of the Hycap project is to introduce to the market a supercapacitor module capable to replace or to drastically reduce the use of lead-acid batteries, while keeping its easier installation and use for rapid mainstream adoption.

To achieve this we have developed Go-Start, a supercapacitor module with proprietary technology that will target one of the most impactful applications in terms of consumption of lead: Engine starting in vehicles. Lead-acid batteries are used today in practically every vehicle, but because of its short life cycle it brings significant costs due to regular replacement.

The overall objectives of Hycap are therefore to introduce Go-Start to the market, validate the win-win situation for society and businesses, and scale-up the production for market entry.
The company has grown to support the establishment of a new pilot manufacturing to scale-up production.
Several iterations on the production now guarantee an industrial grade reproducibility and lower production cost are being implemented to guarantee that the product will be price competitive.
Tests with potencial customers in (Asia, USA and Europe) have been implemented in automotive and stationary applications.
Commercial partnerships has been stablished with companies in Asia, USA and Portugal. Target applications include large vehicles (trucks, buses), but also stationary and industrial equipment.

Expected results:
• Validate Go-Start module with 10 targeted clients, and with at least one large fleet operator with more than 100 vehicles.
• Scale-up production to sustain market entry.
• Demonstrate the impact with Go-Start module: Reduce operational costs of our customers, provide a better alternative to lead based products, grow the company and target other applications.
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