Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SUNSTONE (OMTLAB’s Real time positioning system for smart & flexible manufacturing)
Período documentado: 2021-04-01 hasta 2022-06-30
Our SUNSTONE system has been demonstrated (piloted) in relevant environments at LEAR Corp., FLEX, Foxconn, Haldex, etc. Based on the findings from these pilot tests we aim to scaleup the SUNSTONE system so it can be commercialised. To achieve this, we will require business development, global maintenance and support establishment along with product development (ease of installations, prepare for mass production, SW implementation of business logic, interfaces to third party MES and ERP packages, cyber security)
We intend to scale-up our product and company so that we can provide location-based services for the manufacturing industry worldwide. We will enter the international market initially through our piloting partners and ensure growth by involving integrator & distributor partners.
According to our piloting findings our disruptive SUNSTONE system will increase the overall efficiency of flexible manufacturing by 15% resulting in fast return on their investment of our affordable technology. The uptake of the technology will ensure profitability in the first year, a breakeven on our investment in 2 years and doubling our company size in 3 years.
In the 2nd period we have managed to complete the software optimisation that included time synchronisation, data acquisition, position engine and cyber security. In the 3rd period we experienced some more delays mainly due to the component delivery times that meant that an additional 3 months extension was asked for and granted. With this 3 months extension, the project could be completed successfully and pilots could be carried out at 4 locations for different use cases to demonstrate the advantages of the SUNSTONE RTLS system.
In parallel with the technological development, we focused on communication and commercial activities as well, mainly on face-t-face meetings so we could promote our product. By the end of the project, we have established over 500 new leads that resulted in 20 commercial agreements to date.
Furthermore, RTLS technologies have been applied in healthcare for a number of years and the benefits have been very positive. Using the SUNSTONE solution in healthcare can open new business opportunities although it requires technology adaptation.
This means SUNSTONE has the potential to have a great impact on the manufacturing industry and on other sectors as well.